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Phases of implementation of the work was an important phase in

the project, because if the implementation of the work is less good then
the results of the work that is planned to be less than perfect, even
experiencing structural failure. In order for the implementing of this work
goes well, then there must be cooperation from all parties concerned.
The discrepancy between the condition of the field with the design,
can occur in the implementation of the work in the field. Actions and
adjustments have to be taken in case of such a discrepancy. It is also
important procedures and mechanisms for the implementation of and
supervision of work in the field.
In the work report this practice, implementation of the work that is
work-reviewed structure, includes the work of pile foundation, pile cap, tie
beams, columns, beams and slabs. it is consistent with that experienced in
the field at the time of practical work.


Work structure, is part of a building process that aims to receive live
load, dead load, and the load of the structure itself, and transmits Reviews
These loads to the ground.
In the work structure, building materials greatly Also Affect the
strength of the building. If the quality of building materials is not good, then
the building will experience structural failure. In the Transmart Tegal
Project this structural part interconnected into a single unit.
4.2.1. Piling Works In
The most important part of the construction of a building is the
foundation. Without a strong foundation, the building will not last long.
Factor determining the foundation used is the presence of soil
investigation first. So that we can determine the foundation to be used.
Tegal Transmart in development projects, used the foundation Concrete
Square Pile. By using Square Pile measuring 40 cm x 40 cm with a depth
of 30 m.


Preparatory Work

Piling Work

PDA Test

Loading Test


Figure 4.1. Flowchart Deep FoundationWork

1. Preparatory of Work
In preparatory work on the stage of the foundation is to hoard the
project site with soil embankment to raise the elevation erection. After
hoarding, then the next step is signaled at a location that will piling using
the aid of TS (Total Station).

Figure 4.2. Hoarding Process

Figure 4.3. Marking Pile

2. Piling Work
Piling Process is done by using two stakes, the number of dots which
must piling amounted to 1037 points. Using Square Pile measuring 40 cm
x 40 cm and depth of 30 m. in the process of piling there are several
conditions that must be held before stake.

Pile will piling must meet the age criteria specified. If the process of
piling using the HSPD stake age should be more than 8 days from the
date of excretion in the factory. Whereas when using Hammer Pile Driver,
the age of the stake to be more than 10 days from the date of production
at the plant. Caused piling depth is 30 m. then the continuation or
extension of the pile toward the upper bottom pile.

Figure 4.4. Piling Work

Figure 4.5. Welding Extension Pile

3. Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA)

or PDA Pile Driving Analyzer Test is one of the testing of the pile.
Where pile given shock loads of 60 tons. And determining the results of
the PDA Test of pile is the carrying capacity of the working load, can be
determined also cracking of the pile, or decrease in the pile. PDA Test
done using computerized so that the desired results are instantly
displayed on the computer screen.
Figure 4.6. PDA Test Preparation

Figure 4.7. Test Results PDA

4. Axial Loading Test

Axial Loading Test is a test of the pile, where the pile given static load
and observed for 24 hours. Axial loading process is conducted to
determine the reduction of a pile when under load. So in this Test Axial
loading process, all activities at the site must be stopped, including the
erection. Because if there is a lot of vibration occurs at the site, it will
affect the outcome of the dial readings Axial Loading.
Figure 4.8. Axial Loading Test

Figure 4.9. Dial readings Axial Loading Test

4.2.2. Works Pilecap and Tie Beam

Once the foundation work is completed, then proceed with the job
of making Pilecap and Tiebeam. Pilecap job begins by digging around the
pile to be made pilecap manufacturing areas, and forwarded to
reinforcement up with the foundry.

Preparatory Work

Excavation Pile Cap & Tie Beam

Reinforcement Pile Cap & Tie Beam



Formwork Brick


Checks Formwork


Preparatory Cast Concrete

Cast Concrete

Figure 4.10. Flowchart Pile Cap and Tie Beam

1. Preparatory of Work
As has been done before Piling, a point that has been marked with
Total Station then be used as pilecap manufacturing areas. Then the first
checked first pile heights, and the position of the pile by using theodolite
and waterpass auto level.
Figure 4.11. Marking point Pilecap

2. Excavation Pile Cap and Tie Beam

In the process of excavation, carried out by using a mini excavator.
For pilecap sometimes used excavator digging with larger type.
Sometimes also to tie beam excavated manually by human power ..

