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Marketing Research

Area Chairperson: Prof. Asif Zameer

No.of Cases: 66

1. MAR0061 1967 3 pp
Market Research Corporation (Private) Limited
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research
Raises many doubts about the role of consumer surveys and highlights the reservations of a marketing
executive towards marketCase Exercise Technical Note
ing research. Issues related to the tendency of jumping directly to collection of primary information are

2. MAR0062 1967 10 pp
Marketing Research Services (Private) Limited (A)
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information System
The case involves problem formulation and defining information needed for finding out the chances of
success of the proposed advertising agency. It requires determination of the kind of advertising agency to
be floated to meet the needs of the clients. It also requires estimation of market and sales potential as
well as costs of running such an agency. What kind of research study should be conducted for collecting
what kind of information are the two main questions on which this case focuses?

3. MAR0063 1967 34 pp
Marketing Research Services (Private) Limited (B)
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems
This is the second case in the series, describing a proposed research study for examining feasibility of
starting an advertising agency. Participants are expected to evaluate the research approach, research
design and the tools of measurement suggested in the proposal.

4. MAR0064 1967 19 pp
Marketing Research Services (Private) Limited (C)
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems
This is the third case in the series, giving information collected through the research design and
instruments outlined in Case (B). The focus of this case is on discussing alternative approaches for
interpreting information for the purpose of aiding recommendations for specific decisions.

5. MAR0065 1967 11 pp
Marketing Research Services (Private) Limited (D)
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems
This is the fourth case in the series, describing the inferences drawn and the recommendations put
forward by the research agency to the client. Students are expected to play the role of the decision maker
and use the information to arrive at specific decisions. The question of reliability and relevance in
evaluating and using information are highlighted.
6. MAR0067R 1966 8 pp
Asha Tea Company
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems
The case gives the proposal of a research agency for a national sample survey. Participants are expected
to evaluate the proposed sampling design for the study. The problems of identifying relevant sample
frames, and questions about the implication of using alternative sample frames in terms of under-
representation or wastage are raised. The issues in selecting actual sample members in a large national
sample of households are highlighted.

7. MAR0068 1972 21 pp
Ahmedabad Supermarket
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing Research
The case presents a study conducted by the students of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad,
for examining the chances of success of a new supermarket being set up by an entrepreneur in
Ahmedabad. The main objective of the study was to get the reaction of the local consumers and retailers
for determining the extent to which the supermarket would succeed. A good deal of information has been
provided on the usefulness of research for the decision problems involved. In particular, the students
become experienced in dealing with problems of sampling within the constraints of time and resources.

8. MAR0070 1972 9 pp
Suryodaya Private Limited
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Management
The case deals with introductory problems faced by the company in introducing a new product in the
market— bottled cooking gas—adoption of which requires considerable changes in cooking habits. The
situation presents problems involved in the diffusion of innovations among consumers. Students are
expected to make recommendations to the company for accelerating the diffusion process in light of
consumer resistance in its adoption. A creative communications plan has to be worked out.

9. MAR0071 1970 14 pp
Modern Bakeries (India) Limited, Ahmedabad (B)
Mehta, S C and Vora, M N
Marketing I
The case involves the students in a realistic situation wherein they have to understand the consumption
behavior and buying pattern of the consumers with regard to bread, and develop a distribution plan for a
large public sector bakery set up in Ahmedabad, keeping fully in view the types of retail outlets available.
The students are expected to evaluate the various alternative plans for distribution through sole-selling
agents, wholesalers, or direct distribution by the company. Complete cost data about these different
operations is provided.

10. MAR0077 1970 7 pp

Shaft Equipment Company Limited
Matthai, Ravi J
Basic Marketing Concepts; Market Environment Analysis
An industrial equipment marketing company which markets mining machinery to the coal mines decides
to sell boots and uniforms for miners. The company perceives these products as consonant with the rest
of its product mix on the ground that they will involve “industrial marketing” to the coal companies. After
the company enters the boot and uniform market it finds that it has entered the consumer goods market.
Case Exercise Technical Note

11. MAR0079 1969 5 pp

Super Textiles Limited
Rao, C P
Export Marketing; International Marketing
Stresses a medium-sized company’s overall marketing strategy in its export markets. It describes the
company’s product policies and export promotional methods. Students are expected to discuss and
evaluate the overall export strategy, particularly in light of its size.

