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John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

An analysis of the common reason of Tardiness among selected Grade 9

Students of Saint John Colleges S.Y 2019-2020

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Junior High School

St. John Colleges

City of Calamba

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Junior High School

Abin, Joyce Robelle Alcantara

Carreon, Marie lie de luna

Corporal, Tricia Mae Sianoya

Datiles, Ryle Lawrence Eiyael Geca

Narvaez, Michael Laurence Manuel

Sawada, Anthony Bernard Dula

Teacher: Ms. Mary Joy Bandojo

11 September 2019
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359




Nowadays, Tardiness has already become a habit of some students nowadays, being tardy means
coming late on school even their house is just beside their school and it can lead to more serious
problems affecting their academic learning as well as in their performances, if a student is not on time
every day the student cannot perform well in class discussions, when passing their output after
deadline is also an example of being tardy But up to now students are still unaware of what will be the
consequences to their academic performance , in this study the researchers will aim on finding an
answer to the different causes and how to avoid being tardy.

The existence of education for all especially for the youth has historically been viewed as important and
necessary to the existence of a civilized democracy. The duty of the educational system is to educate
the whole child, preparing the child to be a productive member of society (Alensworth, 2007). According
to Oxford Advanced learners’ Dictionary the term “lateness “implies a situation where an individual
arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual. Furthermore, Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to
describe “people not showing up on time”. Breezes et al. (2010) contributed by saying that lateness is
synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up
with proper or usual timing. It is obvious therefore that lateness could be seen as a system of network
breakdown (Difiaghor, 2011); a situation of not meeting up with programmer… a function of time… time
is the criteria and determinant of lateness. Lateness to school by students is one of the observable
problems in education system. Lateness to school relates simply to the failure to be present at
appropriate times for school activities/lesson – leading to certain deficiencies in the attainment of the
goals and objectives of the institution. The subject of lateness to school, though not specifically
mentioned in the National Policy on Education, may however be related to ascertain elements in every
aspects of the policy. A student who was not in the school during morning assembly may miss-out on
some important
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

information and may thus be subject to some acts that could cause disharmony in the institution. Also,
where a student is punished for lateness and another is not, for the same offence, may lead to the
undermining of the principle of ‘equality’ in the country (Nakpodia, 2010).Lyons and Griffins (2008)
stated that tardiness or lateness affects not only the student who is late for class, but also the other
students in class, the teacher instructing the class, the administrators imparting discipline, school
district ratings, eventually reaching work places, and in extreme cases, expanding court room dockets
with potential financial costs to parents. Tardiness is a form of truancy (Jones & Lovrich, 2011) and
often is a precursor to or associated with other delinquent behaviors (Christenson & Thurlow,2004).
Truancy is a pervasive problem across the nation (Henry & Huizinga, 2007) and holds serious
consequences for the individual student, the family, and society (Jones & Lovrich, 2011). The
consequences of problematic attendance have immediate and long term effects, as the problem
behavior often continues throughout life (Lounsbury, Steel, Loveland, & Gibson, 2004).

The reason why being laziness is going late to the bed, keeping friends of different status, watching
movies every night.

The tardiness implies a situation where an individual is coming, occurring or remaining after correct,
usual or expected time. Thus, the term “class tardiness” has been defined as students not attending
lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not being present in the time
set. one of the major or causes of lateness is going to bed late because it could result in waking up late
and insufficient rest for the lesson on the next day
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

Generally, the main focus of the study is to know all about the relationship between tardiness and the
academic performance of the junior high school students of St. John Colleges SY: 2019-2020

To understand why the average middle/secondary school student is chronically tardy, we must
understand what the student is experiencing or expressing by performing the tardy behavior. According
to some theorists, the behavior could be conditioned upon stimuli prior to or resulting from the behavior,
while others may suggest that it is based upon a lack of sleep, anxiety, low self-esteem or even
depression. There are many theorists with several varying theories. A few are discussed here. Of
course reasons for being late to class and other factors affecting the punctuality of a student vary. There
have been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality of a person.
Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some “personality traits, including low
self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of tardiness (para 2). She also mentioned that while some
theorists considered tardiness as an “inborn quality” since our being early or late is “partially biologically
determined”, which she also agreed, other experts also believed that some people are “chronically
tardy” for the reason that they consciously and unconsciously get good things from it (para 3). In the
book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged”, the author Diana
DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most likely lead to a person being often late.
Some of the traits included were “struggling with self control”, “feeling nervous or uncomfortable with
social situations” and “getting distracted easily” (para 4). Santillano also discussed about the study
conducted by DeLonzor at San Francisco State University in 1997 in which she surveyed 225
respondents about their habits that makes them late from their appointments. It was also a test on the
personalities of the respondents that affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study,
those respondents that were often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily. In a recent article
by Michele Novotni, she writes that people with ADHD are often running late because of poor time
management. They are often distracted and scrambling at the last minute to find things like keys, cell
phones, or finishing last second tasks. Students with this disorder may be trying to desperately gather
notebooks and things from their lockers during the passing period without realizing that they are late.
Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes. Going late to bed
and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors added film-watching late at night
as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to be in school the next day. The
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

