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2019 – 20

V Semester B Tech Electronics

Tutorial Sheet – IV

1. Assume that the initial phase of π/4 QPSK signal is 00

(a) Calculate the carrier phase shifts when the input data stream is 101010001101111010, when
the left most bit enters first in the transmitter.
(b) Determine the inphase and quadrature data streams.
2. Find the minimum Euclidean distances and average symbol energies of the signal spaces in Fig – 1(a)–
(c). For M= 16, compare the results with rectangular 16QAM.
(a) The radii of the inner and outer circles are E and 2E, respectively, for Fig – 1(a).
(b) The radii of the circles are E, 3E /2, 2E, and 5E /2 for Fig – 1(b).
(c) The radii of the inner and outer circles are E and 2E, respectively, for Fig – 1(c).

Fig – 1
3. Consider a possible demodulator of a DPSK signal shown in Fig – 2.
(a) Find r1(t) and r2(t) in the absence of noise.
(b) Determine the detection threshold and decode the data bits for the following received
differentially encoded bit sequence 0110001.

Fig – 2
4. -5
A BER of 10 or less is desired for a communication system where the bit rate is 10 Mb/s. The input to
the receiver consists of the signal plus white Gaussian noise. Find the minimum Eb/N0 required at the
receiver input if the modulation scheme used is (a) Polar baseband (b) Coherent OOK (c) Noncoherent
OOK (d) BPSK (e) FSK (f) DPSK.
5. Consider a PSK signal with raised cosine pulse shape with a roll off factor 0.5. What is the noiseless
spectral efficiency of PSK? For the same spectral efficiency what is the required Eb/N0 to achieve a
reliable communication?
6. In a coherent BFSK system, the signals s1(t) and s2(t) representing 1 and 0, respectively are defined by
 
s1 (t ), s 2 (t )  Ac cos 2 f c 
t , 0  t  Tb . Assuming fc>f, show that the correlation coefficient of
the signals is approximately given by 12sinc(2fTb).
(a) What is the minimum value of f for which the signals are orthogonal?
(b) What is the value of f that minimizes the average probability of symbol error?
(c) For the value of f obtained in part (b), determine the increase in Eb/N0 required so that the
coherent FSK system has the same noise performance as a coherent BPSK.
7. The low pass equivalent representation of a OQPSK signal is 𝑠̃(𝑡) = ∑𝑛[𝑎𝑛 𝑔(𝑡 − 2𝑛𝑇) − 𝑗𝑏𝑛 𝑔(𝑡 −
2𝑛𝑇 − 𝑇)], where g(t) is a rectangular pulse defined on [0, 2T] and {an} and {bn} are two independent
binary sequences. Show that the envelope |𝑠(𝑡)̃ | is a constant, independent of an and bn.
8. Determine the autocorrelation functions for the MSK and OQPSK signals based on the assumptions
that the information sequences for each of the two signals are uncorrelated and zero-mean.
9. Consider the octal signal point constellation shown in Fig-3
(d) The nearest neighbor signal points in 8 QAM signal constellation are separated by a constant
distance of A. Determine the radii a and b of inner and outer circles.
(e) The adjacent signal points in the 8 PSK are separated by a distance A. Determine the radius r
of the circle.
(f) Determine the average transmit powers for the two signal constellations and compare. What is
the relative power advantage of one constellation over the other? (all signal points are equally

Figure -3

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