12. MAR0082TEC 1970 32 pp

Concepts in Product Planning and Strategy
Mehta, S C
Marketing—Industrial Procurement
This is a comprehensive technical note based on material from
published sources on the subject. The areas covered include relevant definitions, new-product life cycle,
and adoption stages. The note is illustrated by relevant charts and models and also gives a checklist for
new industrial products. The note has been specifically prepared with industrial marketing as the primary
13. MAR0086 1970 28 pp
Western India Fertilizer Company
Mehta, S C and Kashyap, S P
Marketing Management; Sales Management; Rural Marketing;
Logistics and Physical Distribution
The case deals with the problem of deciding the locations of warehouses for the distribution of chemical
fertilizers in Gujarat for a large company having 500,000 tonnes capacity. Specifically, the major
questions are how many stocks points to use, in what broad geographical areas, exact locations for the
depots, inventory levels to be maintained at each depot to avoid stockouts, and the operating costs of
running the operation. Comparative data on direct distribution versus distribution through depots is given.
The case also gives sufficient data on consumption patterns, growth rates, distances and costs of
transportation to evaluate and select the most appropriate method of physical distribution.

14. MAR0088R 1970 3 pp

KBK Manufacturing Company
Mehta, S C
Marketing—Industrial Procurement; Managerial Economics
A small machine shop is facing the problem of developing a source of supply for castings needed for
cylinder liners for an automobile company. Important factors to be considered are price, quality and
regularity of supply. There are three possible sources, but their past records on the three factors are
erratic. The company is short of funds and, therefore, cannot afford to carry large inventories to take care
of fluctuations in lead-time. Students are required to work out the comparative economic analysis,
expected value of rejects, and how many castings to buy to get 1,000 good liners.

15. MAR0090 1972 13 pp

Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals
Mehta, S C
Marketing Research
The case outlines the information needs of a company in planning the introduction of any product. The
investigation process used by the company’s marketing research executive for meeting the various
information needs is given. Students are expected to evaluate the investigation process and the
information generated by the research. On the basis of the information available, they have to evaluate
the decision as to whether the company should enter the household insecticides market. They are also
expected to analyze the research executive’s marketing strategy recommendations about the introduction
of the new product, and discuss whether the recommendations are consistent with the research findings.

16. MAR0091 1971 18 pp

Ahmedabad Textiles Limited
Mehta, S C
Basic Marketing
This case brings out the basic aspects of the marketing concept and can be used to illustrate the major
differences between marketing and selling. The company gives the impression that it is selling almost
everything it can produce; but a deeper analysis brings out the lack of marketing concept, absence of any
clear marketing objectives, and almost total lack of control over marketing elements. The case brings out
the insensitivity of the management to the significant trends in the environment relevant to the marketing
strategy of a textile company in general, what is required to bring about a change in the marketing
orientation of ATL in particular, and how to go about initiating such change. The need for outlining clear
marketing objectives, better control and coordination of marketing activities, and systematic collection of
marketing information for decision-making becomes quite clear.

17. MAR0092(C) 1971 5 pp

Household Products (India) Limited (C)
Bhandari, L R
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Marketing Planning and Strategy; Product Policy in Management;
Consumer Behaviour; First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II) Based on a real case history of new-product
introduction, the case describes the market situation, analyses marketing opportunities and gives a brief
account of the product development process. Decisions on various elements of the marketing mix of new
products are indicated. The case ends just before the product is to be test-marketed. The case can be
used to teach newCase Exercise Technical Note
product introduction courses, the role of research in new-product introduction, and the design of test
market programmes. It can also be used primarily for discussing the analysis of marketing opportunities.

18. MAR0092(D) 1972, 2000 9 pp

Household Products (India) Limited (D)
Bhandari, L R
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Quantitative Models in Marketing; First Year Marketing (Marketing I &
II); Product Policy in Management This case is an extension of Household Products (India) Limited (C). In
addition to describing the event that led to the development of a new toilet soap and the process of
decisions on the various elements of marketing mix of the new soap, it also describes the test market
experience. The new soap is introduced to a test market and research is conducted to evaluate its
performance. The case contains data which should enable the readers to draw some conclusions on the
success or otherwise of the product. The case can be used to teach test marketing, research for
evaluating new-product introductions, models for predicting brand share and information systems design
for test-market evaluation.

