Goals of This Lecture !: C Programming Examples!

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Goals of this Lecture !

•  Help you learn about:"

•  The fundamentals of C"
•  Program structure, control statements, character I/O"
•  Deterministic finite state automata (DFA)"
C Programming Examples! •  Some expectations for programming assignments"
•  Why?"
•  The fundamentals of C provide a foundation for the
systematic coverage of C that will follow"
•  A power programmer knows the fundamentals of C well"
•  DFA are useful in many contexts "
•  A very important context: Assignment 1"
•  How?"
•  Through some examples" 2

Overview of this Lecture! Example #1: Echo!

•  Problem: Echo input directly to output"

•  C programming examples" •  Program design"

•  Echo input to output" •  Include the Standard Input/Output header file (stdio.h)"
•  Convert all lowercase letters to uppercase" #include <stdio.h>"
•  Convert first letter of each word to uppercase" •  Allows your program to use standard I/O calls"
•  Makes declarations of I/O functions available to compiler"
•  Glossing over some details related to pointers " •  Allows compiler to check your calls of I/O functions"
•  … which will be covered subsequently in the course"
•  Define main() function"
int main(void) { … }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { … }
•  Starting point of the program, a standard boilerplate"
•  Hand-waving: argc and argv are for input arguments"
3 4

Example #1: Echo (cont.)! Putting it All Together!
#include <stdio.h>

•  Within the main program"

int main(void) {
int c; Why int instead
•  Read a single character" of char?"
c = getchar(); "
c = getchar();
•  Read a single character from the standard input
stream (stdin) and return it" putchar(c);
Why return a
return 0;
•  Write a single character" }
putchar(c); "
•  Write a single character to the standard output
stream (stdout)"

5 6

Read and Write Ten Characters! Read and Write Forever!

•  Loop to repeat a set of lines (e.g., for loop)" •  Infinite for loop"
•  Three expressions: initialization, condition, and increment" •  Simply leave the expressions blank"
•  E.g., start at 0, test for less than 10, and increment per iteration" •  E.g., for ( ; ; ) "
•  No initial value, no per-iteration test, no increment at end of iteration"
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
Why not this instead:" int main(void) {
int main(void) { for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)!
int c, i; int c;

for (i=0; i<10; i++) { for ( ; ; ) { When will this

c = getchar(); be executed?"
c = getchar();
putchar(c); putchar(c);
} }
How would you terminate
return 0; return 0; this program?"
} 7 } 8

Read and Write Until End-Of-File! Many Ways to Do the Same Job!
•  Test for end-of-file"
•  EOF is a global constant, defined in stdio.h" for (c=getchar(); c!=EOF; c=getchar())
•  The break statement jumps out of the innermost enclosing loop" " putchar(c); Which approach
#include <stdio.h> before the loop is best?"
int main(void) { Typical idiom in C, but
int c; do some stuff
while ((c=getchar())!=EOF)
messy side-effect in
for ( ; ; ) { putchar(c);" loop test"
c = getchar(); done yet?
if (c == EOF) for (;;) { c = getchar();
break; c = getchar();
do more stuff while (c!= EOF){
putchar(c); if (c == EOF)!
} break; ! putchar(c);
after the loop
return 0; !putchar(c); c = getchar();
} 9 }! } 10

Review of Example #1! Example #2: Convert Uppercase!

•  Character I/O" •  Problem: Write a program to convert a file to all uppercase"
•  Including stdio.h •  Leave non-alphabetic characters alone"
•  Functions getchar() and putchar()
•  Representation of a character as an integer"
•  Predefined constant EOF •  Program design:"
•  Program control flow"
•  The for and while statements" repeat in a loop
•  The break statement" Read a character
•  The return statement" If unsuccessful, break out of loop
If the character is lower-case, convert to upper-
•  Operators" case
•  Assignment operator: = " Write the character
•  Increment operator: ++" "
•  Relational operator to compare for equality: =="
•  Relational operator to compare for inequality: !="
11 12

ASCII! Implementation in C!
American Standard Code for Information Interchange" #include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
int c;
32 SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / c = getchar();
48 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? if (c == EOF) break;
64 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
if ((c >= 97) && (c < 123))
80 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
96 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
c -= 32;
112 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL putchar(c);
Lower case: 97-122 and upper case: 65-90" return 0;
E.g., a is 97 and A is 65 (i.e., 32 apart)" }
13 14

It works!! Itʼs a …!

