People Who Contributed To The Atomic Theory

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Name: Pastor, Mariah Kathrina A.

Subject: Inorganic Chemistry (LEC)

Course/Section: MT1H Professor: Mrs. Perla P. Separo



Developed the theory of Atomism; matter is
Leucippus composed of tiny particles; Named these
482 B.C. particles as “A Tomos” meaning uncuttable or
Democritus Pupil of Leucippus; contributed the theory
with his mentor
Proposed the Law of Conservation of Mass;
Antoine Lavoisier 1774 either matter change its shape or form, its
mass stays the same
John Dalton English physicist and chemist; elements exist
1803 as discreet packets of atoms
Eugen Goldstein German physicist; discovered that cathode ray
1886 tubes emit light from the positive
Able to estimate the mass of rays; concluded
the cathode rays weren’t rays at all but rather
Joseph John Thompson 1897 very light and very small negatively charged
particles they called “corpuslces”; used the
plum pudding model
Designed an experiment involving a thin
sheet of gold foil and screen coated with zinc
Earnest Rutherford 1909 sulfide; concluded that most of the atoms are
empty spaced; also discovered that protons
(positively charged particles)
Niels Henrik David Bohr 1911 Discovered the arrangements of electrons
inside the atoms; used the planetary model
- Discovered that it is impossible to know
which certainty of the momentum of the
electron or any subatomic particle and its
Werner Karl Heisenberg 1925 exact position.
- Proposed the Quantum Theory; electrons
weren’t particles or waves instead they have
both or neither; arrangement could be
described as in terms of probability.
- Used the Quantum Model also known as the
cloud model

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