19. MAR0093 1973 17 pp

Hi-Sell Paperbacks Company
Prasad, Keshav
This case describes the situation where the company is concerned about a specific definition of marketing
problems relating to both opportunities and threats. The discussion will lead to specification of information
needs and an approach to solve sample design problems.
20. MAR0094 1973 8 pp
Modern Bakeries (India) Limited, Ahmedabad (C)
Anand, R K and Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing I & II; Sales Management and Distribution
The case describes the procedure adopted by the company in appointing wholesalers and retailers in
Ahmedabad. Can be used to design criteria and procedure for selecting wholesalers for Modern Bakeries’

21. MAR0094 1973 24 pp

Modern Bakeries (India) Limited, Ahmedabad (D)
Anand, R K and Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing II
This case describes the market development (in different towns), development of product mix, and
distribution arrangements of the company. Special emphasis has been put on the distribution costs. Along
with the pricing data, it can be used as a case for formulating marketing strategy.

22. MAR0097 1974 38 pp

Scooter Manufacturing Company
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing II
This is a case on marketing planning for a new scooter manufacturing company. Marketing decisions
relate to product mix, distribution channels, promotion and pricing for the scooter being manufactured by
the company. Strategic decisions like which segments of the market should be attacked at what point of
time are extremely relevant in view of the fact that the company was sponsored by a State Small
Industries Corporation. Long- range decisions about facility planning, manpower planning and financial
planning are also involved. The case includes a short account of the scooter industry in India.

23. MAR0098 1972 21 pp

Hindustan Pharmaceutical Ltd.
Mehta, S C and Parasuraman, A
Basic Marketing; Marketing Research
HPL was contemplating the introduction of an over-the-counter tonic to tap the increasing demand for
such a product. Though the management was convinced of the viability of the proposition, issues like
attributes of the product and marketing strategy to be used were being considered. The product manager
organized a consumer research to help the company in its decisionmaking on product concept,
advertising theme, and overall marketing strategy to be deployed for effectively launching the new tonic.
Students are required to evaluate the research procedure followed and comment on the
recommendations made by the product manager.

24. MAR0099 1972 21 pp

Demand for Scooters in India
Mehta, S C and Anand, R K
Quantitative Methods in Marketing; Consumer Behaviour; Demand Forecasting The case deals with the
development of demand forecast for a product which is presently in a totally sellers’ market and
commands a considerable premium over the control price. As a result, there are serious distractions in
the marketplace, and the registration queue gives very little useful indications of the effective demand.
Also, the demand is expected to be influenced by prices of substitutes like motorcycles and mopeds,
likely changes in the supply and price position of cars, investment in public transport and road
development, and a lot of other complicating factors. Because of supply shortage resulting in high resale
prices of second-hand scooters, the consumer today is able to use the product at hardly any cost and is
able to recover his investment from resale in the market. With the changed situation when supply
situation improves, such factors would disappear and the problem of forecasting demand today under a
changed supply situation becomes complicated. Regression method has been used for estimating the
demand, and disposable income, price and scooter stocks were treated as the dependent variable, while
income and price were used as independent explaining variables. Students are expected to identify other
variables besides those considered in this study for obtaining better forecasts. Also data about a
comprehensive consumer survey has been given to provide a better insight into the demand forecasting
problem. Case Exercise Technical Note


25. MAR0100 1972 20 pp

Shakti Breweries
Mehta, S C
Marketing Research
The case presents the attempt by a company to select a suitable brand name for a new brand of beer
through a systematic research procedure. The research first identifies the product attributes and various
associations of the consumer with beer, and through a formal ranking procedure generates a large
number of likely names that could be used. In the second stage of the research, a variety of tests based
on measures like meaningfulness, fittingness and recall were administered to the respondents to come up
with a select list of names that could be used by the company. The case incorporates data on various
names tested, and results of the tests.

26. MAR0102 1973 9 pp

Drista Pharmaceuticals
Mehta, S C and Dave, Pratima
Basic Marketing
The case deals with the introduction of an oral analgesic that has a considerable product differentiation
and unique selling proposition. Introductory marketing effort of the company is described and a plan for a
full launch of the product has to be worked out.

