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Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering

Kadayiruppu, Kolenchery, Ernakulam-682311





Guided By

Mrs Jiss Kuruvilla

Assistant Professor


Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering

Kadayiruppu, Kolenchery
This is to certify that the seminar entitled “Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless
Communications” has been carried out by TOMIN JOSEPH (Reg.No:SNG18MCA-D058) under my
guidance in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master in Computer Applications of APJ ABDUL
KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY during the academic year 2019-2020.

Guide Head of the Department

Assistant professor Mrs Jiss Kuruvilla Prof.Sandhya.R
First and for most I thank God almighty and to my parents for the success of this seminar.
I express my gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) Kenthose Paul, principal of Sree Narayana Gurukulam
College Of Enginerring Kadayirippu Kolenchery, for provoding us with adequate facilities, ways and
means by which I would able to complete this seminar work.
With immense pleasure I take this oppurtunity to record my sincere thanks to Prof.Sandhya R,
Head of Computer Applications Department for providing me the right ambience for carrying out
this work.
I would like to thank my seminar coordinators Assistant Professor Mrs Jiss Kuruvilla , Depart-
ment of Computer Applications.
I express my sincere thanks to Assistant Professor Mrs Jiss Kuruvilla , my guide and motivator
throughout the work of my seminar.
Last but not the least, I express my gratitude to all other members of the faculty and well-wishers
who have assited us in various occassions during the seminar work.






4.1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1.1 Optical Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.1.2 Optical Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1.3 Tag and Reader Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2.2 Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2.3 Optical Wireless Transmission using TCCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3 NUMERICAL RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


Train ticket gates are a part of the life style followed by foreigners availing trains in foreign
countries. The modern ticket gate system employing optical wireless communication used at a train
station in Japan. The conventional ticket gate system utilizes RFID tags for its working. The ticket
gate system needs two optical wireless card readers attached to two inner sides of the gate. This
system has higher received power compared to the conventional train ticket gate system. It also has
higher probability of success as long as the communication distance is less than 0.28 meters. As a
result, this system has a better performance compared to the conventional one and its availability is
guaranteed. So it is an important thing to study about such a system with high performance ratio
and it would be better if we take the necessary initiatives to introduce such a system in our country.

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 2

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


A ticket gate is a form of gate which allows one person to pass at a time. It is made so as to enforce
one way traffic of people, and in addition, it can restrict passage only to people who insert a coin,
a ticket, a pass, or similar. Thus a ticket gate can be used in the case of paid access (sometimes
called a faregate or ticket barrier when used for this purpose), for example to access public transport,
a pay toilet, or to restrict access to authorized people. Thus these ticket gates are a part of the
lifestyle followed by foreigners in their countries. Ticket gates or more specifically, train ticket gates
are somewhat uncommon in our country even though they are present in some of our metro rail
stations. This ticket gates usually uses an RFID tag and reader for their working. Upon the specified
request and payment by a person, the concerned authorities generates the unique tag. This Tag will
be given to the passenger and reader will be fixed on the gate. When the passenger passes through
the gate the reader fixed at the gate detects the issued tag and opens the gate for the passenger to
pass through it. But it has certain disadvantages and that is where this new system is relevant.

The objective of this seminar is to propose and study a modified train ticket gate system
employing optical wireless communication. That is, the system will be using an optical tag and
reader instead of the traditional RFID tag and reader. This method is actually used at a train
station in Japan. It is proven that this method can improve the system performance since it has a
large received power compared to the traditional method and the probability of success is more. It
would be better if we introduce ticket gate system in our country and it would get even much better
if we use the method specified in this seminar.

