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IGBC Tenant Guidelines

What is Green?
The voluntary pursuit of any activity, which encompasses concern for energy efficiency, environment, water conservation and use of
recycled products & renewable energy can be defined as "Green".

What is a Green Building?

A Green Building is one, which in appearance and functionality is the same, as any other building. Any green building would show
tremendous concern on efficient utilization of resources, thereby reducing the impact on environment.

In general, a Green building would incorporate the following green features:

• Effective use of native/adapted landscapes
• Use of energy efficient and Eco-friendly equipment
• Use of recycled and Environmental friendly Building materials
• Quality indoor air quality for human safety and comfort
• Efficient use of water and reduce potable water demand
• Use of Non-Toxic & recycled materials
• Effective controls and building management system

The Lessor recommends the use of IGBC tenant guidelines for projects to operate it in an environmentally friendly way. The intent
of IGBC Green Homes is to assist in the creation of healthy, durable, affordable and eco-friendly interiors.

These guidelines are intended to help tenants understand and take full advantage of the high-performance features of the building,
and to provide guidance in ways that tenant can know about the green features of building.

Project Amore is designed on guidelines of IGBC Green Homes (Version 1) which brings many of the benefits to the occupants.
Therefore, the same support from our occupants is expected while designing their spaces by using the principles outlined below
which will ensure that the benefits of the Green Building design are optimized.



Wall Construction: External wall of Tower 6 and Tower 8 consists of 200mm AAC blocks with plaster on both the sides whereas
external wall of Tower 4, Tower 5 and Tower 7 are RCC walls.

Roof Construction and Finish: Terrace level roof slab construction includes 3 inch thick Brick Bat over mother slab. In addition to
it, the building roof has SRI paint of value greater than 78. The SRI (Solar Reflective Index) paint ensures that a large percentage of
the incident heat energy is not absorbed by the roof.

Glazing: Shading coefficient and light transmittance for this glass were developed very carefully in order to enhance available daylight
in the space and maintain visual comfort for the occupants without comprising on energy-efficiency. uPVC window frames along with
Single Glazed Unit of clear glass (thickness 6mm & 5mm) are used.

Highly efficient LED luminaries are used at all places in Amore. The lighting power densities (LPD) levels of all common area and
external area lightings are maintained at minimum 30% lower than ASHRAE/IGBC Baseline Values.
Low flow Water efficient fixtures are installed in the building. This will result in tremendous reduction in water consumption.

Water balance for the building has been developed which helped to design & size the water treatment plant to treat 100% waste
water generated on site. Grey and black water is recycled with a Sewage Treatment Plant and this recycled & treated water would
be used for landscape irrigation and flushing. Thus reducing the need of any excess amount of potable water use.

The Project is using minimum BEE 3 Star Rated Air Conditioning Units, to ensure Energy Efficiency.

Following equipment’ are installed in Amore to save energy;

1. IE2 rated pumps and motors with minimum 60% efficiency and capacity greater than 3 HP
2. Energy efficient lifts with group control
3. Exhaust systems of basements and podium level parking are equipped with CO (Carbon Monoxide) sensors so that exhaust
fans are operated as per permitted CO concentration levels.


At Amore, we will be implementing segregated waste collection system at source. The provision for storage of segregated waste is
made at Ground Floor level. Also, Organic Waste Composter is provided to convert wet waste into manure.


Provision of Fresh Air System: Amore is designed with provisions of fresh air through Natural Ventilation.

Elimination of the Environmental Tobacco Smoke: To eliminate the effects of tobacco smoking on human health, smoking is
prohibited in the common areas of the complex.

Finishes: Volatile Organic Compound (VOC’s) present in finishing products has harmful effect on the building occupants. The VOC’s
vaporize (become gas) at normal room temperature. Hence, the products with VOC’s within the specified limits as below are used;

The VOC limits for interior paints:

Particulars VOC limits

Non-flat 150 (grams per litre)
Flat 50 (grams per litre)

The VOC limits for Adhesives and sealants are as follows:

Particulars VOC limits

Anti - corrosive/ Anti – Rust Paints 250 (grams per litre)
Varnish 350 (grams per litre)
Wood Flooring Adhesive 100 (grams per litre)
Tile Adhesives 65 (grams per litre)
Indoor Carpet Adhesives 50 (grams per litre)
Wood 30 (grams per litre)
The emission factor limits for interior:

Emission factor limit mg/m2 h

Carpet total VOC’s 0.50
Adhesives total VOC’s 10.0
Cushion total VOC’s 1.00

Public Transport: Project site is located near to Delhi Metro & it has good connectivity with public transportation; this is beneficial
to tenants and their visitors because of the convenience of public transit access. This also reduces the need to drive cars to the site,
thereby reducing environmental impacts associated with pollution and development.

