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Taylor Thibodaux


PAR-Broadcast PKG Update:

Please answer the following questions in sentence form. Be thorough in your responses:
1) Discuss your story, answering the question: Who Cares? And What is my story
Include in detail which of the 5 Motivators are you using in your report? MUST BE

My story is about whether shooter evacuations in schools are necessary today and how
they are affecting children. This topic is important and cared about for parents and faculty
that may have to monitor children who can become somewhat traumatized from drills.
After reading a plethora of articles about the aftermath of these drills, children are
becoming affected by the drill , believing it is real, and caryy-ing them through other
harmless experiences. As I recall, there was an article published by forbes where a man
young son freaked out at a fireworks show. As the fireworks went off, the young boy
yelled out “Shooter!”. This came from the drill he had performed at school. So are these
drills more harmful than helpful? The flip side of this is that active shooter threats are
becoming more common so the necessity to have them is there.One of the five motivators
this story falls under is safety. The shooter evacuation drills are meant to be for the
prevention of more deaths due to shooters, but it’s in fact doing the opposite for some
students. This story could also fall under the motivators of family and health. This story
affects families because if their child is affected that deeply and traumatized by a drill
done at school, it could potentially force the parent to get their child some more attentive
help on the matter. Health is also an important factor because the active shooter drills can
affect the child’s mental stability like the young boy I mentioned above.

2) What sources have you contacted/researched for background information

(provide specific information)?
I have contacted a Kelly Anderson, a teacher at a middle school in Washington DC
I have also contacted Human Rights Campaign
I have been statistics and articles about the effect active shooters drills have had and also
active shooter threats.

What to do:

Story on What can happen/Why they should end:

Every Active shooter report for the past 10


3) What is your plan B if your main source(s) follow through?

My plan B if my main sources don’t follow through is to contact another local middle
school or elementary school.

4) What type of b-roll will you use to do your story? What opportunities will you
have to utilize natural sound?
I will most likely use b-roll of young students playing, Visuals of charts and statistics.

5) Where is your stand-up going to be in Washington? What is the backdrop?

Unless otherwise approved by Prof Thomas you must do your story at a location
that is recognizable to Washington, DC. (Ex: White House, Capitol, Supreme Court,
Mall, Monuments, etc) Explain WHY
My standup in Front of the school where I would be interviewing a student.

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