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Q1. What is Switch, Hub & Router in network.

How we can use

switch, hub & router in network. Give a real time examples.

A switch, in the context of networking is a high-speed device that

receives incoming data packets and redirects them to their
destination on a local area network (LAN). A LAN switch operates at
the data link layer (Layer 2) or the network layer of the OSI Model
and, as such it can support all types of packet protocols.
A switch in an Ethernet-based LAN reads incoming TCP/IP data
packets/frames containing destination information as they pass into
one or more input ports. The destination information in the packets is
used to determine which output ports will be used to send the data
on to its intended destination.
Switches are similar to hubs, only smarter. A hub simply connects all
the nodes on the network -- communication is essentially in a
haphazard manner with any device trying to communicate at any
time, resulting in many collisions. A switch, on the other hand, creates
an electronic tunnel between source and destination ports for a split
second that no other traffic can enter. This results in communication
without collisions.

 HUB: -
A hub, also called a network hub, is a common connection point
for devices in a network. Hubs are devices commonly used to
connect segments of a LAN. The hub contains multiple ports. When
a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all
segments of the LAN can see all packets.
A switch is different than a hub in that it keeps a record of all MAC
addresses of all connected devices. Thus, it knows which device or
system is connected to which port. When a data packet is received,
the switch immediately knows which port to send it to. Unlike a hub,
a 10/100 Mbps switch will allocate the full 10/100 Mbps to each of its
ports, and users always have access to the maximum bandwidth – a
huge advantage of a switch over a hub.
Common types of hubs used in networking are network hubs, passive
hubs, intelligent and switching hubs.

A router is a device that analyses the contents of data packets
transmitted within a network or to another network. Routers
determine whether the source and destination are on the same
network or whether data must be transferred from one network type
to another, which requires encapsulating the data packet with routing
protocol header information for the new network type.
When several routers are used in a collection of interconnected
networks, they exchange and analyse information, and then build a
table of the preferred routes and the rules for determining routes and
destinations for that data. As a network interface, routers convert
computer signals from one standard protocol to another that's more
appropriate for the destination network.

Large routers determine interconnectivity within an enterprise,

between enterprises and the Internet, and between different internet
service providers (ISPs); small routers determine interconnectivity for
office or home networks. ISPs and major enterprises exchange routing
information using border gateway protocol (BGP).

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