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 3

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


Train ticket gate systems do exist in many train stations around the globe, but a train ticket
gate system using optical wireless communication is not a common thing. Most of the existing train
ticket gate system works using RFID tags and readers. An RFID system consists of a tag, basically a
microchip with an antenna and an interrogator or reader with an antenna. A fundamental system of
RFID consists of two primary components: The reader circuit and tag. The RFID tag and the reader
circuit set up communication via waves of electromagnetic nature. When the tag is placed before the
reader circuit, the tag gets energized and the reader reads the unique digital data behind it. Hence
the tag reveals relevant information to the reader circuit. The reader circuit stores this information
in its internal memory temporarily and also links to the common database system which has all the
details of the particular passenger. If the information’s are correct then the door will open. If the
user don’t have the enough balance then the alert tone will be given by the buzzer. However, RFID
system is unsafe since the nature of RF is very vulnerable and can be attacked and interfered easily.
Passive RFID has limited communication range and speed.

For these reasons, the new ticket gate system which provides higher secured communication
since it is based on Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) channel in which its signal doesn’t
scatter around in a large area as RF signal does and it is immune to the interferences caused by
other RF devices. Furthermore, its installment cost is much lower than the conventional one since
optoelectronic devices used in this system are cheap and easy to install. Also, it doesn’t require sensors
which are used by the current system to detect a passenger passing through the gate. Moreover, it
has a Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector (TCCR) acting as a rechargeable built-in battery.

According to the study, this system has higher received power compared to the conventional
train ticket gate system. It also has higher probability of success as long as the communication
distance is less than 0.28 meters. As a result, this system has a better performance compared to the
conventional one and its availability is guaranteed.

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 4

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios



4.1.1 Optical Tags

Optical tags are optical devices which works like a key to unlock the gate in the ticket gate
system. They contains a TCCR (Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector) and a LC shutter A comer
cube retroreflector (sometimes called a cataphote) is a device or surface that reflects light back to
its source with a minimum of scattering, In a retroreflector a electromagnetic wave front is reflected
back along a vector that is parallel to but opposite in direction from the wave’s source. A TCCR is
made by attaching a thinfilm to the comer cube Retroreflector.

Comer Cube Retroreflector (CCR) is actually a device which can modulate the incident signal
by the format of OOK (On-Off keying). CCR contains three orthogonal reflecting surfaces which will
reflect the wave incident on it in a direction parallel to the incident wave. One of the surface will
reflect the wave incident on it in surfaces will be movable and by tilting it the light can be modulated.
The thinfilm on TCCR is mode of a photovoltaic material This will act like a rechargeable battery
and it will charge every time when a light falls on it.

LC shutter is a device which is made up of liquid crystal material. Liquid Crystals are materials
which has properties that lies between solid and liquid. LC shutter can pass the signals that is incident
on it when the electrodes in the shutter gets charged. Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector

A retroreflector (sometimes called a retroreflector or cataphote) is device or surface a that

reflects light back to its source with a minimum of scattering. In a retroreflector an electromagnetic
wavefront is reflected back along a vector that is parallel to but opposite in direction from the wave’s
source. The angle of incidence at which the device or surface reflects light in this way is greater than
zero, unlike a planar mirror, which does this only if the mirror is exactly perpendicular to the wave

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 5

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

front, having a zero angle of incidence.

A set of three mutually perpendicular reflective surfaces, placed to form the corner of a cube,
work as a retroreflector. The three corresponding normal vectors of the corner’s sides form a basis (x,
y. z) in which to represent the direction of an arbitrary incoming ray, [a, b, c]. When the ray reflects
from the first side, say x, the ray’s x component, a, is reversed to -a while the y and z components
are unchanged. Therefore, as the ray reflects first from side x then side y and finally from side z
the ray direction goes from [a,b,c] to [-a,b,c] to [-a,-b,c] to [-a,-b,-c] and it leaves the corner with
all three components of motions exactly reversed. Corner reflectors occur in two varieties. In the
more common form, the corner is literally the truncated comer of a cube of transparent material
such as conventional optical glass. In this structure, the reflection is achieved either by total internal
reflection or silvering of the outer cube surfaces, The second form uses mutually perpendicular flat
mirrors bracketing an air space. These two types have similar optical properties.A large relatively thin
retroreflector can be formed by combining many small corner reflectors, using the standard triangular
tiling.A thin film is a layer of material ranging from fractions of a nanometer (monolayer) to several
micrometers in thickness. The controlled synthesis of materials as thin films (a process referred to
as deposition) is a fundamental step in many applications. The thinfilm corner cube retroreflector is
obtained by attaching a thin film at the comer cube retroreflector.

