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"Influence Development or Teacher Initiatives by Field of Study, Guardian Class, PKS III,
Principal and Parents in Helping High School Students Language development"

Asked to meet one of the tasks Subjects PPD

Supporting lecturer:

Ayu Nindya Pristanti, S. Pd, M. Pd.



RAHMA DISA NAJLA (4191121019)






Praise and gratitude I prayed to God Almighty, for His gifts of us are still given the
opportunity to carry out the task of Mini Research Progress of Students as the fulfillment of
the task in following lectures on subjects Development of Students with lecturers Mrs.
Nindya Ayu Pristanti, S . Pd., M. Pd.
We are fully aware that in making this task is still far from perfect and still had many
shortcomings. To that end, I strongly expect criticism and constructive suggestions in order to
perfect his later work.
So that I can say, I hope that this research Mini could be useful for writers in
particular and also for the reader.

Medan, Novetember 2019



FOREWORD..................... ... ......................................................................2

CONTENTS ................................................................................................3
SUMMARY................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 5
1.1. Background.......................................................................................5
1.2. Objectives and benefits................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II FRAMEWORK FOR THINKING ............................................ 7
2.1. Problem Description ..........................................................................7
2.2. Subject Research ...............................................................................7
2.3. Data Assessment ...............................................................................7
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS........................................................ 8
3.1. Research methods............................................................................. 8
3.2. Step Research.................................................. ................................. 8
3.3. Data collection technique................. ................................................ 8
CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION........................................................................ 9
4.1. Analysis Discussion / Troubleshooting........................................... 13
4.2. Strength Research ..............................................................................13
4.3. Research weakness ........................................................................... 14
CHAPTER V CLOSING.................................................. ............................. 15
5.1. Conclusion................................................. ......................................... 15
5.2. Suggestion................................................. ......................................... 15


Language development associated with cognitive development, which means factors

intellect / cognition influence on developments language skills. Infants whose intellectual
level is still very undeveloped and simple. The more the baby grow and develop and begin to
understand the environment, then the language began to evolve from a very simple level
towards complex language. Language development is influenced by the environment,
because the language is basically a result of environmental belaja. Child (infant) beajar learn
the language as well as the others, "imitating" and "repeat" results have been obtained is a
way of learning a language early. Baby voiced "mmmmmmm", his mother smiled, repeating
mimicked by clarifying the meaning of the voice by giving it to "MAEM-MAEM". Babies
learn to add words to reproduce the sounds are heard. Adult human (especially his mother)
around corrected and clarified. Learning a new simple language made by children aged 6-7
years, when the child is still in school. So language development is the increasing ability of
control of means of communication by means of oral, written, or using signs and gestures.
Able and master communication tool here interpreted as an effort for someone to be able to
understand and another dipahamiorang .. and using signs and gestures. Able and master
communication tool here interpreted as an effort for someone to be able to understand and
another dipahamiorang .. and using signs and gestures. Able and master communication tool
here interpreted as an effort for someone to be able to understand and another dipahamiorang


1.1. Background

Teen language is a language that has evolved that he has much to learn from the
environment, and thus the language of teenagers formed from environmental conditions.
Environmental teens include family, community and in particular association of peers, and
the school environment. Pattern owned language is a language that evolved in the family or
the language.
Teen language development completed and enriched by the society in which they live.
This means that the formation of the personality resulting from the surrounding community
association will give a special feature in the behavior of the language. Along with life in the
community, (teenagers) cited the learning process at school. As known, instituted stimulus
targeted education given in accordance with the rule-kaedah correct. The education process is
not broadened and deepened horizon of science alone, but also plans to reverse the
development of culture systems, including the language behavior. Social influence within the
community (peers) sometimes quite prominent, so the language (teenagers) are becoming
more colored patterns of lingua franca that develop within the peer group. Of the group
evolved in code, a language that looks very special group, such terms are intended baceman
among students who are the leaked test questions or tests. Slang mainly specifically for
special interests anyway.
The influence of different environments between families communities, and schools in
language development, will cause differences between children with each other. This is
shown by the selection and use of vocabulary according to family social level. Families of
people lining the low education or illiterate, will be a lot of uses language markets, language
carelessly, with a rough terms. Educated people who generally have better social status, using
terms more selective and generally teenage children also speak better.
The function of language is a communication tool. From infancy, humans have been
communicating with another world. "Weeping" or cry at the time of birth, is the sense that in
addition to showing signs of life is also the way it communicates with the baby around.
Understanding as a communication tool can be interpreted as a sign, motion, and sound to
convey the contents of the mind on others. In speaking there are two parties involved, the
transmitter of the contents of the mind and the thoughts of the recipient. In a conversation or
dialogue, the parties mutually changed its function, between the receiver and transmitter of
the content of thought.

