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0 Update1

CADmeister Release Notes


1 Solved Problems

Function name Contents

System The problem that the entities that are not in the current object cannot be moved with “Move&Copy” under non-parametric 2D mode has been solved.
The problem that the color that is specified by selecting RGB values through the color selection combo box is not reflected to the combo box has been solved.
Drawing The problem that execution of “Annotation” of the Dim_And_Annotation toolbar when a sheet is displayed causes abnormal termination of the system has been solved.

The problem that execution of [ChangeEntity] of “Dim_Edit” on a running dimension of which the dimension lines are not displayed causes abnormal termination of the
system has been solved.
The problem that the filled cell is displayed when the table of Dim_And_Annotation is pre-selected has been solved.
The problem that the system terminates abnormally if drawing regeneration of a partial zoomed view containing hatching is performed has been solved.
The problem that the dimensions of Easy_Drafting are not created by using half-size characters under 2D mode even if such dimension creation option is specified has
been solved.
Line, Surface and Solid The problem that CADmeister is forcibly terminated with issuing message “Unable to use necessary resources” if the pull down of the direction input button or the
interruptible button of the Easy family commands is used so many times and for a long time has been solved.
The problem that the system terminates abnormally due to insufficient resources if an Easy command is used continuously for a long time when "Text" is specified as the
selection control in "Setup" of the Easy command has been solved.
The problem that the system terminates abnormally when Easy_Wire/ParameterLine is executed with specifying a passing point has been solved.
The problem that English command name “Oval” of EasySketch/Oval is displayed as “Obal” by mistake has been solved.
DataExchange The problem that data that is outputted into JT format is not displayed in the intended color when it is imported with JT Viewer has been solved.
A problem of JTGet that an error occurs during the import process of some of JT data when [Convert PMI data] is checked off has been solved.
The problem of STEP, JT, and IGES3D output of the data exchange external tool that the entities of which the placement is suppressed are outputted has been solved.

A problem of DXF export of the data exchange external tool that a conversion error occurs if a drive name is included when specifying the work folder has been solved.

The problem that the annotations in the balloons that are created with “Balloon_Create” are changed into double bytes characters during execution of DXF export has
been solved.
The problem that XVLPut terminates with an error if “GRP” specification is used has been solved.
The problem that an error occurs when importing a STEP including minute segment has been solved.
CAM A problem of EditPath_Clip that the motions in the Z direction are not clipped if a path point is not inserted has been solved.
MOLD A problem of “PlaceParts” that the correct plate thickness measurement result is not occasionally set as the dimension in the plate type name has been solved.
A problem of “PlaceEjectorPin” that an ejector pin with an invalid length is occasionally placed has been solved.

Function name Contents
PRESS A problem of Extract_Parts_Select_StdParts that the DB becomes invalid if a parts that is not substantiated exists has been solved.
The problem that the color and line type of the boundary line and the surface symbol of the surface create by the CAE_Twist command do not become the current
attribute has been solved.
FM-CAM2 A problem of MaterialCalculation_FM that the display of the stock becomes invalid if the machining result is checked when the tool base point is tip has been solved.

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