Figure 4:12. Excavation Pilecap

3. Pile Cap and Tie Reinforcement Beam

On Tegal Transmart construction projects, there are 7 Pilecap type
that has the dimensions and reinforcement different. So that the required
accuracy in reading the image in its implementation. Here are the details
Pilecap and reinforcement:
Table 4.1. Type of Pile Cap

Type Dimension (mm) Reinforcement (mm)

P1 1200 x 1200 ø 19-150
P2 2100 x 1200 ø 16-100
P4 2100 x 2100 ø 19-100
P5 3300 x 2100 ø 19-100
P6 3300 x 2100 ø 19-100
P8 4500 x 2100 ø 25-100
P9 3400 x 3400 ø 29-100

For more reinforcement details can be found in the attachment.

Step reinforcement work Pile Cap and Tie Beam on this project are:
➢ Preparing reinforcement to be used According to the diameter and
dimension needed for reinforcement pile cap and tie beam.
➢ Installation of reinforcement pile cap and tie beam According to the
distance on the drawings of design, after reinforcement be installed
and tied with wire bendrat, Thus forming the framework pile cap and tie

Figure 4.13. Reinforcement Pilecap and Tie Beam

Figure 4:14. Reinforcement Pilecap Type P4

Figure 4.15. Detail of Pilecap Type P4

Figure 4.15. Cross Section of Pilecap Type P4

Figure 4.16. Cross Section of Tie Beam

4. Brick formwork
Due grounded directly to the ground, then formwork selected is to
use a brick or bricks. It aims to increase the carrying capacity of pilecap
and tie beam toward the ground. In contrast to the upper structure, under
structure requires more power, because the burden borne bigger and a
whole load of the building.
With the formwork brick, workers only need to paste the withdrawal
is being made against the wall, and when it reached the stage casting
process, formwork no need for removal back.

Figure 4:17. Formwork brick Pilecap

Figure 4:18. Beam Formwork Tie brick

5. Cast Concrete Pile Cap and Tie Beam
Before the casting process pilecap and Tie Beam, do preparation
beforehand. One is the anti-termite spraying on pilecap and tie beam with
liquid chemicals or insect repellent. Termite spraying expected to extend
the life cycle of pilecap and tie beam.
In casting pross Pilecap and Tie Beam, use ready mix with concrete
quality K-350. To pilecap and tie beam, have the same quality mix, and
high quality. Due pilecap and tie beam is a structure that holds the
building. Most process casting is done at night, due to avoid hardening
concrete casting faster if done during the day.

Figure 4.19. Spraying Termite in Pilecap

Figure 4:20. Pilecap and Tie Beam casting

4.2.3. Column
Column is a structure that serves as an intermediary or forward the
building load from the floor and beams into the foundation and passed on
to the ground. Process and work description of the implementation of the
general column can be seen in the following flowchart:


Preparatory Work

Reinforcement Column

Yes No


Installation of Formwork


Checks Formwork


Preparatory Cast Concrete

Cast Concrete

Figure 4:21. Column flowchart

1. Preparatory Work of Column
preparatory work in manufacture of columns is to check the location
and marking in accordance with the column sketch drawings and
specifications that have been determined. The process of making the
column affect other jobs. If the column that has been casted position does
not match the images that have been planned, there is a failure, then the
owner can file a claim against the process that is not in accordance with
the contract.

Figure 4:22. Marking Column

2. Column Reinforcement
In Tegal Transmart construction project, there are five types of
columns with different dimensions and different uses. Here is a table of
dimensions and reinforcement columns in Tegal Transmart development
projects, namely:
Table 4.2. Type of Column

Type Dimension (mm) Reinforcement (mm)

K1 750 x 750 and 650 x 650 24D19 and 20D19
K1A 850 x 850 and 650 x 650 20D22 and 20D19
K2 850 x 850 and 800 x 800 20D22 and 20D19
KP 600 x 600 16D22
KP1 500 x 500 12D19
Fabrication of reinforcement columns conducted in the field. Cutting
iron is made continuously from the basement to the ground floor, it aims to
simplify splicing reinforcement columns on the next floor, as did so apply
the same thing to the next floors.
Steps column reinforcement work on the project are:
➢ Preparing reinforcement to be used According to the diameter and the
dimension required for the reinforcement of the column.
➢ Cutting reinforcement bars According to the length and bend
reinforcement cross bars to stirrup reinforcement based on the
dimension of the column.
➢ Installation of main reinforcement in the column and compiles on the
cross bars around reinforcement corresponding to the distance
between the reinforcement shown in the drawing design and bound by
wire bendrat to a form a framework column.
➢ After the installation of reinforcement activities completed, the
reinforcement around the columns are concrete decking, roomates
Aimed for the distance between the reinforcement members with
formwork Aimed at keeping the thickness of concrete cover.
➢ It will be checked by quality control inspectors and consultants form a
distance of reinforcement. Dimension and wire bonding in
reinforcement and concrete decking.
Figure 4.23. Column Reinforcement