27. MAR0113 1975 17 pp

Advertisers India Limited
Jain, Abhinandan K
Quantitative Models in Marketing
The case describes a quantitative model for selecting the minimum cost media plan in order to achieve a
desired level of reach and frequency in several target audience groups. The decision problem relates to
adoption of the model for drawing up a national press media plan on the basis of comparative results of
the model for a regional media plan, and a plan developed through existing methods. The case can be
used to understand and appreciate the problems of model formulation in general and media planning
models in particular.

28. MAR0114RTEC 1975 20 pp

Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals
Khurana, Rakesh and Dehadrai, Anant P
This note gives a detailed version of the functioning of the organization that is the central purchase
organization of the Government of India and buys the major requirements of all ministries and
departments of the central government.

29. MAR0115TEC 1974 20 pp

Marketing and Public Policy*
Jain, Abhinandan K; Khurana, Rakesh; and Dehadrai, Anant P
First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Legal Aspects of Business This note provides a brief overview of public
policy and laws affecting pricing, distribution, product and promotional decisions of a firm. Particular
public policy aspects considered are: Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, tariff commission,
Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, etc. The note can be used to draw up a framework for understanding the
public policy on marketing and its existing effects on marketing.

30. MAR0117TEC 1975 26 pp

Measurement and Scaling in Marketing
Jain, Abhinandan K and Jumani, Usha
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Consumer Behaviour Describes the nature of measurement in
marketing. The existing ways of measuring knowledge and attitude scaling techniques like Thurstone’s
law of comparative judgement, semantic differential scaling, Thurstone’s differential scale and Q-sort
have been discussed. Aspects of validity and reliability, and methods for establishing them are included in
the note. Case Exercise Technical Note


31. MAR0118TEC 1975 26 pp

Data Analysis: Non-Parametric*
Jain, Abhinandan K and Jumani, Usha
Marketing Research and Information Systems The note is intended to provide an understanding of data
analysis techniques from the point of view of a marketing manager/ researcher. Various illustrative
examples of data analysis in the context of marketing research are provided.

32. MAR0119TEC 1974 7 pp

Market Indices (for Consumer Products)
Vora, M N
First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Marketing Research
Market indices reflecting relative purchasing power of different market towns in India are discussed.

33. MAR0121TEC 1974 4 pp

Methods Used in Forecasting Demands for Industrial
Vora, M N
First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II)
Describes the demand forecasting methods used in industrial product situations. It is based completely on
published material.

34. MAR0124TEC 1974 16 pp

Issues in Purchasing of Marketing Research Services
or Information
Vora, M N
First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Marketing Research The note describes the marketing research scene
in India, based on data provided by a few good marketing research agencies. It describes the kind of
marketing research studies that are carried out by selected research agencies in India, and also gives
relevant information about a few reputed agencies. It attempts to raise issues, which a purchaser of
syndicated information or a person financing a study to be carried out by an outside agency needs to
think through.

35. MAR0125 1975 30 pp

Apex Tyres Limited
Subramaniam, S
Marketing Management
The project manager of ATL, a joint sector company, has to evolve the marketing strategy for automobile
tyres to be manufactured in early 1976.

36. MAR0126 1975 41 pp

Kayjay Spiroll Limited*
Bijapurkar, Ashoke
Marketing Strategy; Marketing II
The case describes the marketing strategy adopted by a relatively new company for marketing its
product—pre-fabricated roofing and flooring slabs. Sales have not been up to expectations and an
evaluation of the strategy is called for. The company is also planning to introduce a new product, hollow
blocks; hence, a comprehensive marketing plan needs to be developed. Decisions to be taken relate to
pricing, distribution channels and promotion. Strategic decisions like which segments of the market to
attack at what point of time are very important in view of the nature of the company and its products.
Long-range decisions relating to facilities and services (erection) and manpower planning are also
involved. Financial implications of all such actions can be evaluated with the kind of information available.

37. MAR0127 1975 12, 47 pp

Urmi Pharmaceutical Company (C) & (D)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems Case (C) describes the marketing manager’s concern over the
company’s marketing information system, and effective use of the information for marketing
decisions.Case (D) describes the marketing information system of the company. It also describes the
company’s annual marketing planning process. Various forms used for the purpose of reporting, collating
and disseminating information are included. Roles and functions of various marketing executives are

38. MAR0139 1975 19 pp

A Case on Analysis of Data: Brand Awareness Among
Ahmedabad High School Students
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Statistical Methods in Data Analysis
The case is based on a brand awareness study among high school students in Ahmedabad. The purpose
of the case is to expose participants to data analysis. The situation offers possibilities of using various
analytical techniques. The primary data are stored on computer tapes.

