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My Experience traveling abroad

(Script / Dialogue)
In this file, you have to create the script or dialogue for your “experience
traveling abroad”.

 To write the script / dialogue: in parentheses write the location of the three
students who are talking: Example, (in a café), (In Paula’s house), (In a
restaurant), (in the airport).
 The dialogue must contain 250 words at least 1 ½ pages.
 Use past simple and present perfect simple in most of the dialogue.
Highlight these structures in your dialogue.
 Do not add pictures.


Friend who arrived from USA: Martha Jimenez García

Friend 1: Lucy Lara Pérez
Friend 2: Paula Toro Suárez

Martha traveled to the USA. She arrived to Colombia one week ago. Lucy and
Paula invited Martha for a cup of coffee at a cafeteria. They are talking about
Martha’s trip experience.

(In a cafeteria)

Martha: My dear friends. It has been a long time.

Lucy: Hi Martha, we can’t believe you are here.
Paula: Yes, we missed you a lot.
Martha: Well, I’m in Colombia again.
Lucy: So, where have you been all this time?
Martha: I went to the USA. I’ve been in different cities there.
Paula: Really! And what did you do there?
Martha: I visited some relatives in Chicago.

Start you script or dialogue in the next page=……………………………………

Friend who traveled to USA: (Full name)
Friend: (Full name)
Friend: (Full name)

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