SWOT Analysis of EO No. 83 S. 1998

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No. 83, s. 1998

 This calls upon the
private sectors to
assist in developing
and improving the
agricultural sector
of the country
 PD 717, RA 7721,  The unused  The unused
RA 7835, RA 7900 Agri-Agra funds are better
are all expanded in allocation funds off spent in
order to help more may be wasted if education and
farmers and spent on low- training of
increase cost housing. farmers in order
productivity in for them to be
agriculture able to use
technology and
apply modern
Sec. 3.  The 50 Billion
Peso-fund for
this project may
easily be abused
and not used to
improve the
sector despite the
rule that it shall
be used
exclusively for
projects of NDC
and DAR
Sec. 4  The funds are to be  As mentioned
used only for the earlier, the
NDC and DAR. This economic and
focus on agriculture equitable profit
as priority projects sharing
of the government agreement may
will definitely boost not be entirely
and improve this beneficial to the
particular sector. Farmers.
Sec. 5  The implementation
is closely
coordinated by
DAR, NDC and
DOF ensuring the
systematic and
proper application
and enactment of the
said law.

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