Figure 4.1: Corner Cube Retroreflector LC Shutter

A Liquid Crystal Shutter is simply an LCD that has a single large pixel that covers the entire
display area. The shutter is simply ”open” (in its clear state), or ”closed”.(in its opaque state). The
display can be toggled between its open and closed state by applying a simple square wave drive
voltage. LC shutters have 1 any different 3D entertainment and scientific applications. They have a

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 6

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

surprising number of applications in many different industries. It is possible to get shutters as small
as 3mm x 3mn and as large as 355 mm x 406 mm, and usually build them custom to a drawing
provided by customers.

For faster switching speeds we need a special type of shutter called a ”pi” cell. A normal TN
shutter will only toggle at a rate of about 0-100 Hz. If we need higher toggle rates, up to about 1000
Hz. ani cell is the best solution. Driving an LC shutter is easy and it can be achieved by using a
simple circuit.

It is now possible to get a novel LCD device that does not have polarizers Unlike a normal
shutter that has polarizers, it has ¿95 transmission in its clear state. It also has an extremely high
contrast ratio, 10,000:1 is possible.

Figure 4.2: LC Shutter

4.1.2 Optical Reader

Optical reader contains a light source, CMOS image sensor, and a lens These are part of the
system which will be placed in the gate of the ticket gate, The light source produces the light signal
that will be received by the tag. An LED or Laser can be used as a light source. The CMOS image
sensor is an image sensor with high pixel density It contains a photodiode which receives the light
signal and convert it to electrical signals There is an amplifier in the CMOS sensor which will amplify
the signal which will help in proper processing of the information

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 7

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications CMOS Image Sensor

An image sensor or imaging sensor is a sensor that detects and converts the information that
constitutes an image. It does so by converting the variable attenuation of light wave (as they pass
through or reflect off objects) into signals, small bursts of current that convey the information. The
waves can be light or other electromagnetic radiation. Image sensors are used both analog and digital
types, which include digital in electronic imaging devices of cameras, camera modules, medicalimaging
equipment, night vision equipment such as thermal imaging devices, radar, sonar, and others. As
technology changes, digital imaging tends to replace analog imaging.

Early analog sensors for visible light were video camera tubes. Currently, used types are
semiconductor charge coupled-devices (CCD) or active pixel sensors in complementary metal-oxide-
semiconductor (CMOS) or N-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (NMOS, Live MOS) technologies. Ana-
log sensors for invisible radiation tend to involve vacuum tubes of various kinds. Digital sensors
include flat panel detectors.

Each cell of a CCD image sensor is an analog device. When light strikes the chip it is held as
a small electrical charge in each photo sensor. The charges in the line of pixels nearest to the (one
or more) output amplifiers are amplified and output, then each line of pixels shifts its charges one
line closer to the amplifier(s), filling the empty line closest to the amplifiers(s). This process is then
repeated until all the lines of pixels have had their charge amplified and output.

A CMOS imaging chip is a type of image sensor that has an amplifier for each pixel instead of
the few amplifiers of n CCD, this results in less area for the capture of photons than a CCD, but this
problem has been overcome with microlens in front of the photodiode that direct light (that would
have otherwise hit the amplifier and thus not be detected) into the photodiode. Some CMOS imaging
sensors also useBack-side illumination to increase the number of photons that hit the photodiode.

CMOS sensors can potentially be implemented with fewer components, use less power, and/or
provide faster readout than CCD sensors.

Another hybrid CCD/CMOS architecture, sold under the name ”CMOS,” consists of CMOS
readout integrated circuits (ROICs) that are bump bonded to a CCD imaging substrate a technology
that was developed for infrared staring arrays and now adopted to silicon-based detector technology.