39. MAR0140 1975 23 pp

Metres for Millions*
Dholakia, Nikhilesh and Jain, Abhinandan K
First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Distribution Management
This is a case dealing with the macro-distribution problems of controlled cloth in Gujarat. It can be used to
decide the breadth and depth of distribution channels for controlled cloth under the government scheme
as well as highlight the problems faced by dealers under the scheme.

40. MAR0181 1977 10 pp

Union Carbide India Limited (A)
Mohan, Manendra
Marketing Research and Information Systems
This is basically an illustrative note dealing with the development of marketing information system for a
product like agricultural chemicals. The case is intended to stimulate concepts and ideas on evolving a
marketing information system for a product which has the characteristics of both industrial and consumer
products, as far as marketing and related inputs are concerned. Therefore, the use of data for this case is
limited only to published sources. The development of a marketing information system in the case is
considered from the point of view of a sales office. The case deals with the question of evolving an
approach for building the information system as well as making a reference to the use of the system,
especially at the sales office level.

41. MAR0184 1978 15 pp

ABC Corporation
Bhandari, L R
Marketing I; Marketing Research and Information Systems; Consumer Behaviour
A leading manufacturer of refrigerators is planning to introduce a new product -– an air-conditioner. A
study is commissioned to understand the target consumers’ buying behavior. The marketing manager,
aided by the findings and recommendations of the research group, needs to devise a promotional
strategy. The case provides an opportunity for analyzing and using buyer behavior in marketing
42. MAR0190 1978 25 pp
Life Insurance Corporation of India: The Development
of a Scale to Measure Job Discontent
Mehta, S C
Marketing Research; Research Methodology
The case uses a fairly sophisticated methodology to develop a scale to measure job discontent among
Development Officers in the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The methodology involves first
generating a large number of items covering various dimensions of job discontent. The responses are
initially screened with the use of the “t” test, and the remaining items are then factor analyzed. Test-retest
technique and split-half methods are used to ensure reliability. Finally, the case deals with the validity of
the scale, both internal and external. The question of the value of such a scale for the LIC management is
raised, and opportunities presented to evaluate the methodology and examine its reliability and validity in
view of the various procedures adopted.

43. MAR0196(A) 1978 14 pp

Western State Industrial Development Corporation (A)
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research; Advertising and Promotion Management The case involves decisions regarding problem
definition, specification of information needs and research design of the research study for improving the
decision- making regarding advertising in a state industrial development corporation.

44. MAR0196(B) 1978 14 pp

Western State Industrial Development Corporation (B)
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research; Advertising and Promotion Management The case involves designing a personally
administered questionnaire for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns of a state industrial
development corporation.

45. MAR0233TEC 1979 14 pp

Motivation Research
Assumptha, Arul; Mohan, Manendra; and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems This note describes “motivation research” in some detail. The
elements constituting the “why” of purchase and consumption behaviour are briefly explained. The
techniques, i.e., projective and non-projective, are illustratively explained. Finally, the note discusses the
importance of motivation research in market research.

46. MAR0234 1979 4 pp

Research for Product Positioning for Vanishing Cream
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Product Management The case deals with the problem of
constructing a questionnaire for the product positioning study.

47. MAR0235 1979 14 pp

Sohanlal & Sons (A)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Management The case deals with
a large consumer panel (more than 5,000 families) operations. The Textiles Committee, Bombay, is
operating this panel on a continuous basis. Executives of a group of textile mills have been considering
how they use the information generated by the Textiles Committee. It requires evaluation of panel
operation, reliability of data generated, and identifying relevant information for specific marketing
decisions or strategies.
48. MAR0257TEC 1980 13 pp
Marketing Research Designs
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Research Design This note is meant for users of marketing
research. It provides an understanding of purposes of research in a decision-making situation in
marketing research, alternative research designs used in marketing research, and criteria/guidelines for
selection and evaluation of alternative designs for specific research studies. The specific research
designs discussed include in-depth personal interviews, group discussion, case studies, survey and
experimental research (both field and laboratory) in the context of purpose of research if exploratory,
descriptive and causative.

