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Professional Development Plan

Complete the chart below to plan your professional development over the next 2-3 years. Be sure your goals are specific and

Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3:

Rationale: Why did I want to improve my classroom I want to be more organized. Being I want to improve my self-care. A set
you choose this goal? management. A set routine will help more organized will help my thought schedule to take care of myself is key
How do you expect it my future students because it will be process and make me more confident to a successful life. It will improve
to improve the predictable. They will know exactly in every aspect of my life and work the outcomes of my students because
outcomes of your what to do when I ask them to do life. It will improve the outcomes of I will be happier, and they will see
something and in turn will help them my students because I will have my personality shining and at its best.
future students?
stay on task. thought out the lesson and in turn will It will make them happy too because
never not know what I am supposed a smile is contagious.
to be teaching them.
End Date: By when I expect to accomplish this goal by I expect to accomplish this goal by I expect to accomplish this goal by
do you expect to the end of my second year of the end of my second year of the end of my third year of teaching.
accomplish this goal? teaching. I know it will take trial and teaching. My first year of teaching I This is an ongoing goal that needs to
error, but I want to have a firm plan will be adjusting to the environment be practiced and ensured that it is
by the end of my second year that of the school I am working at. But I happening and a habit. Once I make a
works very well. can still practice within my first year habit of making myself a priority, I
of teaching. feel like the rest of my life and work
life will be more enjoyable and
overall happier.
Action Timeline: 12/1/19 12/1/19 12/1/19
What steps will you I will first start by researching I will first start by keeping a I will first start by becoming more
take to complete this different ways to manage a classroom schedule. An agenda will help me organized per my second goal. I will
goal, and by when well. Then I will make a plan of because it will store the dates of begin to eat healthier and take the
will you take them? action before my first year of events and I will not need to time to exercise. This will help me
Example: teaching. I will tweak my plan as the remember them. Then, I will make up relieve stress and not put my stressors
year progresses and always keep it different boxes of all my teaching on others.
1/31/18: Join AACTE updated. I will make a journal of what supplies to ensure that each subject is

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works well and what does not. By the together. I can organize my classroom
end of my first year teaching I will to where everything has a ‘home’ or
have a set plan for the year. In my place.
second year of teaching I will be able
to use the plan to my full extent and
fix minor issues.
Resources: What I will have a mentor guide who I have First, I will need to buy an agenda. I I will use the application on my
resources are met during my student teaching will look up different ways through phone called ‘My Fitness Pal.’ This
available to assist you journey. I will also use my advanced Pinterest and YouTube of how to will track all the food that I eat. I will
in accomplishing your research of the web. Also, I would keep an agenda the most organized as then make time gradually to workout
goal? like to watch different ways being a teacher. Also, I will need to take the throughout the week. I will start with
taught through videos on YouTube. time to organize physical things, and three days and increasing to five days
ensure my thoughts are organized. of exercising. By gradually doing so,
I will be more motivated to go and
complete it.

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