Project used minimum 20% of building materials (by cost) as recycled materials. And also, used minimum 75% of building materials
(by cost) which are regionally extracted and manufactured.

Amore has energy meters installed for various purposes to ensure proper quantification of energy use and to detect leakages in the

Rain water harvesting pits are provided that results in a minimum of 95% decrease in the volume of storm water runoff calculated
based upon an average of the Annual Rainfall over the last 5 years.


Amore is using high Solar Reflective Index (SRI) paints on the roof areas to reduce heat absorption thereby improving comfort indoors
and reducing the heat island effect.


All the HVAC systems installed in Amore are free from Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-based refrigerants which thereby reduce the impact
on ozone layer.

Landscaping includes Native and drought tolerant species to reduce water use for irrigation.

Amore is designed with adequate provisions for physically challenged occupants.

Responsibilities of Tenants

The responsibilities of tenants is divided in to two sections –

1. Setting up your own space –The following recommendations set to keep in mind as you’re moving into and modifying your
2. Operating Your Space – The following recommendation set to act on to run a sustainable, responsible business.

Setting up your own space

1. Sustainable fit up -
a. Windows and Doors – Use window treatments such as curtains, blinds etc.
b. Wood – Use wood that is urea formaldehyde free. Rapidly renewable materials and FSC Certified Wood can also be used.
c. Paints and Finishes – Use low VOC paints and finishes as per the IGBC Green Homes (Version 1)
d. Furniture – Use refurbished, or reused furniture.
e. Energy use – Try to maintain the LPD (Lighting Power Density) level of lights atleast 30% lesser than the ASHRAE/ IGBC
Green Homes Ver1 baselines.

Operating your space

Save Water

 Don’t unnecessarily run the taps.

 Fix leaky faucets and running toilets. A leak of one drop per second wastes about 9,000 liters of water per year.
 Only run dishwashers and washing machines, with full loads.
 Your toilets are plumbed separately to use treated water rather than potable water.
 Items that can be disposed of in a recycling bin, compost or garbage container should not be flushed or disposed of in the
wastewater collection system. This includes items like food scraps, coffee grinds, excessive grease and cooking oils, plastics,
paper towels, tampons, sanitary napkins, dental floss, disposable diapers, cigarette butts, condoms, kitty litter, etc. The only
items that should be flushed down the toilet are waste water and toilet paper.
 Hazardous chemicals (paints, varnishes, thinners, waste oil, organic chemicals, excessive quantities of household cleaners,
etc.) should not be disposed of in the wastewater collection system.

Save Energy

 Smart Use of energy is required, you can determine when you need to use energy and when you don’t, allowing you to conserve
energy use habits.
 Adjust cooling systems appropriately and don’t leave windows/ doors open when these systems are in use.

Prevent Waste

 Critically rethink whether or not you need to purchase an item in the first place.
 Avoid purchasing materials that cannot be reused or recycled at the end of their useful life.
 Use minimally packaged, sustainably produced, recycled products.
 Use your waste separation bins for the various materials that can be diverted from landfills.
 Waste generated during fit-ups should be segregated and sold to recyclers.
 All the e-waste generated to be collected in e-waste bin provided in common areas.
 Repair broken appliances, furniture, and other materials instead of replacing them.
 Return appliances that are no longer of use to the supplier or donate them to an appliance refurbishment organization.
 Use electronic take-back programs available in the region. Many stores have taken back programs for their products and
accessories (e.g.: cell phones, computers, batteries).

Use Transportation sustainably

 Promote active transportation. Amore, Noida is ideally located and structured for active commuting.
 Use the local public transit system whenever possible.

Avoid harmful toxins

 Whether you do your own cleaning or have someone else take care of it, be sure to use environmentally certified cleaning
products, and use cleaning techniques that minimize waste and spillage of materials. If you are contracting out your cleaning
services ensure that your contractor is committed to, and knowledgeable about, healthy and green cleaning practices.
 Print only when necessary, Printing uses toners and chemicals that get into the air. Use draft print settings to minimize toner
 Avoid all products that are flammable, explosive or poisonous.
 Use natural beeswax candles instead of petroleum-based candles. They burn longer and emit no toxins.
 Implement a scent-free policy in your space to allow those with chemical sensitivities to be comfortable in the space, and to
promote the health and wellbeing of all others.
 Use the same care in selecting new furniture or making repairs and renovations as you did during fit-up.

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