49. MAR0258TEC 1980 27 pp

Sampling in Marketing Research
Jain, Abhinandan K and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Research Methodology It is a non-technical description of various
issues that arise in sample selection for marketing research studies. Users’ point of view has influenced
the content and the style of writing of this note. It draws upon the experience of actual marketing research
studies that are included as illustrations. It deals with various steps in sample design, like definition of
universe, preparation of sampling frame, choice of basic sampling approach, probability, nonprobability
and Bayesian sampling methods, problems of sampling in experimental marketing research, and
problems in actual implementation of a sampling plan.

50. MAR0259TEC 1982 21 pp

Adoption of Moulded Plastic Suitcases
Vora, M N
Product Policy and Management
This is an illustration of a basic study about the adoption of consumer durables using the in-depth
(focused) interview technique. Special considerations arising in designing, conducting and interpreting
such research are the focus of the case.

51. MAR0260 1980 5 pp

Cancer Relief Organization*
Mehta, S C
Marketing in Non-profit Organizations; Marketing Strategy
The case presents a scheme proposed by a philanthropic organization for setting up a cancer-screening
programme in Ahmedabad city that would facilitate local citizens to have a checkup for early detection of
cancer. A comprehensive marketing programme has been suggested in the case to attract people
towards such a checkup service, for which a Programme Officer with marketing background was hired to
develop various aspects of the service. The case is described in terms of two different market segments,
consumers and supporting agents, and deals with all the elements of the marketing mix.
52. MAR0261R 1987 11 pp
Product Design Services (A)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Management of Service
Organizations Relates to strategic issues of continuing in the business, and evolving an appropriate
marketing strategy for promoting product design services offered. Issues raised relate to diagnosing
critical problems requiring resolution, identifying needed information, Case Exercise Technical Note
and designing appropriate research studies and instruments for data collection. Four different studies
were designed: 1) of users of product design services, 2) of potential users of PDS, 3) of intermediary
institutions which would act as referral institutions, and 4) of competing firms offering such services.

53. MAR0261R 1987 15 pp

Product Design Services (B)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Management of Service
Organizations In Case (A), four proposed studies were presented. In this case, data generated through
these studies is presented. Problems of data preparation and analysis are raised. Special problems
related to interpretation of data collected through depth interview studies are brought into focus.

54. MAR0261R 1987 12 pp

Product Design Services (C)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; First Year Marketing (Marketing I & II); Management of Service
Organizations Relates to description of findings and action recommendations following the preparation and
initial analysis of data [presented in Case (B)]. Issues raised relate to drawing of inferences out of
analysis of data; combining inferences from several studies; deriving action recommendations from
findings; and evaluation of findings and recommendations.
55. MAR0268(A) 1982, 1985 7 pp
National Machine Tools Limited (A)
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Marketing I & II; Marketing Strategy The case describes the
marketing situation of a division (die casting machines division) of a multi-plant, multi- division company.
Data include company sales, industry sales, and sales and product lines of competitors. The process of
decision-making (with regard to pricing) of the company, bases of competition used by different
competitors, and some understanding of different types of buyers in the market and their behaviour is
provided. While the immediate decision area is pricing, the case could be used for deciding marketing

56. MAR0269TEC 1982 3 pp

Managing the Marketing Research Activities
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems; Marketing II The note identifies the many decisions related to
managing marketing research activities. It enlists the steps necessary to be used if an outside research
agency is used. It also identifies and lists the questions which need answers for the search and selection
of an outside agency.
57. MAR0270TEC 1982 20 pp
Data Collection Approaches
Dholakia, Ruby Roy and Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems The note deals with i) nature of “information” in marketing
research, ii) sources of information, iii) description of various data collection approaches, and iv) criteria
for selection of the data collection approach. Various methods described are: 1) content analysis, 2)
observational methods, 3) question-response method, and other less-used methods of data collection.

58. MAR0271TEC 1982 17 pp

Scaling in Marketing Research
Jain, Abhinandan K and Dholakia, Ruby Roy
Marketing Research and Information Systems The note describes a classification scheme of marketing
information for scale construction. For single item measurement, ordinal, interval and ratio scale methods
are described. Multi-item scales like semantic differential, Thurstone’s equal appearing interval, and
Likert’s summated rating scales are described. A broad idea about multidimensional scaling is also
provided. Guidelines for selection of scales are provided at the end.

