Assessment Papers (3-4) - New

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3rd and 4th Class

Name …………………………………………………. Class………………….

Age…….. Girls/Boy……… School…………………………………………

Home Address…………………………………….…………………………


District………………. State……………………. Phone……………………….

Father Name………………………… Mother Name………………………...

Parent Occupation………………………………

Total marks: 15

Q - 1. Look at the pictures and write the suitable word describing the picture: (4 marks)

beautiful, big, white, happy


A ………………… peacock A …………………….. duck

A …………………. boy A ……………………… house

Q - 2. Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the: (4 marks)

i. My mother is ………. great cook.

ii. ……… sun is shining today.
iii. I will return after …………. hour.
iv. Anu is ……….. tallest girl in the class.

Q - 3. Write the opposite of the following words: (4 marks)

i. sad: ……………
ii. up: …………….
iii. day: …………..
iv. near: …………

Q - 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb: (3 marks)

i. I ………….. really happy. (is/am)

ii. They……….. very strong. (is/are)
iii. She ………. watching T.V. (is/ are)

Interactive session (Spoken English)

1. Hello! How are you?
2. What is your name?
3. What day is today?
4. What did you eat for breakfast?
5. When is your birthday?

Please tick on the correct box as per the performance.

Average: If the child is Good: If the child is able Excellent: If the child is
able to answer upto 2 to answer upto 3-4 able to answer upto 5
questions mentioned questions mentioned questions mentioned above.
above. above.
Total marks -20

Section 1 –Number & Operations (5 marks – 1 mark each question)

Q1. Arrange the following numbers in the ascending order.

प्रश्न1 निम्ननिखित संख्याओं को आरोहीक्रम में व्यवखथितकरें ।

 232,37, 558, 964, 889

Q2. Write any four odd numbers between 20 and 40.

प्रश्न2. 20 और 40 के बीच कोई भी पााँ च नवषम संख्याएाँ नििें I

Q3. Write the number in standard form: 8000+800+8

प्रश्न3. संख्या को मािक रूप में नििें : 8000 + 800 + 8

Q4. Round off 1230 to the nearest hundreds.

प्रश्न4. 1230 से निकटतम सैंकडों में गोि____________________.

Q5. Is 57 + 9 even or odd?

प्रश्न5. 57 + 9 सम संख्या या नवषम संख्या है?

a) Even b) Odd

Section 2 – Logical Reasoning and Basic Geometry (5 marks – 1 mark each question)

Q6. What is the greatest whole number you can make with the following digits?
प्रश्न6. निम्ननिखित अंकों के साि आप सबसे बडी पूर्ण संख्या क्या बिा सकते हैं ?

6 5 7 1

a. 1756 b. 7651 c. 6175 d.5761

Q7. The sum of two numbers is 3. The difference of the two numbers is 1. What are the two

प्रश्न7. दो संख्याओं का योग है 3. दो संख्याओं का अंतर 1. दो संख्याएाँ क्या हैं ?


a. 5 and 3 b. 9 and 8 c. 2 and 1 d. 7 and 6

Q8. Which shape is this?

प्रश्न8. यह कौि सी आकृनत है ?

a. Circle वृत्त b. Triangle निभुज c. Square वगण

9. Is this a square?

प्रश्न9. क्या यह एक वगण है ?

a. Yes हााँ b. Noिही ं

Q10. What is the area of the rectangle?

प्रश्न10. आयत का क्षेिफि क्या है

a. 20 units
b. 15 units
c. 45 units
Section 3 – Fraction, Time and Money(5 marks – 1 mark each question)

Q11. How much money is there?

प्रश्न11. नकतिा पैसा है ?

Rs………………. ?

Q12. Which figure shows quarter – Tick the correct answer?

प्रश्न12. कौि सा आं कडा नतमाही नदिाता है – सही जवाब पर सही का निशाि िगाएं ?


Q13. What is ₹574 rounded to the nearest 100 rupees?

