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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name:​Jaclyn Rothschadl
Grade Level: ​3rd Grade
School:​Sioux Valley Elementary
Time: ​1:20-2:00pm

Reflection from prior lesson: ​From the previous lesson the students have been
working on using quotations. On tuesday they worked as a whole group on identifying
where quotation marks go and that tags (she said and etc.) can be used at the
beginning, middle, or end. Students have shown that they know quotation marks are to
symbol talking. They have been doing a good job at knowing where they start, but still
are sometimes unsure if they go before or after the punctuation when the person is
done talking.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
3.W.3 Write narratives (e.g., story, poetry, drama) to develop real and imagined
experiences or events using descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and
feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to

3.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) on grade level topics
and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own

Lesson Objectives:
Students will create a sentence using dialogue to represent the animals talking.

Students will use correct punctuation, quotation marks and a tag at the beginning or the

Materials Needed:
Computer if time
Smart board
Animal pictures

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

Students in the class are at various levels of proficiency. They can be talkative, so
giving clear expectations and visual cues are important for this class. They enjoy
working with groups and partners, so they get the chance to talk and demonstrate what
we are working on that day. A few students in the class get frustrated when they do not
understand instructions. These students who are at a lower level of proficiency or show
frustrations may need prompting and scaffolding, while students who are at higher
levels may need more enrichment so they stay on task. There are two students on IEP’s
who get pulled out during ELA time for services and also two ELL student’s who may
need differentiation.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (10 minutes)

● Getting attention​-
As students walk in they will be asked to go sit quietly at their desk.
I will welcome them in the room by saying,” Hello friends! I hope you had fun at
Music and PE. Please go sit quietly at your desk and wait for directions.”

● relating to past experience and/or knowledge -

Once they sit I will start with,” In writing I show someone is talking. You put me
around the words someone is saying. I usually have a tag before, in the middle,
or at the end. What am I?​ Please raise your hand quietly. Good job!”

● sharing objective, in general terms

So we have been working this week on using quotation marks in dialogue. Every
show me quotation marks. (air quotes) Good job!

Today we are going to get to create your very own dialogue or sentences that
show someone is talking using quotations, tags, and punctuation!
2. Content Delivery (15 minutes)
“Let me show you an example”
-show them my examples that we scanned to the board.
“So before you get to create one lets make one as a class using this picture.
Please raise your hand quietly if you have some ideas.”

-After calling on quiet friends we will come up with a few things the picture could say.
Keep the expectation to stay appropriate and show them where the quotation marks
and tags go.
- “Okay friends, so now that we made one togeter you are all going to make one also! I
am going to pass out a picture to you and a piece of scratch paper. First, you need to
come up with some ideas on your scratch paper. Make sure to use your quotation
marks, tags, and punctuation. After that you will raise your hand in your desk quietly. I
will come and check that you have the quotation marks in the correct spot. After you get
a thumbs up you will write it on your picture! We are going to be putting these in the
hallway so after writing in pencil on the picture write with marker over it. Are there any
questions? We need to do this on zero and I will put music on very quietly.”

-Work time

-If there is time we will do this Kahoot-


3. Closure (5 minutes)

Friends thank you for working so hard! I really loved all of the animal pictures! I loved
that I could picture the animal saying it because you all have great tags and use of
quotation marks! We will pack up and get ready to go home.

B. Assessments Used

● Observations during activity​ - Are the stud Are they following directions? Are
they using punctuation
● Activity​ -Animal Quote Pictures
● Formative assessment- kahoot

C. Differentiated Instruction
For ELL students, we may have to use the ipad to translate what we are doing
that day. Some groups may need more scaffolding and using reasoning to make
predictions. We will have a TA in our room to assist a student as well.

D. Resources

Animal quote pictures

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