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 8

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

Another approach is to utilize the very fine dimensions available in modern CMOS technology to
implement a CCD like structure entiraly in CMOS technology. This can be achieved by separating
individual poly-silicon gates by a very small gap These hybrid sensors are still in the reseurch phase
and can potentially harness the benefits of buth CCCD and CMOS imagers.

Figure 4.3: CMOS Image Sensor

4.1.3 Tag and Reader Setup

Figure 4.4: Tag and Reader Setup

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 9

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications


4.2.1 System Model

This system consists of two optical readers (left and right readers) attached to both of the
inner sides of each ticket gate system. The optical readers are attached to both sides to increase the
probability of successful transmission and allow passengers to hold the optical tag more freely.

In other words, they can either hold the tag on the left or the right side of their body. The
optical tag and optical reader used in this proposed system are installed as shown in figure below
In the optical tag, there is a Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector(TCCR) which is a Corner Cube
Retroreflector (CCR) with thinfilm attached on its corner. The harvested energy is then used to
drive the LC shutter to modulate the On-Off Keying (0OK) signal back to the reader Noticeably, in
our proposed system, the doors of the ticket gate are normally closed It will be opened only when
the tag is detected and successfully charged (ticket fee).

Figure 4.5: System Model

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 10

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

4.2.2 Flow Diagram

Figure 4.6: Flow Chart

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 11

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

4.2.3 Optical Wireless Transmission using TCCR

Using the Fraunhofer diffraction theory, the diffracted irradiance of nth pixel at the lens that
is reflected by TCCR is:

In optical wireless transmission,the average received photocurrent of ne pixel at image sensor

is calculated by:

where Il,n is the diffracted irradiance of nth pixel at the lens reflected by TCCR, dl in the
diameter of the lens, Tl is the effective transmission of the camera lens, Tf is the optical filter
transmission, fact the fraction of the camera pixel area that is active and is the defector’s responsivity.

The total noise variance is estimated by:

Where Rb is the data rate of the system, Samp is preamplifier noise SR is thermal noise and
Sbg is white shot noise. The noise is dominated by approximately equal contribution from ambient
light shot noise and thermal noise from the feedback resister, while the amplifier noise is negligible.

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 12

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications


The received power comparison between the two systems while the tag (of the proposed system)
is right in front of the reader (8c= 0). As shown in the graph, the received power of the proposed
system is higher than the RF one. Hence, the proposed system has a better performance. Fur-
thermore, Fig.4.5 proves that the proposed system has higher probability of success as long as the
communication distance is less than 0.28 meters. Since the gate is assumed to be 0.5 meters and the
passenger is walking through the gate, the communication distance is always less than 0.25 meters.
As a result, the availability of the proposed system is always guaranteed.

Figure 4.7: Recieved power comparison betwwen OWID and RFID

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 13

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communications

Figure 4.8: Probability of success between OWID and RFID

Figure 4.9: System Parameters

Dept.of Computer Applications, SNGCE 14

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


There are certain advantages regarding train ticket gate system using optical wireless commu-
nication. They are:

* High received power

* High probability of success for a range upto 0.28m

* Less scattering

* Immune to interference

* Doesn’t require sensor for passenger detection

* Cheap installment cost

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 15

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


The train ticket gate system has a better performance and higher system’s availability compared
to the conventional one. Thus this is one system that can alter the future of train ticket gate system
by replacing conventional RFID techniques. This types of system can also be utilized in other areas
such as public transport, restricting unauthorised accessing.

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 16

Train Ticket Gate System Using Optical Wireless Communicatios


1. K. Khemry, L Jiang. W. Noonpakdee and S. Shimamoto, ”Performance Evaluation of Optical

Wireless Identification Scheme employing Thinfilm Corner Cube Retroreflector”, IEEE Int.
Symposiumn on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), pp. 3599.
3604, September 2017.

2. M. L Afzal, W. Mahmood, S. M Sajid and S.. Seoyong, ”Optical wireless communication and
recharging mechanism of wireless sensor network by using CCRS, Int 1. of Advanced Science
and Technology, vol. 13, pp. 49-60, December 2016

Department of Computer Applications, SNGCE 17

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