Figure 4.24. Cross of Column Reinforcement Type K2

3. Installation of Formwork Column
Formwork is a temporary place that used to form part of a column
or other structures in accordance with the desired shape. Unlike the
pilecap formwork, formwork used in the manufacture of columns using
wooden boards or plywood.
The following column formwork working methods:
➢ Prepare the wooden boards (plywood) that are arranged form the a
rectangle with a length and width are determined by the dimensions of
the column, and do not forget the besting of lubricant in each edge to
be used as a formwork.
➢ For the installation of formwork using the multiplex boards with the
dimension thickness is 12 mm.
➢ Formwork boards should be flat and do not use the boards is curved
Because It will be Affect to the structure of the column.
➢ Before the formwork is cleaned area foundry installed first, from dirt or
from bonding wire reinforcement that can be degrade the quality of the
➢ Than, after the area is clean and ready to be installed formwork.
➢ After the column formwork was closed, all formwork tie strength such
as roads, tie form, and stainless wale is installed.
➢ Make sure the field of formwork straightness verticality column by
check, by the way given the pendulum at the top end of the formwork
to constantly down.
➢ After the formwork is installed properly, was marked at the upper end
of the formwork as a limit stop foundry and formwork ready to do cast
Figure 4:26. Installing Formwork Column

4. Casting Concrete Column

formwork After the installation process, then the foundry. Before the
casting is done, it's good practice to check to see the position of
reinforcement, decking position, and the cleanliness of the premises. In
practice, casting a column using the help of Tower Crane and Bucket due
to be at a high elevation. With a catchment of 0.8 m 3 each bucket, casting
for one column can be done with one-time charge bucket or more.
Coinciding with the casting, stirring ready mix with the quality of K-
300 in concrete formwork using a vibrator to avoid the occurrence of
segregation or decrease in aggregate. And the checking of vertical
columns to check the position of the column that has not changed position.
Figure 4:27. Casting Process Column

Figure 4:27. Vertical Test Column

5. Demolition of Formwork Column
After the casting process, the formwork in place for 1 day, and then
can be removed. Formwork is removed depending on the needs, for every
structure has a different demolition. Once removed, curing is usually done
by adding plastic to the column, the column or make it wet.

Figure 4:28. Demolition Formwork

3.5.3. Beam
The beam was a structural component that serves both support the
weight uniformly distributed load and concentrated load resting on
columns. Beams and plates is a unity in construction for floor slabs and
beams in doing casting monolithically. Process and work description of the
implementation of the general beam can be seen in the flowchart:

Preparatory Work

Installation Scaffolding

Reinforcement Beam




Installation of Formwork


Checks Formwork


Preparatory Cast Concrete


Figure 4.29. Flowchart Beam

1. Preparatory of Work
The preparatory work on the column firstly study was contract
document (design, and specification). After preparation is complete, it will
be measured using the TST (Total Station Theodolite) and Waterpass.
The goal is to Determine the elevation of the beam.
2. Installation Scaffolding
Installation of scaffoldings a process that must be done before
doing the work made the Beam. Scaffolding aims to support the weight of
the upper reinforcement beam during the assembly process or when the
casting process.

Figure 4:30. installation Scaffolding

3. Reinforcement Beam
reinforcement beams used on this project Several types of beams
with different dimensions and use of reinforcement are different Also,
According to the needs and design load calculations. The following Data
for reinforcement beams:
Table 4.3. Type of Beam

Pedestal Reinforcement ReinforcementField

Dimension Reinfor m Diamete Upper Bottom The
(mm) cement Reinfo r of a Reinfor Reinfor diameter
Upper rceme circle cement cement of a circle
B1 400 x 650 4D22 3D22 D10-90 3D22 4D22 D10 - 200
B1B 450 x 650 6D22 4D22 D13- 100 4D22 6D22 D13-250
B2 400 x 650 5D19 3D19 D10-100 3D19 5D19 D10-200
B4 450 x 650 6D19 3D19 D10-100 3D19 6D19 D10-200
B5 300 x 600 6D19 3D19 D10-100 3D19 6D19 D10-200
B5A 450x 700 6D22 3D19 D10-100 3D22 6D22 D10-100
B5B 600 x 1200 9D22 5D22 D13-100 5D22 9D22 D13-150
B6 500 x 700 5D22 3D22 D10-100 3D22 5D22 D10-150
B7 700 x 1000 9D25 7D25 D13-100 7D25 10D25 D13-150

