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 To compare the rates of fermentation of the given

samples of wheat flour, gram flour, rice and potatoes.

Fermentation is the slow decomposition of complex

organic compounds into simpler by the action of enzymes.
Enzymes are the complex organic compounds, generally
proteins. There are many examples of fermentation
processes which we come across in daily life; souring of
milk or curd, bread making, wine making and brewing.
Fermentation word has been derived from Latin (Ferver
which means ‘to boil’). As during fermentation there is lot
of frothing of the liquid due to the evolution of carbon
dioxide, it gives the appearance as if it is boiling.

Wheat flour, gram flour, rice flour and potatoes contains

starch as the major constituents. Starch present in this
food materials is first brought into solution, in the presence
of enzyme diastase, starch undergo fermentation to give
maltose. Starch gives blue-violet color with iodine whereas
product of fermentation starch do not give any
characteristic color. When the fermentation is complete
the reaction mixture stops giving blue-violet color with
iodine solution. By comparing the time required for
completion of fermentation of equal amounts of different
substances containing starch the rates of fermentation can
be compared. The enzymes diastase is obtained by
germination of moist barely seed in dark at 15 degree
celcius. When the germination is complete the
temperature is raise to 60 degree celcius to stop further
growth. The seeds are crushed into water and filtered. The
filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt

 Conical flasks
 Test tubes
 Funnel
 Filter paper and water bath.
 Wheat flour
 Gram flour
 Rice flour
 Potatoes
 1% iodine solution.

 Take 5gm of wheat flour in 100ml conical flask and

add 30 ml of distilled water.
 Boil the contents of the flask for about 5 minutes
 Filter the above contents after cooling, the filtrate
obtained is wheat flour extract.
 To the wheat flour extract, taken in a conical flask.
Add 5ml of 1% aq. NaCl solution.
 Keep this flask in a water bath maintained at a
temperature of 50-60 degree celcius. Add 2ml of malt
 After 2 minutes take a 2 drops of the reaction mixture
and add to diluted iodine solution.
 Repeat the above step after 2 minutes. When no
bluish color is produced the fermentation is complete.
 Record the total time taken for completion of
 Repeat the experiment with gram flour extract, rice
flour extract, potato extract and record the
Time Color of the reaction mixture obtained with
iodine solution in case of
(in hours)
Wheat Gram Rice flour Potato
flour flour extract extract
extract extract

10 hours 12.5hours 15 hours 13 hours


The rate of fermentation of starch in different substances

containing starch is in order ………………..

 Teacher’s guidance

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