In the early development of spoken language, baby convey the contents of the mind or
feelings with taingis and or babble. He may cry or scream if unhappy or sick and raving or
touch if you're happy. Babble-babble, the longer will be clear, and the baby was able to
imitate the sounds he heard. The further development, an infant (child) who were aged 6-9
months, start to communicate with one word or two words, such as "MAEM" and "bu
MAEM". Thus so children begin to construct a sentence of three words to express the
intention or desire.

1.2. Objectives and benefits

As we did mini research goal is to fulfill the tasks subjects Development of Students.
And also to know how to influence the development and the efforts of teachers, homeroom,
PKS III, principals and parents in fostering language high school students. While the benefits
are so that we can add insight on how to make a mini research well and add insight about the
factors that help the development of children's language, especially high school students.

2.1. description Problems
Teen language is a language that has evolved in the environment and thus adolescent teen
language is formed from environmental conditions. Environmental teens include
family, community and in particular association of peers, and the school environment.

Pattern owned language is a language that evolved in the family or the language. Teen
language development completed and enriched by the society in which they live. This
means that the formation of the personality resulting from the surrounding community
association will give a special feature in the behavior of the language. Along with life
in the community, (teenagers) cited the learning process at school. As known, instituted
stimulus targeted education given in accordance with the rule-kaedah correct. The
education process is not broadened and deepened horizon of science alone, but also
plans to reverse the development of culture systems, including the language behavior.
Social influence within the community (peers) sometimes quite prominent, so the
language (teenagers) are becoming more colored patterns of lingua franca that develop
within the peer group. Of the group evolved in code, a language that looks very special
group, such terms are intended baceman among students who are the leaked test
questions or tests. Slang mainly specifically for special interests anyway. so the
language (teenagers) are becoming more colored patterns of lingua franca that develop
within the peer group. Of the group evolved in code, a language that looks very special
group, such terms are intended baceman among students who are the leaked test
questions or tests. Slang mainly specifically for special interests anyway. so the
language (teenagers) are becoming more colored patterns of lingua franca that develop
within the peer group. Of the group evolved in code, a language that looks very special
group, such terms are intended baceman among students who are the leaked test
questions or tests. Slang mainly specifically for special interests anyway.
The influence of different environments between families communities, and schools in
language development, will cause differences between children with each other. This is
shown by the selection and use of vocabulary according to family social level. Families
of people lining the low education or illiterate, will be a lot of uses language markets,
language carelessly, with a rough terms. Educated people who generally have better
social status, using terms more selective and generally teenage children also speak
2.2. Research subject
Subjects of this study consisted of 30 students SMA N 7 Medan exactly XII IPS 2.

2.3. Assessment Data

The assessment of the data obtained it is true that there is an influence of coaching or
effort of teachers and parents in fostering teenagers, especially high school students. Students

who lack social guidance from parents or teachers, will be difficult to interact with the
language of good and courteous to others and in the end was not optimal learning.

3.1. Research methods
The method used in this research mini is a direct visit to SMA N 7Medan, precisely
in class XII IPS 2.
3.2. Step Research
Step research is research that went to the location SMA N 7 Medan. Then deploy
and asks the students to fill out a questionnaire about coaching or effort of teachers and
parents in fostering adolescent language.
3.3. Data collection technique

The data collection techniques that do are collecting questionnaires given to
respondents to collect data according to the research problems to answer Yes or No.
Analysis of the data used is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, which
does not use statistical tool, but it is done by interpreting tables, graphs, or figures exist then
perform analysis, interpretation and make estimates of the percentage.

