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Skill : Verbs with the suffix -ize

The suffixes ATE, EN, FY, ISH, IZE have the following general meanings: to do, make

or become as indicated in the root. For example: to activate – to make active; to deepen – to

make or become deeper; to simplify – to make simpler; to finish – to bring or come to an end; to

apologize – to make an apology. Verbs with the suffixes ATE, EN, FY, ISH, IZE are regular;

they add "ed" for the simple past and past participle.

No Suffix- ize positive, negative statement , introgative and

question (what, who,why,when,where,how) -


1 acclimatize (menyesuaikan diri) I acclimatize in the class .

2 agonize (menderita) Jesus do not agonize .

3 Americanize (amerika we don't go to Americanize.

4 Anglicize (menerjemahkan) do they angliceze speake indonesia ?

5 antagonize (bermusuhan) why do we antagonizes in the class ?

6 apologize (meminta maaf) who apologizes to father in the new year ?

7 authorize (meresmikan) when do theyauthorize the even enters your new

home ?

8 baptize (membabtis) where does she baptize children ?

10 brutalize(membengisi) what do you brutalize ?

11 canonize (mengkanonisasikan) I canonize situation .

12 capitalize (memodalkan) you do not capitalize my office .

13 categorize (mengkategorikan) she does not categorizes is the best .

14 centralize (memusatkan) don't he centralizes the attention of the eudience ?

15 characterize (mencirikan) she does not characterizes in someone ?

16 civilize(membudayakan) what do we civilize ?

17 colonize (menjajah) why do they colonize ?

18 criticize (mengkritik) when do I criticize friend ?

19 crystallize (direalisasikan) where do you crystallize ?

20 decentralize who decentralize ?


21 demonetize (melakukan how do demonetize ?

demotisasi )

22 deodorize (menghilangkan bau ) I deodorize body .

23 dramatize (mendramatisir) you do not dramatize circumstances .

24 deputize (mewakili) she deputizes the meneger .

25 economize (menghemat) what do I economize ?

26 emphasize (menekankan) why do you emphasize ?

27 equalize (menyamakan ) who do we equalize ?

28 familiarize (membiasakan diri) when do they familiarize ?

29 fertilize (buang angin) where do you fertilize ?

30 finalize (fanalisasi) how do we finalize ?

31 formalize (memformalkan) I formalize the time to shcool

32 fossilize (menjadi fosil) you do not fossilize .

33 galvanize (mengembleng) he galvanizes in the road .

34 glamorize (mengagungkan) she does not glamorize lord .

35 harmonize (menyelaraskan) the guitar harmonize the tone .

36 homogenize what do I homogenize ?


37 hospitalize (masuk rumah sakit) who hospitalize ?

38 humanize (memanusiakan) how do you humanize ?

39 hypnotize (menghipnotis) when do we hypnotize ?

40 idealize (mengidealkan) why do they idealize ?

41 immobilize (melumpuhkan) where do we immobilize the feet lion ?

42 immunize (mengebalkan) I immunize body .

43 individualize (individualisasi) you do not invidualialize .

44 industrialize (industrialisasi) he does not industrialize .

45 jeopardize (membahayakan) what do I jeopardize her self ?

46 legalize(mensahkan) why do you legalize ?

47 liquidize (melikuidasi) who liquidize ?

48 localize (melokalisir) when do we localize ?

49 materialize (mewujudkan) where do you materialize the future goal ?

50 mechanize (mekanisasi) how do we mechanize ?

51 memorize (menghafalkan ) I memorize prayer .

52 mesmerize (mempesonakan) you do not mesmerize her self .

53 militarize(memiliterasikan) she militarizes sentences to stodents .

54 minimize (memperkecil) the blade minimizes the tree .

55 mobilize ( mengerahkan) what do I exerting ?

56 modernize (memodernisasi) who modernize ?

57 monetize (menguangkan) when do you monitize ?

58 monopolize (memonopoli) why do we monopolize friend ?

59 moralize (memoralisasikan) where do you moralize ?

60 motorize (bermotor) how do we motrorize ?

62 nasalize (mengatakan melalui I nasalize to friend .


63 nationalize (menasionalisasi) do you nationalize ?

64 naturalize does she naturalize new citizen ?


65 neutralize (menetralkan) what do I neutralize ?

66 normalize (normalisasi) who normalize ?

67 notarize (mensahkan) when do you notarize ?

68 organize (mengatur) why do we organize subordinate ?

69 oxidize (mengoksidasi ) where do we oxidize ?

70 pasteurize (mempastir) how do they pasteurize ?

71 patronize (berlangganan) I patronize to the book at the store .

72 penalize (menghukum) don't you penalize opponent ?

73 personalize (personalisasi) she personalizes in group .

74 philosophize (mempilosofi) he does not philosophize the story .

75 polarize (mempolarisasikan) what do I polarize ?

76 politicize (politikus) who politicize ?

77 popularize (mempopulerkan) when do we popularize ?

78 publicize (mengumumkan) why do they publicize the news ?

79 pulverize where do you pulverize flower ?


80 rationalize(merasionalisasikan) how do we rationalize opiniom ?

81 realize (menyadari) I realize to mistake .

82 recognize (mengakui) you do not reconize problem .

83 revitalize (revitalisasi) she does not revitalize .

84 sanitize (membersihkan) he sanitizes home .

85 scrutinize (diteliti dengan don't you scrutinize in the hospital ?


86 sensitize (membuat peka) what do I sensitize ?

87 socialize (mensosialisasikan) who socialize problem ?

88 solemnize (melangsungkan why do we solemnize flag now ?


89 specialize (mengkhususkan) where do you specialize to holiday ?

90 stabilize (menstabilkan) how do you stabilize a time in ocean ?

91 standardize (membakukan) I standardize water .

92 sterilize (mensterilkan) you do not sterillize body .

93 stigmatize (mencap ) don't we stigmatize the wrong people ?

94 subsidize (menyubsidi ) the woman subsidizes rice in a village .

95 summarize (meringkaskan) he does not summarize the persentage .

96 symbolize (melambangkan ) what do I symbolize the flag Indonesia ?

97 sympathize (menyantuni ) why do you sympathize children ?

98 synchronize (sinkronisasi ) when do we synchronize in the shcool ?

99 synthesize (mempersatukan) who synthesize them ?

100 systematize where do you systematize the computer ?


101 terrorize (meneror ) how do they terrorize the children ?

102 theorize (berteori) I theorize in the class .

103 tranquillize (menenangkan) you don't tranquillize competition .

104 traumatize (melukai) don't we traumatize the people ?

105 tyrannize (bersimaharajalela) she tyrannizes at home .

106 urbanize (mengotakan ) does he urbanize the village ?

107 utilize (memamfaatkan ) what do I can utilize a time ?

108 vandalize (merusak) why do you vandalize flower ?

109 vaporize (menguap) when do we vaporize ?

110 victimize (mengorbankan) who victimize the time for them ?

111 vitalize (menghidupkan ) where do you vitalize the lamp ?

112 vocalize (menyuarakan) how do we vocalize a opinion ?

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