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Methods of Mechanism of Nursing

Name of Drug Adverse Reaction Special Precaution Rationale

Administration Action Responsibilities
Generic Name: Route: Depressant and CNS: Use with caution When used for  Having the right
Phenobarbital IM, IV anticonvulsant CNS depression, during lactation seizures, give the timing lessens
sodium effects may be psychiatric and in clients with major fraction of the risk for
Dosage: related to its disturbances CNS depression, the dose patients to have
Brand Name: Sedation: 30- ability to increase Respiratory: marked asthenia, according to seizures.
Luminal Sodium 120mg (adult) and/or mimic the Respiratory porphyria, fever, when seizures
Pre-op inhibitory activity depression anemia,, are most likely to
Sedation:100- of GABA on nerve CV: hemorrhagic occur.
200mg (adult, synapses. It is not Circulatory shock, cardiac and When used IM,  Injection into or
Classification IM only) an analgesic; not collapse hepatic or renal inject into a large near peripheral
Sedative-hypnotic, Acute to be given to GI and GU: damage, and a muscle (e.g. nerves may cause
barbiturate Convulsion: relieve pain. Liver damage history of gluteus maximus, permanent
200-320 mg (esp. with alcoholism in vastus lateralis). neurologic
chronic use), suicidal clients. deficit.
Frequency: renal failure When given in the In most cases,  Sudden
Sedation: 2-3 presence of pain, when used for withdrawal to
divided doses CNS side effect epilepsy, inform drug can cause
per day may occur and client that drugs acute seizure or
Pre-op may lead to must be taken the fatal status
Sedation: OD delirium regularly, even epilepticus
Available Forms Acute Indication Side Effects Contraindication when no seizures
Injection: Convulsion: q6 Sedative or CNS: Hypersensitivity are imminent.
30mg/mL, hrs. hypnotic (short- Sleepiness, to barbiturates Give the lowest
60mg/mL, term) drowsiness, Severe trauma dose as ordered.
65mg/mL, Timing: Preanesthetic agitation, Pulmonary Reserve IV use There is a
130mg/mL Pre-op Anticonvulsants, dizziness, disease when for conditions possibility of
Sedation: 60-90 emergency headache, dyspnea or when other overdose,
min. before control of acute restlessness obstruction is routes are not including
surgery seizure Musculoskeletal: present feasible. respiratory
disorders.  Localized or Edema depression, even
diffuse myalgic, Uncontrolled with slow
neuralgic, or diabetes injection of
arthritic pain Impaired liver fractional doses..

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