The reinforcement beams following stages:

➢ Cutting and shaping of steel reinforcement in accordance with the
design drawing.
➢ Stringing reinforcement beams above the main reinforcement formwork
by placing first and then reinforcement diameter of a circle installed
space diameter of a circle based on design drawings and tied wire

Figure 4:31. Reinforcement of Beam

4. Formwork Beam Installation
Formwork on beams made from plywood and complete with
supporting tools such as scaffolding the which is to form concrete
formwork According to dimension.
The following the installation of formwork on the beam:
➢ Install the girder beams above the jack base formwork scaffolding as a
➢ Connecting and stringing wood for beams roomates are Anointed oil
➢ Do check by quality control and supervising consultant whether it is
feasible or not to do a cast concrete.

Figure 4:32. Installation of Beam Formwork

Figure 4.33. Detail of Beam Type B2

5. Preparatory Cast Concrete

The things to do before the cast concrete beam:
➢ Check again accurate of amount of reinforcement on the beam.
➢ Clean cast concrete area from the remand of wood dust or remnants of
wire bendrat.
➢ Considered After all checks are good, then the beam is ready to do
cast concrete.

Figure 4:35. Checking Before Casting Beam

6. Cast Concrete Beam
After the installation process is complete formwork, then
Immediately do cast concrete.
The following were the steps cast concrete on the beam:
➢ Concrete Cast the beam and slab done simultaneously so that the
relationship between the beam and slab into a monolith.
➢ Before the implementation of cast concrete samples for test and
sample testing of concrete compressive strength test.
➢ Cast concrete process using a concrete pump.
➢ During cast concrete, the concrete was compacted with concrete
vibrators are used in a way that does not undermine the position of
reinforcement in order to Obtain concrete result a solid and nonporous.

Figure 4:36. casting Beam

7. Demolition of Formwork Beam
After the cast concrete process was completed, and the concrete
begins to dry it will be the demolition of scaffolding in advance without
releasing the formwork this is Because The strength of concrete is not yet
maximum, starting from the release of the jack base on the formwork and
then the other parts. The first part is released scaffolding is the part that
hold the slab, after scaffolding parts that hold beams.
After the concrete was strong enough, demolition of the formwork
can be directly done everything, but in the Certain parts still propped up by
scaffolding, Because The concrete is not yet perfect.

Figure 4:37. Demolition of Beam Formwork

3.3.4. Slab
Platfloor is the main structure which places all the objects and
people stand. In buildings, the floor plate is first calculated load as the
loading plan. Diakrenakan load of the floor plate is passed to block, and
then to the column, and the latter rests on the foundation. Therefore, the
planning of the floor plate must be considered properly, in order to avoid
structural failure on the part of others.

Flow Chart FLOOR << >>

1. Preparatory Work
Preparatory work begins by determining the type of plate to be used.
Tegal Transmart in construction projects, there are two types of floor plate
is used, the type of conventional concrete slab and concrete floor plate
using a metal deck. Different types of plate, of course, different ways of
➢ Conventional Concrete Floor plate
development Transmart At Tegal, which uses a conventional floor
plate used some Ground Floor. Due to the conventional floor plate
is more suitable if the bottom of the floor plate is in the form of land.
➢ Floor plate with Metal Deck Using a
floor plate is used pad floor 1 to floor 3. Due to the use of metal
decks, concrete requirements that are used less and load received
smaller beams and columns without reducing the strength of the
floor plate.

2. InstallationScaffolding
Installation scaffoldingis only valid on the floor plate using a metal
deck. Due to the use of scaffolding performed in conjunction with the
installation of reinforcement beams, so that the floor plate and beams into
a single entity or a monolith. In conventional concrete floor plate, only
required the installation of spacers in the form of concrete decking or hack
iron and iron foundry relat as a barrier thickness.
Figure 4:39. Installation Slab Formwork

3. SlabReinforcement of
Reinforcementthe floor plate is used in conventional floor plate only.
While on the floor using a metal deck plate, fitted only with the size of the
M7-150 wiremesh.

Figure 4:40. Formwork Slab Installation

Figure 4.41. Detail of Slab GF

Figure 4:42. Wiremesh Installation

Figure 4.43. Detail of Metal Deck Slab

4. InstallationFormwork
InstallingFormwork in conventional floor plate did not use because
existing formwork barrier and is planned as one with the tie beam and
pilecap. Just before casting, a conventional floor plate floor work needs to
be given in the form of cement mortar with low quality and have ketebalah
2 cm.

While using metal decks, wiremesh just been lined with concrete
decking, and does not require bekesting. Due wiremesh and metal deck is
mounted by means of welding to the beam or column.