•  Submit"

•  Receive your grade with quiet confidence "

15 16

What? But it works …! Avoid Hard-coded Numbers!
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
•  A good program is:" Ugly. "
int c;
•  Clean" And works for
•  Readable" for ( ; ; ) {
ASCII only"
•  Maintainable" c = getchar();
if (c == EOF) break;
•  It s not enough that your program works!"
if ((c >= 97) && (c < 123))
c -= 32;
•  We take this seriously in COS 217" putchar(c);
•  Seriously == It affects your grade substantially" }
return 0;
} 18

Improvement: Character Constants! Improvement: Existing Functions!

Standard C Library Functions ctype(3C)
#include <stdio.h> Section 3C is for C
library functions"
Better. " NAME
int main(void) {
But still ctype, isdigit, isxdigit, islower, isupper, isalpha, isalnum, isspace, iscntrl, ispunct, isprint,
int c; assumes that
isgraph, isascii - character handling

for ( ; ; ) { alphabetic SYNOPSIS

character codes #include <ctype.h> DESCRIPTION
c = getchar(); int isalpha(int c);
are contiguous" These macros classify character-
int isupper(int c);
if (c == EOF) break; coded integer values. Each is a
int islower(int c); predicate returning non-zero for true, 0
if ((c >= a ) && (c <= z )) int isdigit(int c); for false...
int isalnum(int c); The toupper() function has as a
c += A - a ; int isspace(int c); domain a type int, the value of which is
int ispunct(int c); representable as an unsigned char or
putchar(c); int isprint(int c);
the value of EOF.... If the argument of
toupper() represents a lower-case
int isgraph(int c);
} int iscntrl(int c);
letter ... the result is the corresponding
upper-case letter. All other arguments
int toupper(int c); in the domain are returned unchanged.
return 0;
int tolower(int c);
} 19 20

Using the ctype Functions! Building and Running!
#include <stdio.h> % ls
#include <ctype.h> upper.c
int main(void) {
% gcc217 upper.c –o upper
int c;
for ( ; ; ) { % ls
c = getchar(); upper upper.c
if (c == EOF) break;
if (islower(c)) Returns non-zero" % upper
c = toupper(c); (true) iff c is a lowercase" We ll be on time today!
putchar(c); character"
return 0; ^D
} 21 % 22

Run the Code on Itself! Output Redirection!

% upper < upper.c % upper < upper.c > junk.c
#INCLUDE <STDIO.H> % gcc217 junk.c –o junk
INT MAIN(VOID) { test.c:1:2: invalid preprocessing directive #INCLUDE
INT C; test.c:2:2: invalid preprocessing directive #INCLUDE
FOR ( ; ; ) { test.c:3: syntax error before "MAIN"
IF (C == EOF) BREAK; etc...

23 24

Review of Example #2! Example #3: Capitalize First Letter!
•  Representing characters" •  Capitalize the first letter of each word"
•  ASCII character set" •  cos 217 rocks à Cos 217 Rocks "
•  Character constants (e.g., A or a )"
•  Sequence through the string, one letter at a time"
•  Manipulating characters" •  Print either the character, or the uppercase version"
•  Arithmetic on characters"
•  Challenge: need to remember where you are"
•  Functions like islower() and toupper()
•  Capitalize c in cos , but not o in cos or c in
•  Compiling and running C code" rocks "
•  Compile to generate executable file "
•  The program should do different things for the
•  Invoke executable to run program"
same input letter, "
•  Can redirect stdin and/or stdout"
•  “c” in “cos” (capitalize) versus “c” in rocks (donʼt)"
•  Depends on “where it is” right now"
25 26

States! Deterministic Finite Automaton!