प्रश्न13. ₹ 574 को निकटतम100 रुपये में क्या कहा जाता है?

Q14. What time does the clock show?
प्रश्न14. घडी क्या समय नदिाती है?

a. 2:00 b. 4:00 c. 3:00


Q15. Which shape shows the fraction ½?

प्रश्न15. कौि साआकार 1/2अंश को दशाण ता है ?

Section 4 – Measurement (5 marks – 1 mark each question)

Q16. Which is more, 167 centimetres or 1 metre?

प्रश्न16. कौि सा अनिक है , 167 सेंटीमीटर या1 मीटर?

Q17. Which is lighter?

प्रश्न17. कौि सा हल्का है ?


Q18. A marketing research firm asked people how many times they visited the mall last month.
प्रश्न18. एक माकेनटं ग ररसचण फमण िे िोगों से पूछा नक उन्ोंिे नपछिे महीिे नकतिी बार मॉि का दौरा नकया।

Trips to the mall last month

Number of trips People
0 9
1 0
2 17
3 14
4 15
5 12
6 2
How many people are there in all?
सभी में नकतिे िोग हैं ?

Q19. Convert:
प्रश्न19. रूपां तररत करें

555 cm = m cm

Q20. What is the temperature?

प्रश्न20. तापमाि नकतिा है ?


Total Marks: 15

Icon Test (5 Marks)

1. Identify the Icon
A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Window Home/Menu Button
D. Folder

2. Identify the Icon

A. MS Word
B. Recycle bin
C. MS Paint
D. Keyboard

3. Identify the Icon

A. Recycle bin
B. MS Excel
C. Folder
D. Control Panel

4. Identify the Icon

A. MS Access
B. Mouse
C. Folder Icon
D. Google Chrome

5. Identify the Icon

A. Monitor
D. Keyboard Icon

Basic Computer Knowledge (5 Marks)

6. The Software used for drawing on a computer is……
A. Window
B. MS Paint
C. Calculator
D. Control Panel
7. The software used for adding/subtracting on a computer is….
A. MS Word
B. MS Paint
C. Calculator
D. WordPad

8. Which one of the following parts of a computer looks like an animal?

A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Monitor

9. I am the brain of computer. A computer is zero without me. Who am I?

A. Mouse
B. Hard Disk
D. Monitor

10. Fill in the blanks (Microsoft, Windows, Hardware, Sticky Notes)

A. ……………….is an option to create short notes as a reminder.
B. Windows is developed by ………………………corporation.

Shortcut Keys (5 Marks)

11. What are the shortcut keys for “to copy”?
A. Alt + del
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + V
D. Alt + P

12. How do you minimize or maximize a program in Windows?

A. Right click on the mouse.
B. Go to "File" and select minimize or maximize.
C. Top right corner, dash or square.
D. This function cannot be done

13. What key do you use to move the cursor around your text?
A. Enter
B. Arrow keys
C. Ctrl shift
D. Alt shift

14. What key do you use to undo the last thing you did?
A. Ctrl + U
B. Ctrl + Z
C. Ctrl + P
D. Ctrl + A

15. What key do you use to redo the last action?

A. Ctrl + R
B. Alt + R
C. Ctrl + Y
D. Alt + Y

Practical Test
(Please tick on the correct box as per the performance)

Below Average (if the Average (if the child Good (if the child Very Good (if the child
child performs 3 of the performs 4-5 of the performs 6-8 of the tasks performs 9-10 of the tasks
tasks below) tasks below) below) below)

 Click once on the left side of the mouse.

 Drag and drop.
 Identify the space bar, enter key, shift key, backspace, delete key, and arrows.
 Use the arrows to move around on a page.
 Use the spacebar to move down a page.
 Use the scroll bar to move down or up a page
 Open “kaleidoscope” application and search content for your class
 Open “Play2Learn” application and play
 Open “Tuxofmath” application and play
 Open MS Word and write your names in capital letters

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