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Lesson Plan Template for Student Teaching and the CalTPA

Grade Level 9th grade Subject Biology Lesson Title: Friendship Bread
Area: Lab/Fermentation Lab

Preparation to Teach
Unit Theme Cellular Respiration/ Fermentation
(Where within the unit
is your lesson?)
Content Standard(s): -HS-LS1-7: Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen
molecules are broken and bounds in new compounds are formed, resulting in a net transfer of energy.
ELD Standards:
Learning Goal(s) or -Bridging: Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, sustaining conversations on a
Objective(s): variety of age and grade-appropriate academic topics by following turn-taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on topic
questions, affirming others, and providing coherent and well-articulated comments and additional information.

Materials, Resources, Chromebook, notebook, paper, and pencil

or Tools:
Class Funds of Students knowledge and understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation
Knowledge used in the
Technology Chromebooks will be used to do multiple activities in class.

Adaptations/ Accommodations/ Universal Design for Learning

Focus Student 1: English Learner This student is considered a bridging english learner. Having the definitions and questions
projected off of the screen can allow the student to use visual and auditory cues to better
understand what is being asked of them.
Focus Student 2: IEP, 504, GATE, This student is an IEP student. This student likes to work with his hands, specifically folding
or other identified need papers to focus in class. The class will start with meshing a bag of dough that will allow the
student to focus and get ready to participate in class.
Focus Student 3: A student who This student has a lot of after school obligations, thus allowing time in class to work on their
has had life experience(s) either notebook allows them to have more time after school. Overall, this will help the student’s
inside or outside of school, that academic achievement and decrease classroom stress.
may result in a need for additional
social- emotional and/or academic

Universal Design for Learning This lesson focuses on student engagement and participation in the creation of bread and the
Lesson Components game of bingo, while also creating a self reflecting environment when students are working on
their notebooks and grading their own work for the teachers reference.

Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge

Instructional Strategies
The class will start with teacher instructing each table to grab their friendship bread and start the mushing and smashing process for 5
minutes. During this time students will be instructed to talk about their observations of the mixture. (ie, fermess, texture) and compare to
the previous days. This will allow the bread to be mixed again to start a new round of fermentation. When students are done mashing the
mixture, they will put it back on the counter designated for their period and leave till the next day.

Informal Assessment
Walking around the class and listening to conversations on their observations on their fermenting mixture.

Student Grouping
Students will be placed in a group of 4

Time Estimate
10 minutes
Instructional Input

Instructional Strategies
Students will be instructed to take out a piece of paper and fold it multiple times. Teacher will make a model for students to follow.
Teacher will project multiple vocabulary words for students to fill in the boxes as they please, until all of the boxes are filled. once all
students fill in their boxes, teacher will pass out ripped colored paper for students to use to cover the words during the bingo game. The
game will start with the first question or definition and students will fill in with a colored paper. The game will continue until a student
fills in a line of 5. Game will restart a few times for a few students to win.

Informal Assessment
Teacher will be walking around and observing how many vocabulary works are marked to see where students are struggling in the bingo

Student Grouping

Time Estimate 20-30 minutes

Instructional Strategies
Once the games of bingo are over students will be instructed to put all the colored pieces of paper back in the bag. Students will then take
out their notebooks and teacher will pass out rubric for students to reference when working on their notebooks. Students will be working
on their notebook till the end of the period. The students will be reminded of their test before they leave and to ask any questions they
might need clarification on. Their homework will be to study for the test.

Formal Assessment
The notebook will be reviewed to understand where students are in their learning and understanding of the concepts.

Student Grouping Individual work, but able to communicate with peers when needed

Time Estimate 10 minutes.

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