between the student’s home and school or solely the school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia
and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school,
but according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the
way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that students come late to school.
Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the older
ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come late to
school since there are no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness
will lead to serious effects. Another study was conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria.The
objective of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among the
secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem. According to Oghuvbu
(2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students because of “their involvement in
domestic activities by their parents” (page 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu, “distance to school, school
discipline, family background and school location” (Emore, 2005) are some of the common causes for
the tardiness of the secondary students. Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417
Nigerian respondents from 2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a
set of teachers, parents and students. The means of collecting data was through a thirty-item
questionnaire answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly
disagreed (SD). The questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness
among the secondary students of Nigeria. The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the
secondary students in Nigeria were “going late to bed because of watching films and home movies,
resulting in waking up late in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students”
(Oghuvbu, 2008). These results were consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s referenced studies which
proves that tardiness among students has been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just
because of the students, but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents.
Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault for the chronic behavior.
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359


An analysis of the common reason of Tardiness among selected Grade 9 Students of Saint John
Colleges S.Y 2019-2020

In particular, the researchers titled this to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of?

A. age

B. gender

C .section

2. What is the effect of being lazy on a student's grades?

3. How does tardiness effected the grades?
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359


There is a significant relationship between tardiness and absenteeism. Students who tended to be
tardy also tended to be absent. There is a significant relationship between tardiness and English test
scores. The data indicated that the number of tardiness tended to be lower when the test score was
higher. There is a significant relationship between absenteeism and mathematics test scores. Again,
the number of tardiness tended to be lower when the test scores were higher. There is a significant
relationship between absenteeism and English test scores. The correlation indicated that the number
of absences tended to be higher when the test score was lower. There is a significant relationship
between absenteeism and mathematics test scores. The correlation involving algebra was significant;
this indicated that the number of absences tended to be higher when test scores were lower. There is
no difference in the number of tardiness according to race and gender, and there is no difference in the
number of absences according to race and gender. There is a significant Effect of being late to their
Academic Performance.
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359


The result and findings of this study about the tardiness in relation to academic performance of the
senior high school students of St. John Colleges Sy. 2019-2020 will both benefit to the students, teacher
and also to the other researchers.

For students to be aware of the effect of being tardy especially in school so that the next time that they
will do it, they will think twice because they have an idea now on what will happen to them if they
continue being tardy in school.

For students to be aware of the effect of being tardy especially in school so that the next time that they
will do it, they will think twice because they have an idea now on what will happen to them if they
continue being tardy in school. And for teachers to be aware on those students who are always coming
late or not on time in school and they can advise their students on what are they going to do to avoid
being tardy at school
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359


This study focuses on the effects of tardiness of students to their academic performance. The focus
of this study are the students who are always late in their classes in school particularly Grade 9
students. This study will take place in St. John Colleges.
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance- This means the excellence and ability of a student toward his subjects in

Attendance- Being present at something, like work or school

Attitude- This pertains to the way you think and feel about someone or something.

Behavior-This means the way a person acts or behaves.

Effects-This denotes that a change that results when something is done or happens.

Late- This pertains to a person who came after the expected time.

Latecomer - A person who is late.

Perception-This means the way you think or understand someone or something.

School-This pertains to the institution of Junior Students of St. John Colleges where the study will be

Students-This pertains to the Junior Students of St. John Colleges where the survey will be done.
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359


What Matters for Staying On-Track and Graduating in Chicago Public High Schools - Allensworth,

A major problem confronting school administrators in Delta State - Lauby (2009)

A major problem confronting school administrators in Delta State, Nigeria Difiaghor, - (2011)

(Nakpodia, 2010).

Lyons and Griffins (2008)

(Jones & Lovrich, 2011)

(Christenson & Thurlow,2004).

(Henry & Huizinga, 2007)

(Lounsbury, Steel, Loveland, & Gibson, 2004).
St. John Colleges
098 Chipeco Ave. Brgy. 3 Calamba City
Tel. (049) 545-1948 / 545-3359

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