Initiatives by Field of Study Helps Master of Social Development in School Age
Language Development Secondary School Age Students
No Statement Ye Not
. s
1. Create a task that the process in the form of a group in order to
reproduce the vocabulary of students in communication
2. At any given time require students to turn to foreign language

books to be read 7 minutes before the lesson begins.
3. Motivating at each meeting by using standardized language.
4. Teachers encourage students to learn outside of school so that
they can communicate with many people who have a
variety of languages.
5. The teacher explains the lesson in which there are new
vocabulary thereby increasing vocabulary knowledge of
6. Teachers speak in class with a standard and correct language
when describing the lessons.
7. Recounting the lessons that have been given to the words and
language were arranged by the students themselves.
8. Advise learners use the library to look for the source text.
9. Giving an example of the correct body language

4.2 Initiatives by Guardian Class Helps Students Language Development Age School
N Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1. Mengarahkan siswa mengikuti les bahasa asing.
2. Mewajibkan peserta didik menggunakan bahasa yang sopan
dalam melakukan diskusi.
3. Mengarahkan peserta didik untuk mengekpresikan kata-kata
bijak pada mading sekolah guna memperkaya bahasa.
4. Menyalurkan bakat siswa dalam bidang bahasa
5. Mewajibkan siswa mengakses buku terbaru sebagai sumber
6. Menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan sopan ketika
menyampaikan materi pelajaran di kelas.
7. Memberi perhatian khusus kepada siswa yang mengalami
gangguan bahasa
8. Mengarahkan siswa untuk berpendapat.
9. Mengenali siswa yang mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi

1 Menggunakan strategi mengajar yang bervariasi untuk
0 meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa siswa
4.3 Upaya yang Dilakukan PKS III Membantu Perkembangan Bahasa Siswa Usia
Sekolah Menengah
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1. Merekomendasikan siswa untuk mengikuti perlombaan
yang bersifat mengembangkan bahasa.
2. Merancang program literasi bersama setiap satu minggu
sekali di luar kelas.
3. Mengusulkan bimbingan belajar (les) bahasa asing di
4. Aktif mengkoordinir bimbingan belajar bahasa asing di
5. Membuat program debat bahasa Indonesia antarkelas.
6. Membuat program debat bahasa Inggris antarkelas.
7.. Merekomendasikan dilaksanakannya lomba karya ilmiah
8. Memajang hasil karya siswa di mading
9. Memberikan penghargaan bagi peserta didik yang memiliki
prestasi di bidang bahasa.
10. Merekomendasikan adanya program pidato setiap pagi
dengan bahasa asing.
11. Menunjukkan sikap berbahasa yang sopan jika berjumpa
dengan siswa.
12. Menyediakan wadah organisasi sebagai yang dapat
membantu perkembangan bahasa siswa

4.4 Initiatives by the Principal Language Development Helps High School Seniors
No Statement Yes Not
1. Conducting debate Indonesian

2. Conducting foreign language debate
3. Implement the literacy program together every once a week
outside of class.
4. Provide a variety of sources of reading material of various
languages in the library
5. Involving students in the short story competition outside of
6. Make tutoring (tutoring) foreign language at school.
7. Provide opportunities for students in rotation after the flag
ceremony to tell the books contents are read.
8. Permit the holding of competitions relating to poetry
9. Speaking in front of learners using standardized language
10. Admonishing students to use language that is not polite
11. Approved the holding of foreign language learning program
12. Mendukung peserta didik mengikut organisasi di sekolah
guna belajar menyampaikan pendapat.

4.5 Upaya yang Dilakukan Orangtua Membantu Perkembangan Bahasa Siswa Usia
Sekolah Menengah
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1. Memberikan contoh berbahasa yang baik saat
2. Mendukung penuh kegiatan di sekolah yang bersifat
mengembangkan bahasa siswa.
3. Membawa siswa keluar daerah ketika libur sekolah guna
menambah wawasan tentang bahasa daerah.
4. Membiasakan siswa untuk berbahasa yang sopan ketika
di lingkungan keluarga maupun di luar rumah.
5. Membiasakan siswa untuk berbahasa yang sopan ketika
di luar rumah.
6. Mengajari anak bahasa daerah asal.
7. Mengajari anak menggunakan bahasa yang baku

8. Mendukung anak mengikuti les bahasa asing
9. Memotivasi anak untuk mengikuti kompetisi yang
berhubungan dengan bahasa
10. Mengarahkan anak untuk berbicara sopan kepada semua
11. Memantau perkembangan anak dalam hal teknologi yang
mungkin terpengaruh oleh bahasa gaul

