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Taylor Thibodaux


Reporting Re-Cap

1. The three stories that most followed Prof Thomas’ “formula” were “ Children React to the
Hurricane”, “Immigration Reform-Mid Elections”, and “Black Male Suicide.”
2. The main characters of each story that followed the formula were Kweli Turman in
“Children React to the Hurricane” by Nayo Campbell, Mario Castillo in “Immigration
Reform -Mid Elections by Reshod Hamilton, and Tyrone Peabody in “Black Male
Suicide” by Rachel Sudduth.
3. Coincidentally, both Nayo and Reshod used B-Roll and footage from each subject to
support the facts they were stating in their packages. Rachel stated her facts over b-roll as
4. The TRT for “Children React to the Hurricane” was 1:41 and Nayo did her standup in
front of a decorated wall in a classroom. In “Immigration Reform-Mid Elections”, the
TRT was 2:01 and the Reshod did his standup walking out of the Banneker building.
Lastly, in “Black Male Suicide”, Rachel did her standup in a field what it likes and her
TRT was 1:30.
5. I enjoyed Reshod’s standup and thought it was the most creative of the bunch. Him
walking out of Banneker was engaging and made me want to continue listening to him.
6. The person I may focus on in my story is a young student that has a strong opinion on the
subject matter. Currently, I am working with the Associate Principal of a school to try to
get an interview with a student. The research I will use are statistics, video from a recent
“shooter” evacuation video, and images.

Careers In television

1. The position that may be a Certified Public Accountant and hold an MBA is the Business
Manager and Controller position. This position is in charge of the station’s finances and
report to the general manger. This is important because they are the gatekeepers to the
station receiving new equipment and other necessities.
2. The purpose of the Traffic department is to schedule out shows and create the proper line
up. Their job is essential to station making money or not, and determines if the sales
department will reach their goals.
3. News directors and often work with the sales department because news directors are not
only responsible for sustaining the moral of the station, but they are also in charge
bringing in revenue to the station. Sometimes to increase ratings, sales would ask the
news director to approve for “client generated topics” to enter into a newscast.
4. The most challenging position in my opinion is the Operations Manager in the Traffic
Department. They seem to have to the most pressure on their from each department to
schedule out their shows so sales can sell ad space. The studio relies on that to keep
moving forward. The positions I found most appealing were Executive Producer, station
Manager, and General Manager. My strengths lie in staying organized and being creative.
Under pressure, I also have great ways solving issues that may arise.
5. The quote “I actually prefer our talent to have more of a liberal arts background than to
have focused exclusively on broadcast journalism, because what you learn in school is
quite different from the realities of the TV station. Those with broader knowledge bases
are apt to be more versatile in their reporting.” Gives incite on the idea that when students
are mostly focused on journalism have a narrower way of looking at situations. Students
who have more understanding of life or other subjects, are more creative and can grab
stories from other angles.

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