5. Preparatory Cast Concrete

Prior to the casting process, it is worth a few things should be checked
beforehand, namely:

➢ The distance between reinforcement in conventional concrete floor

➢ The distance and position of the concrete decking on a metal plate
➢ System welding of the metal deck with beams and columns.
➢ Telebih cleanliness of the place must be checked before the
casting process.
6. Cast Concrete Slab
In the process of casting slab, concrete pump used aid in the process
of distribution of ready mix to the place to be in the cast. Surely slump
required is 10 plus minus 2. Because most foundries are far away and
accessible by truck mixer sulituntuk. Therefore, it needs the help of a
concrete boom pump. Sometimes if a different foundry made structure,
tower crane can do the casting slab using a bucket, but takes a long time.

Figure 4:44. Metal Floor Deck Plate casting

Figure 4:45. Conventional Concrete Floor Plate casting

7. Uninstall Scaffolding and Curing Concrete
Once casting is complete, the scaffolding is released simultaneously
with the beam formwork. And the floor plate is left to dry until a specified


In addition to the core structure, in peroyek Transmart development
Tegal, no supporting structure and has its own function. Therefore, in this
section will explain some of the support structures that exist in Tegal
Transmart Development Project.
There are two (2) types of work supporting structure observed in the
field, Including the work stairs and shear wall.

4.3.1. Grease Trap

Grease Trap is supporting buildings which serve to separate the
clean water, oil, and chemicals. In this building to make it more safe
filtered water and then discharged to the sewer.
Figure 4:46. Grase Trap

Figure 4:47. Trap Grase casting

4.3.2. DPT / Retaining Wall

supporting structure used to hold the shear of the soil. This
structure is usually used on the floor berleveasi underground. In practice,
the concrete used must waterproofing of concrete made using Conplast

Figure 4:48. Reinforcement Retaining Wall

Figure 4:49. Formwork Retaining Wall

Figure 4:50. Demolition Retaining Wall Formwork


During the observation took place, just some plumbing and
electrical work are observed. Due to the structure is still intact, and usually
work MEP (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing) performed after the
structure has been in the category of 80%.
Berkut is the work of the MEP (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing)
were observed, namely:

4.4.1. Clean Water Pipe Works and Hydrant

Due Transmart buildings Tegal is perbenlanjaan that provides a
wide range of tenants. So planning water supply and hydrant must be well
planned. Pipes used has a size of 2.5 "to 6". Sedankat for hydrant pipes
using galvanized pipe diameter of 4 ".

Figure 4:51. pipes Hydrant

Figure 4:52. Sewerage pipe

Figure 4:52. Clean Water Pipe

4.4.2. Electrical Work

At Tegal Transmart development project, done early stages of
planning electrical work, ie by planting a stop contact in the column or
beam. It aims to simplify the electrical work is already fully included when
the building structure is complete.
Figure 4:53. Contact Stop in Column

Figure 4:54. Contact Stop in Plat Floor and Beam

The problems that occurred during the implementation of practical
work in the Transmart Tegal Construction Project is:

4.5.1. The Delay of Materials

Materials that comes too late results in the project running slow. So
the effect on the overall progress of work. The most consuming delay in
the delivery pile is disturbed. Due to the project site around the North
Coast Road, and adjacent to the project implementation time for the feast
of Eid. Tegal government restrict heavy vehicles passing to the North
Coast Road. Therefore during the 7 days of delivery Pile late.

Figure 4:55. Mobilization delaysPile

4.5.2. Porous Concrete
When formwork opened the defect Occurs in the form of porous
concrete. The Porous concrete structures the caused to imperfections in
the casting process the hollow cavity Because water can not get out at the
time of casting was done.
This is Because during casting of the vibrator can not reach, so that
the water was trapped the hollow cavity and cause visible reinforcement in
the structure until it causes the strength of concrete in load bearing above
to be down.
Alternative solution is to use the addition of cement to cover the
porous of concrete structures did not defects are apparent.

Figure 4:56. Porous Concrete

4.6. Construction Management Analysis

In a construction job, of course, need to have control over any work
that is in progress. Whether it's on the amount of materials and resources
used or the duration of any work to be supervised to ensure that
construction work to avoid delays.

Therefore, they invented a tool that controls every work that takes
place in a construction job that S curve or curve Scheduling. With the tools
on this one, then every job and stages of construction work can be

Tegal Transmart in development projects there are delays

mengakhibatkan realization curve has a deviation of the curve plan. It
mengakhibatkan on subsequent work has been delayed as well.

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