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Numerical Methods (Lab.

GENG 300
Summer 2019

Assignment 2
A2-1. Plot t versus v with line width 1.5, dotted, red colored line, triangle shaped, marker with
size 10, black edge, and green face for the velocity of a free-falling bungee jumper.

𝑔𝑚 𝑔 𝐶𝑑
𝑣=√ 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ (√ 𝑡)
𝐶𝑑 𝑚

Suppose g=9.81 m/s2, m=68.1kg, cd= 0.25

t varies from 0 to 20 with increment of 2,

A2-2. Figure below (a) shows a uniform beam subject to a linearly increasing distributed load. As
depicted in Fig. (b), deflection y (m) can be computed with

y= (−x 5 + 2L2 x 3 − L4 x)

Where E = the modulus of elasticity and I = the moment of inertia (m4). Employ this
equation and calculus to generate MATLAB plots of the following quantities versus
distance along the beam:

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Numerical Methods (Lab.)
GENG 300
Summer 2019

(a) Displacement (y),

(b) Slope [θ(x) = dy/dx],

(c) Moment [M(x) = EI*d2y/dx2],

(d) Shear [V (x) = EI*d3y/dx3], and

(e) Loading [w(x) =−EI*d4y/dx4].

Use the following parameters for your computation: L = 600 cm, E = 50,000 kN/cm2, I = 30,000
cm4, w0 = 2.5 kN/cm, and increment ∆x = 10 cm. Employ the subplot function to display all the
plots vertically on the same page in the order (a) to (e). Include labels and use consistent MKS
units when developing the plots.

A2-3. Rearrange distance (x), deflection (y), slope (theta), moment (m), shear (v), and

loading (w) of A2-2 in six columns as appropriate using fprintf function.

A2-4. Using M-files (script and function files), execute the following statements for

determining F:

𝐅 = 𝐏(𝟏 + 𝐢)𝐧

F= the future worth, P= amount of money invested, $200,000, i=interest rate, 0.07, n=

number of years, 8

A2-5. Using input and disp function, find out the value of Future worth (F) of A2-4 (use

only script file)

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