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Reflection on Nationalism

“To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one
nation, one flag.”

- Pauline Hanson

Nationalism is conceptually defined as an ideology and movement that promotes the

interest of a particular nation especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation’s
sovereignty over its homeland. It is loyalty and devotion to a nation, exalting one nation above
all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interest as opposed to
those of other nations.

Nationalism when taken positively promotes a strong feeling of admiration and passion
towards one’s country that leads to peace and unity among its people. Historically speaking, our
country, the Philippines was once a subject of colonization of various countries including Spain,
United States of America and, Japan among others. During those times of chaos, the spirit of
nationalism was awakened among its people. Heroes rose among the people from all walks of
life. Many had risked their lives: men, women and, even children fought the battle for freedom in
their own ways. May it be sword or pen; many unsung heroes expressed their love for their
country. Their strong desire to set the country free from oppression and maltreatment from
foreign invaders fuels their passion to fight the battle for freedom; the freedom that we are now
enjoying as of the moment.

On the other hand, extreme nationalism also has its downside. Too much devotion to
one’s country can lead someone to objectify and dehumanize those from other countries.
Considering, Spain for example, its people’s desire to bring glory to their country gave birth to
the conquest of colonizing the world. They want to give honor their nation but at the expense of
other nations. Adolf Hitler wanted Germany to rise above all nations so he decided to eradicate
the Jews through genocide. Many wars were a product of extreme nationalism; many lives were
taken due to negative application of nationalism.

In conclusion, nationalism can be taken positively or negatively. One should be wise

enough to express it accordingly without violating the rights of others. Everything that is too
much doesn’t usually end up well.

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