•  Where am I?" Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)"
•  Iʼm inside a word" •  States"
•  Iʼve seen the first letter of it but not yet the space after it" •  State 1: Iʼm not already inside a word"
•  State 2: Iʼm already inside a word"
•  If I see a letter now, I should not capitalize it"
•  Inputs: cause state transitions"
•  Iʼm not inside a word " Actions are not"
•  (Actions: determined by state+input)"
•  If I see a letter now, I should capitalize it" part of DFA formalism;"
•  Iʼm in my car" but they re helpful"
•  If I get a phone call I shouldnʼt take it" letter"
•  Iʼm in my room" (print uppercase equivalent)"
•  If I get a phone call I can take it"

•  What am I doing?" 1" 2"

•  Iʼm awake, Iʼm asleep, …"
(print)" letter"
Program needs a way to keep track of states, and take not-letter" (print)"
actions not only based on inputs but also on states" 27 (print)" 28

Implementation Skeleton! Implementation Skeleton!
#include <stdio.h> •  Process one character:"
#include <ctype.h> •  Check current state"
int main (void) { •  Check input character"
•  Based on state and character, check DFA and execute: "
int c;
•  a transition to new state, or stay in same state"
for ( ; ; ) { •  the indicated action"
c = getchar(); •  Note: same input can lead to different actions"
if (c == EOF) break; (print uppercase equivalent)"

<process one character>

} 1" not-letter" 2"
return 0; letter"
} 29 (print)" 30

not-letter letter
Implementation! 1 2
Complete Implementation!
Process one character: if input char is a letter { #include <stdio.h>
print uppercase (since #include <ctype.h>
first letter of new word); int main(void) {
if input char is a letter {
switch (state) { move to state 2 (in word); int c; int state=1;
print uppercase (since
for ( ; ; ) {
} first letter of new word);
case 1: otherwise print char as is;
c = getchar();
if (c == EOF) break; move to state 2 (in word);
<state 1 input check and action> switch (state) { }
case 1: otherwise print char as is;
break; if (isalpha(c)) {
case 2: state = 2;
} else putchar(c);
<state 2 input check and action> break;
case 2:
break; if input not a letter
if (!isalpha(c)) state = 1;
change state to 1 (not in
word); if input is not a letter
default: in any case, print char as is;
} change state to 1 (not
<this should never happen> } in word);
return 0;
} } in any case, print char;
31 32

Running Code on Itself " It works!!
% gcc217 upper1.c -o upper1
% upper1 < upper1.c
#Include <Stdio.H> •  Submit"
#Include <Ctype.H>
Int Main(Void) {
Int C; Int State=1;
For ( ; ; ) {
C = Getchar(); •  What did I get? What did I get?"
If (C == EOF) Break;
Switch (State) {
Case 1:
If (Isalpha(C)) {
State = 2;
} Else Putchar(C);
Case 2:
If (!Isalpha(C)) State = 1;
Return 0;
33 34

Your grade! OK, That s a B!


•  Works correctly, but"

•  Mysterious integer constants ( magic numbers )"

•  What now?"
•  States should have names, not just 1, 2

35 36

Improvement: Names for States! Improvement: Names for States!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
enum Statetype {NOT_IN_WORD,IN_WORD};
•  Define your own named constants"
int main(void) {
int c; enum Statetype state = NOT_IN_WORD;
enum Statetype {NOT_IN_WORD,IN_WORD}; for ( ; ; ) {
•  Define an enumeration type" c = getchar();
if (c == EOF) break;
switch (state) {
enum Statetype state;" case NOT_IN_WORD:
•  Define a variable of that type" if (isalpha(c)) {
state = IN_WORD;
} else putchar(c);
case IN_WORD:
if (!isalpha(c)) state = NOT_IN_WORD;
37 return 0; 38

It still works, no magic constants! Ask and you shall not receive …!

•  Submit"

•  Can I have my A+ please? I have a party to go to."

