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1 - Mikin and Sumit formulate a code language to communicate with each other. In their
code language, SUPER is coded as TVQFS and BOAT is coded as CPBU, how will MUMBAI
be coded as in this language?


2 - A person needs to go from point A to point B. How many blue tiles does he need to step
on at a minimum before reaching point B.
Note:- The person can either go horizontally or vertically along the tiles and not diagonally.

a) 3 b) 2
c) 1 d) 0

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3 - In what order will the balls touch the tiles if they are released at the same time?

a) 1-3-2 b) 1-2-3
c) 2-1-3 d) 2-3-1

4 - Image 1 and 2 have a relationship with each other. From given options find fourth
image which will lead to the same relationship between third and fourth image?

a) b)

c) d)

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5 - Vinay is 162 cm tall. Sarvesh is 10 cm taller than Vinay and 18 cm taller than Nimish.
Then which of the following statements is definitely wrong ?

a) Nimish is taller than Vinay b) Sarvesh is the heaviest of them all

c) Vinay weighs the least d) All of these

6 - Given below is a set of three words. Which of the following letters can you use to fill in
the blanks and make meaningful words?
_ ig _
_o m e

a) h b) g
c) t d) r

7 - There are five houses P, Q, R, S and T. P is right of Q and T is left of R and right of P.
Q is right of S. Which house is in the middle?

a) P b) Q
c) R d) S

8 - Find the odd one out.



9 - Lunch is to Afternoon as Breakfast is to _________. What should come in place of the


a) Midnight b) Night
c) Morning d) Evening

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10 - Image 1 and 2 have a relationship with each other. From given options find fourth
image which will lead to the same relationship between third and fourth image?

a) b)

c) d)

11 - Ashish, Hrithik and Rahul had some money.

On the first day, Ashish gave money to Hrithik and Rahul as much as they already had.
On the second day, Hrithik gave as much money to Ashish and Rahul as they possessed at
that time.
On the third day Rahul did the same thing as well.
After these three days, it was observed that all three of them had the same amount of
money, then who had more money in the beginning ?

a) Rahul b) Ashish
c) Hrithik d) All of them had the same amount

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12 - Which of the options could be the shadow of the person in the question image?

a) b)

c) d)

13 - In each of the following words, there is a hidden number. Please find the hidden
number and arrange the words in ascending order of the numbers hidden in there.

A) Tinsel event
B) Man in England
C) Good height
D) Last encounter


14 - Letters of English alphabet are coded in such a way that

74 + A = 75
66 + K = 77
then 189 + B = ?

a) 122 b) 132
c) 191 d) 242

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15 - Elle is three times older than Yogesh, Zaheer is half the age of Wahida. Yogesh is older
than Zaheer. Yogesh is not younger than Wahida. Which of the following can be inferred?

a) Yogesh is older than Wahida b) Elle is older than Wahida

c) Elle may be younger than Wahida d) None of the above

16 - On rotating the cat as given, how many boxes of a different colour will it lie in.

(For example: triangle is initially in green and brown colour box while after rotating it is in
purple and brown box. So it is lying in 1 new box of a different colour which is purple)

a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 3

17 - Left is to Right as Movement is to _____________. What should come in place of the


a) Flow b) Up
c) Front d) Stationary

18 - Select the option that is odd one out among the given four options.

c) APRIL5 d) JULY7

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19 - Rajesh does not eat dessert on Tuesday and Friday, Ramesh does not eat dessert on
Monday and Saturday, Rahul does not eat dessert on Friday and Thursday, Rakesh does not
eat dessert on Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday. On Sunday, only a person who eats dessert
on both days starting with "T" will be able to eat the dessert. Who of the above could eat
dessert on Sunday?

a) Rajesh b) Ramesh
c) Rakesh d) Rahul

20 - Each question consists of two words which have a relationship with each other. Select
the pair among the given options which has a similar relationship.

Lock : Metal

a) Lock : key b) Door : wood

c) Bed : sleep d) Table : study

21 - Which of the options could be the shadow of the question image?

a) b)

c) d)

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22 - Given below are two images which are combined to form a single picture. The black
portion indicates blank area in the picture. When combined how many stars will the
combined image have?

a) 20 b) 18
c) 21 d) 22

23 - A, B, C, D and E sit on a long bench. C does not sit next to A or E. A and E have three
persons sitting between them.
Who are sitting at the extreme ends of the bench?

a) A & B b) A & E
c) A & C d) B & C

24 - If red is called blue, blue is called green, green is called black and black is called
golden, then what is the colour of the morning sky?

a) Red b) Blue
c) Green d) Black

25 - Ram leaves his house and walks 100 meters in the Southern direction. He then takes a
left turn and walks another 100 meters. He then takes another left turn and walks 100
meters. How far and in which direction is Ram from his house?

a) 100 meters to the east of his house b) 200 meters to the East of his house
c) 200 meters in the South East of his house d) 100 meters to the North of his house

26 - If I ask Ginny to count the number of days in the year he was born, how many different
possible answers can I expect from Ginny?

a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) None of these

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27 - Which of the given options is not true for the given Venn diagrams?

a) All tortoise are amphibians b) All mammals are tortoise

c) Some amphibians are mammals d) None of these

28 - If in a certain language BLAZER is coded as AKZYDQ, what would SUIT be coded as?


29 - Find the odd one out?

a) 4 hundred's b) 40 ten's
c) 400 one's d) 400 ten's

30 - The difference in number of cows and buffaloes that Heera has is 17, and the buffaloes
he has is 45. He tells this information to Johny and asks him to calculate the number of
cows. How many different possible answers can Johny get?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 0

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