Mod 5 AC Circuit Analysis (1909)

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Sinusoidal Source

Reasons to consider sinusoids are as follows

First, nature itself is characteristically sinusoidal. We experience sinusoidal

variation in the motion of a pendulum, the vibration of a string, the ripples on the
ocean surface…
Second, a sinusoidal signal is easy to generate and transmit. Electric power is
distributed to homes, factories, laboratories... by sinusoidal currents and voltages.
Third, it is the dominant form of signal in radio communications
Fourth, through Fourier analysis, any practical periodic signal can be represented
by a sum of sinusoids. Sinusoids, therefore, play an important role in the analysis
of periodic signals.
Lastly, a sinusoid is easy to handle mathematically. The derivative and integral of a
sinusoid are themselves sinusoids.

For these and other reasons, the sinusoid is an extremely important function in
circuit analysis.

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 1


• A phasor is a complex number that

represents the amplitude and phase
of a sinusoid.

• It can be represented in one of the

following three forms:

a. Rectangular z  x  jy  r (cos  j sin  )

b. Polar z  r 
r x2  y2
c. Exponential z  re j where y
  tan 1

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 2

For uniformity, we express sinusoidal functions by using the cosine function
rather than the sine function. The functions are related by the identity

sin(t) = cos (t − 90◦)

For example, when we want to find the phase angle of

we first write it as

Thus, we state that the phase angle of vx(t) is −60◦.

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Sinusoid – Phasor Transformation

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Mathematic operation of complex number:
1. Addition z1  z 2  ( x1  x 2 )  j ( y1  y 2 )

2. Subtraction z1  z 2  ( x1  x2 )  j ( y1  y 2 )

3. Multiplication z1 z 2  r1r2  1  2
z1 r1
4. Division  1   2
z 2 r2

5. Reciprocal 1 1
  
z r
6. Square root z  r  2
7. Complex conjugate z   x  jy  r     re  j
8. Euler’s identity e  j  cos  j sin  5

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE

Graphical Representation of Time and Phasor Domain

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Phasor Diagram

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Phasor Relationships

Consider the voltages


The corresponding phasors are

angle between V1 and V2 is 60◦.

V1 leads V2 by 60◦ or V1 lags V2 by 60◦ .

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 8

Relationship between differential, integral operation in phasor are

listed as follows:

v(t ) V  V
dt jV

 vdt j

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 9

Complex Impedances

1. Inductance

2. Capacitance

3. Resistance

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Complex Impedances

Consider an inductance in which the current is a sinusoid given by

voltage across an inductance is

Substituting and reducing, we obtain

Now, the phasors for the current and voltage are

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Complex Impedances

Current lags voltage by 90◦ in a pure inductance.

We refer to the term jωL = ωL ∠90◦ as the impedance of the inductance and
denote it as ZL. Thus, we have

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 12

Complex Impedances

In a similar fashion for a capacitance, we can show that if the current
and voltage are sinusoidal, the phasors are related by

in which the impedance of the capacitance is

the impedance of a capacitance is also a pure imaginary number.

Suppose that the phasor voltage is

Then, the phasor current is

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 13

Complex Impedances


Current leads voltage by 90◦ in a pure capacitance.

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Complex Impedances

For a resistance, the phasors are related by

Because resistance is a real number, the current and voltage are in


For a pure resistance, current and voltage are in phase.

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 15
Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements
Resistor: Inductor: Capacitor:

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Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

Summary of voltage-current relationship

Element Time domain Frequency domain

v  Ri V  RI

L vL
V  jLI
C iC
dv V 
dt j C

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 17

Impedance and Admittance

• The impedance Z of a circuit is the ratio of the phasor

voltage V to the phasor current I, measured in ohms Ω.
Z  R  jX
where R = Re, Z is the resistance and X = Im, Z is the
reactance. Positive X is for L and negative X is for C.

• The admittance Y is the reciprocal of impedance,

measured in siemens (S).
1 I
Y 
15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE
Impedance and Admittance

Impedances and admittances of passive elements

Element Impedance Admittance

R 1
ZR Y
L 1
Z  jL Y
j L
C 1
Z  Y  jC

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Impedance and Admittance

  0; Z  0

Z  jL
  ; Z  

  0; Z  
jC   ; Z  0

15.10.19 K. Shambavi, SENSE 20

Example 1
A voltage vs(t) = 100 cos(200t) is applied to a 0.25H inductance
a. Find the impedance of the inductance, the phasor current, and the
phasor voltage.
b. Draw the phasor diagram.

Solution 8

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Example 2
A voltage vs(t) = 100 cos(200t) is applied to a 100-μF capacitance.
a. Find the impedance of the capacitance, the phasor current, and
the phasor
b. Draw the phasor diagram.

Solution 9

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Example 3
A voltage vs(t) = 100 cos(200t) is applied to a 50  resistance.
a. Find the phasor current, and the phasor voltage.
b. Draw the phasor diagram.

Solution 10

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Example 4 Find the steady-state current for the circuit shown in
Figure. Also, find the phasor voltage across each element and construct
a phasor diagram.

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Solution 4

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Phasor diagram

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Example: 5 Consider the circuit shown in Figure. Find the voltage
vC(t) in steady state. Find the phasor current through each element,
and construct a phasor diagram showing the currents and the source

Solution 12

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