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B.Tech. First Year Second Semester
Full Marks – 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks and denoted terms have usual meaning.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

Group – A

(Multiple Choice Questions)

1) Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following: [ 10 x 1 = 10]

i. The free energy change (∆G) of 1 mole of an ideal gas that is compressed isothermally
from 1 atm to 2atm is
(A) RTln2 (B) -2RT (C) –RTln2 (D) 2RT.

ii. In ClF3, hybridisation of chlorine is

(A) sp3d (B) sp3d2 (C) sp3 (D) sp2.

iii. ZnO is white when cold but yellow, when hot, due to
(A) Stoichiometric defect (B) Metal deficiency defect
(C) Metal excess defect (D) None of these.

iv. The spin active nucleus can be studied by

(A) UV-VIS spectroscopy (B) IR spectroscopy
(C) NMR spectroscopy (D) Mass spectroscopy.

v. The units of rate and rate constant for a certain reaction are same. The order of the
reaction is (A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 3.

vi. [Co(NH3)6][Cr(CN)6] and [Cr(NH3)6][Co(CN)6] are example of

(A) Coordinate isomerism (B) Hydrate isomerism
(C) Geometrical isomerism (D) Optical isomerism.

vii. Among the following compounds, the nucleophilic substitution reaction of SN2 is seen by
(A) C6H5CH2Br (B) (CH3)2CHBr (C) CH3Br (D) (CH3)3CBr.

viii. The relation between glass transition temperature (Tg) and crystalline melting
temperature (Tm) of a polymer is
(A) (Tg) > (Tm) (B) (Tg) < (Tm) (C) (Tg) = (Tm) (D) (Tg) ≠ (Tm).
ix. The characteristic of a good fuel is
(A) High moisture content (B) High caloric value
(C) High oxygen content (D) High non-combustible matter content.

x. Which one of the following statement is correct with dilution, the equivalent conductance
(A) Both strong and weak electrolyte decreases
(B) Strong electrolyte increases while that of weak electrolyte decreases
(C) Strong electrolyte decreases while that of weak electrolyte increases
(D) High non-combustible matter content.

xi. If water kept in an insulated vessel at -100C suddenly freezes, the entropy of the system-
(A) Increases (B) Is equal to that of surroundings
(C) Decreases (D) Is zero.

xii. In a first order reaction A B, if the concentration of A is doubled, the half life of
the reaction will be
(A) Halved (B) Unchanged (C) Doubled (D) Can not be predicted.

Group – B

(Short Answer Questions)

Answer any three of the following: [3 x 5 = 15]

2) i. Show that Joule-Thomson’s adiabatic expansion is an isenthalpic process.

ii. What are the conditions of spontaneous change regarding entropy and Gibb’s free energy?
3) State Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions and show how this law is utilized to
determine the equivalent conductance of ammonium hydroxide at infinite dilution. [3+2]

4) i. Show by an expression that the rate of reaction depends on temperature.

ii. Give an example of pseudo-unimolecular reaction.

iii. Write the differences between order and molecularity of a reaction. [2+1+2]

5) i. Write down the IUPAC name of [CoCl2(NH3)4]Cl and draw the structures of possible

geometrical isomers.

ii. Predict the shape and hybridization of SO2. [1+2+2]

6) i. Define octane number of a fuel and how the octane number can be improved.
ii. Describe the synthesis of Nylon 6,6 polymer. [3+2]
Group – C

(Long Answer Questions)

Answer any three of the following: [3 x 15 = 45]

7) i. For the reaction, H2 + Cl2 HCl, state the half reactions.

ii. Calculate the emf of the following cell at 250C:

Zn(s) │ ZnSO4 (0.1 M) ║ CuSO4 (0.001 M) │ Cu (s). E0Cell = 1.103 V at 250C.
iii. In which direction the following reaction will proceed for unit activity of reactant and product:
2Fe3+ + 2Cl- Cl2 + 2Fe2+. E0 (1/2 Cl2 / Cl-) = + 1.36 V, E0 (Fe3+ / Fe2+) = - 0.77 V.
iv. What is specific conductance of a solution? What is the unit of specific conductance?
v. Explain the nature of conductometric precipitation titration curve for KCl vs AgNO3.
8) i. How change in enthalpy (∆H) depends on temperature?
ii. Under what special circumstances does change in entropy, ∆S = ?
iii. Show that law of Laplace and Lavoisier is just an outcome of first law of thermodynamics.
iv. Derive the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation relating the change in Gibbs free energy (∆G), and
the temperature coefficient of ∆G.
v. Three moles of an ideal gas at 1 atm. and 200C are heated at constant pressure until the
final temperature is 800C. For the gas CV = 7.5 + (3.2 x 10-3)T cal/mole/deg.
Calculate work (W) and heat (Q) involvement and change in internal energy (∆U) and
enthalpy (∆H). [3+2+2+3+5]

9) i. Deduce the expression for second order kinetics where the two reactants are same.
ii. Explain the transition state theory for a reaction.
iii. A drug is known to be ineffective after it has decomposed 30%. The original concentration
of one sample was 500 units/ml; when analyzed 20 months later, the concentration was
found to be 420 units/ml. Assuming that the decomposition is first order, what will be the
expiration time of the sample? What is the half life of the drug?
iv. Differentiate between unimolecular substitution (SN1) and elimination (E1) reactions with
right examples. [3+3+4+5]

10) i. What is degree of polymerization? Give an example of addition polymerization with

ii. 56 g of ethylene was polymerized and average degree of polymerization of polyethylene
(PE) so produced was found to be 600. Calculate the number of PE molecules formed.
iii. What is conducting polymer?
iv. What is straight run gasoline?
v. Calculate the gross and net caloric value of coal having the compositions, Carbon=85%,
Hydrogen=8%, Sulphur=1%, Nitrogen=2%, ash=4%, latent heat of steam=587cal/g.
11) Write explanatory notes on any three of the following: [3 x 5
= 15]
i. Proximate and Ultimate analysis of coal.
ii. Cetane and Octane number.
iii. Schottky and Frenkel defects.
iv. Hydrogen bonding and van der waals force.
v. Hyperconjugation effect.
vi. Ligand.

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