59. MAR0272TEC 1982 8 pp

Measurement in Marketing Research
Dholakia, Ruby Roy and Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research and Information Systems
The note has four sections: Section 1: What is measured in marketing? Section 2: What is measurement?
Section 3: How to select measures (scales), and Section 4: How to ensure validity and reliability of
measures. • The note is written with marketing decision- makers and marketing research executives as
primary audiences.

60. MAR0276 1983 16 pp

Industrial Belts (India) Limited (A)
Jain, Abhinandan K and Vyas, Preeta H
Marketing II; Marketing Research and Information Systems; Research Methodology
The case describes broad decision problems, research objectives, a two-phase research plan, and details
of each phase of research about a stores item (V belts) used by industrial units. The sampling plan and
data collection approach/instrument used in each phase of the study are also described. A preliminary
questionnaire, its pretest results, and a revised final questionnaire for the second phase are also
included. • The case can be used for i) sharper definition/prioritization of decision areas and research
objectives/areas, ii) specification of information needs, iii) evaluating the two-phase research plan, iv)
questionnaire construction, including pretesting, v) evaluation of sampling plan, and vi) preparing a
preliminary plan for data analysis.

61. MAR0276 1983 6 pp

Industrial Belts (India) Limited (B)
Jain, Abhinandan K and Vyas, Preeta
Marketing II; Marketing Research and Information Systems; Research Methodology
The case describes preliminary analysis done on the data collected in Phase II of the research described
in Case (A). It can be used for understanding and evaluating the preliminary data analysis. Use of some
non-parametric statistical techniques could be demonstrated for making inferences about different
segments of buyers. It can also be used to prepare a final plan for data analysis as required by research

62. MAR0285 1985 7 pp

Urmi Pharmaceutical Company (G)
Vora, M N
Marketing Research and Information Systems
The case presents a review of past research studies carried out for examining doctors’ prescription
behaviour and for determining promotional mix. It also gives a brief review of the company’s marketing
information system. It is useful for discussing alternative research methodologies/ studies for the
phenomenon of doctors’ prescription behaviour. The events described in this case relate to data available
in the company in the early sixties (i.e.,1963- 65).

63. MAR0303(A) 1994 10 pp

Indian Products Limited (A): Preparing a Plan for Data
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research; Research Methodology; Statistical Methods for Data Analysis The case can be used for
preparing a plan of data analysis for data obtained through a structured instrument. The case describes
the cooking medium market in India. It provides details of a research study to i) assess opportunity for a
new brand of small pack refined oil and ii) determine the best product concept in terms of consumer
acceptance/appeal. Three different phases of research for i) generating attributes, ii) generating useful
product concepts, and iii) testing the concepts have been described. The case also includes the
questionnaire used for collecting data from sample respondents for testing the product concept. Case
Exercise Technical Note

64. MAR0303(B) 1994 4 pp
Indian Products Limited (B): Plan for Data Analysis
and Inference Building
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research; Research Methodology; Statistical Methods for Data Analysis The case (B) describes the
process of data preparation, including preparation of the codebook, and proposed data analysis plan for
achieving the objectives of the research described in Case (A). The objectives were to assess whether an
opportunity existed for a new brand of small pack refined oil brand. The use of Case (A) is necessary to
handle this case. The case can be used for understanding and evaluating the proposed data preparation
and data analysis plan.

65. MAR0303(C) 1994

Indian Products Limited (C)
Jain, Abhinandan K
Marketing Research; Research Methodology; Statistical Methods for Data Analysis The cases can be used for
evaluating data analysis and inferences drawn for selecting one or more product concepts for further
scrutiny in the process of new product introduction. The techniques used in case (C) are for univariate,
bivariate, and multivariate regression analysis. The context is that of a research to test four concepts of a
new product in the small pack refined oil market. The research also is briefly described.

66. MAR0306 1995 16 pp

Splendor Decorative Laminates India Ltd.: Evaluating Market Research Proposals and
Selecting Market Research Agency Koshy, Abraham
MRIS; Marketing II; Market Research Module
The case presents the situation wherein the Marketing Manager of the Company has to decide as to
which Market Research Agency should be entrusted with the task of carrying out a market research study
to enable the organization to formulate their marketing strategy. The case provides the details of the brief
sent by the organization to different MR agencies and the proposals submitted by three leading MR
Agencies in response to the brief. The case provides an opportunity to discern criteria to evaluate market
research proposals, examine research proposals from a decision maker’s perspective and arrive at a
decision of awarding the assignment based on sound marketing logic.

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