39 40

Huh?! Improvement: Modularity!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
enum Statetype {NOT_IN_WORD,IN_WORD};
•  Works correctly, but" enum Statetype handleNotInwordState(int c) {...}
enum Statetype handleInwordState(int c) {...}
•  No modularity"
int main(void) {
int c;
enum Statetype state = NORMAL;
for ( ; ; ) {
•  What now?" c = getchar();
•  Should handle each state in a separate function if (c == EOF) break;
switch (state) {
•  Each state handling function does the work for a given case NOT_IN_WORD:
state, including reading the input and taking the action state = handleNotInwordState(c);
•  It returns the new state, which we will store in the “state” case IN_WORD:
state = handleInwordState(c);
variable for the next iteration of our infinite loop break;
return 0;
41 42

Improvement: Modularity! Improvement: Modularity!

enum Statetype handleNotInwordState(int c) { enum Statetype handleInwordState(int c) {
enum Statetype state; enum Statetype state;
if (isalpha(c)) { putchar(c);
putchar(toupper(c)); if (!isalpha(c))
state = IN_WORD; state = NOT_IN_WORD;
} else
else { state = IN_WORD;
putchar(c); return state;
state = NOT_IN_WORD; }
return state;

43 44

Itʼs a thing of beauty …! Seriously??!

•  No comments"

•  Should add (at least) function-level comments

45 46

Function Comments Function Comment Examples

•  Bad main() function comment
Read a character from stdin. Depending upon the
•  A function s comment should: current DFA state, pass the character to an
appropriate state-handling function. The value
•  Describe what the function does
returned by the state-handling function is the
•  Describe input to the function next DFA state. Repeat until end-of-file.
•  Parameters, input streams •  Describes how the function works!
•  Describe output from the function •  Good main() function comment
•  Return value, output streams, (call-by-reference Read text from stdin. Convert the first
parameters) character of each "word" to uppercase, where a
word is a sequence of letters. Write the result
•  Not describe how the function works to stdout. Return 0.
•  Describes what the function does from caller s point of view"

47 48

An A Effort! An A Effort!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
enum Statetype {NOT_IN_WORD, IN_WORD};
/* handleInwordState: Implement the IN_WORD state of the DFA. */
/*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* c is the current DFA character. Return the next state. */
/* handleNormalState: Implement the NOT_IN_WORD state of the DFA. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* c is the current DFA character. Return the next state. */
enum Statetype handleInwordState(int c) {
enum Statetype handleNotInwordState(int c) { enum Statetype state;
enum Statetype state; putchar(c);
if (isalpha(c)) {
if (!isalpha(c))
state = IN_WORD; state = NOT_IN_WORD;
else {
state = IN_WORD;
state = NOT_IN_WORD; return state;
return state;

49 50

An A Effort! Review of Example #3!

/* main: Read text from stdin. Convert the first character */ •  Deterministic finite state automaton"
/* of each "word" to uppercase, where a word is a sequence of */ •  Two or more states"
/* letters. Write the result to stdout. Return 0. */
•  Transitions between states"
int main(void) { •  Next state is a function of current state and current input"
int c;
•  Actions can occur during transitions"
enum Statetype state = NOT_IN_WORD;
/* Use a DFA approach. state indicates the state of the DFA. */
for ( ; ; ) { •  Expectations for COS 217 assignments"
c = getchar(); •  Readable"
if (c == EOF) break;
switch (state) {
•  Meaningful names for variables and values"
case NOT_IN_WORD: •  qqq is not meaningful. Nor are foo and bar"
state = handleNotInwordState(c);
•  Modular"
case IN_WORD: •  Multiple functions, each of which does one well-defined job"
state = handleInwordState(c); •  Function-level comments"
•  Should describe what function does"
} •  See K&P book for style guidelines specification"
return 0;
51 " 52

Another DFA Example! Yet Another DFA Example!
•  Does the string have nano in it?" Question #4 from fall 2005 midterm
•  banano " Identify whether or not a string is a floating-point number
•  nnnnnnnanofff "
•  banananonano " •  Valid numbers" •  Invalid numbers"
•  bananananashanana " •  -34 " •  abc "
n •  78.1 " •  -e9 "
n •  +298.3 " •  1e "
•  -34.7e-1 " •  + "
n a n o •  34.7E-1 " •  17.9A "
S 1 2 3 F
•  7. " •  0.38+ "
a •  .7 " •  . "
•  999.99e99 " •  38.38f9 "
No input shown on an
arc => any other input
53 54

Summary !
•  Examples illustrating C"
•  Overall program structure"
•  Control statements (if, while, for, and switch)"
•  Character input/output (getchar() and putchar())"

•  Deterministic finite state automata (i.e., state

•  Expectations for programming assignments"



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