Analisa Pembahasan atau Penyelesaian Masalah

Dari hasil jawaban para siswa yang tertera dalam angket, kami mengetahui bahwa
sebagian besar siswa mengatakan bahwa pengaruh pembinaan, dukungan atau upaya orang
tua dan guru baik itu guru bidang studi, wali kelas PKS III, dan kepala sekolah untuk
membantu perkembangan bahasa remaja. Dari angket tersebut, didapatkan bahwa peran
terbesar yang didapat remaja untuk mendorong dan membina perkembangan bahasa remaja
adalah guru bidang studi (sekitar 40%) dan orang tua (sekitar 50%). Peran wali kelas,PKS III
dan kepala sekolah dianggap kurang hanya sekitar (10%). orang tua dianggap memiliki
peranan penting dalam perkembangan bahasa anak karna bahasa yang digunakan anak saat
berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya adalah bahasa yang biasa mereka gunakan di rumah. PKS
III dianggap kurang aktif mengintensifkan dan membina segala kegiatan ekstrakurikuler baik
pramuka, olahraga ataupun seni. Sedangkan kepala sekolah dianggap kurang memfasilitasi
kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan tidak melakukan studi banding kesekolah lain.namun kepala
sekolah masih membuat program literasi setiap jumatnya untuk mendukung perkembangan
bahasa siswa.
Berdasarkan wawancara dengan para siswa, mereka setuju bahwa pembinaan atau
dorongan orang tua dan guru sangat berpengaruh dalam perkembangan bahasa. Semakin
bagus didikan dan perkembangan bahasa remaja tersebut maka lebih mudah mengatasi
kesulitan-kesulitan dalam interaksi atau hubungan social di masyarakat dan dapat belajar dan
berinteraksi dengan maksimal. Penggunaan bahasa daerah juga dapat mengembangan
perkembangan bahasa siswa. Banyak daripada siswa yang tidak memahami bahasa daerah
mereka masing-masing.
Memang tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa orang tua dan guru adalah salah satu faktor
pendorong berkembang atau tidaknya anak tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, perlu peran penting
orang tua dan guru dalam membantu perkembangan bahasa anak, terutama remaja yang

masih labil dan belum terkontrol dan cendrung menggunakan bahasa yang sering mereka
dengar walaupun terbilang tidak sopan.
Adapun cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat menyadarkan betapa pentingnya
pembinaan atau upaya membantu perkembangan bahasa anak yaitu dengan memberi tahu
peran orang tua dalam perkembangan bahasa remaja, baik dengan sosialisasi atau membaca
artikel tentang remaja dan lain sebagainya.
1.1. Kekuatan Penelitian
Kekuatan penelitian ini sudah cukup memadai karna selain berasal dari data
kualitataif juga berasal dari data kuantitatif. Dimana data kualitatif tersebut dari response,
wawancara atau angket.dan data kuantitatif dari persentase jawaban.
1.2. Kelemahan Penelitian
Kelemahan penelitian ini adalah dari segi narasumber yakni kepala sekolah. Pada
saat penelitian dilakukan kepala sekolah tidak dapat di wawancara karena sedang tidak
berada di sekolah.

5.1. Kesimpulan
Dari mini riset yang dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pembinaan atau
dorongan orang tua dan guru sangat berpengaruh dalam perkembangan bahasa. Semakin
bagus interaksi dan perkembangan bahasa remaja tersebut maka lebih mudah mengatasi
kesulitan-kesulitan dalam interaksi atau hubungan social di masyarakat dan dapat belajar dan
berinteraksi dengan maksimal. Dorongan atau pembinaan yang paling besar didapatkan siswa
SMA N 7 Medan kelas XII IIPS 2 adalah pembinaan atau dorongan dari orang tua dan guru
bidang studi. Adapun upaya untuk menangani kurangnya pembinaan atau dorongan dari guru
dan orang tua adalah dengan mengenalkan peran penting guru dan orang tua bagi
perkembangan bahasa anak, terutama remaja. Baik dengan sosialisasi, artikel tentang
perkembangan social remaja dan lain sebagainya.

5.2. Saran

Sebaiknya orang tua dan guru paham peran meraka yang sangat membangtu anak
remaja dalam perkembangan bahasanya, agar remaja tersebut tidak kesulitan dalam hubungan
social ataupun pendidikannya.


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