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#Advance Respawn - Spigot Plugin - Created by Matan Rak 2016-2017

#-==={ Death Message Settings }===-#

Use_Death_Message: true
Death_Message: '&7{player} &c{reason}'
#Customize the death reasons in the file

#-==={ World Settings }===-#

- disabledworld
- anotherdisabledworld

#-==={ Respawn Settings }===-#

Use_Radius: true
Min_Radius: 30
Max_Radius: 50

#-==={ Spectate Death }===-#

#when a player dies he will respawn in spectator mode until a set time
Spectate_Respawn: false
Spectate_Respawn_Delay: 4
Spectate_Respawn_Progress_Title: '&2Respawning...!'
Spectate_Respawn_Title1: '&cRespawned!'
Spectate_Respawn_Title2: '&aYou have respawned &2{blocks} &ablocks away'

#-==={ Title / Message Settings }===-#

# use {blocks} in the messages to add the distance from your last loc!
Respawn_Titles: true
Respawn_Title_Line1: '&cRespawned!'
Respawn_Title_Line2: '&aYou have respawned &2{blocks} &ablocks away'

#-==={ Hologram Settings }===-#

Enable_Holograms: true
Remove_Holograms_After_Seconds: 10
Fancy_Holograms: true

#-==={ Respawn Commands }===-#

Player_Run_Command_On_Respawn: false
- spawn

Console_Run_Command_On_Respawn: false
- feed {player}

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