First QRTR Philosophy 2019testkeya

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Test 1 (True or False) write “True” if statement is correct and “False” if statement is not true BESIDE THE NUMBER.
1. Atman is a title which mean “one who is awake. (absolute Soul)
2. The reason Philosophy is not one dimensional or partial is because philosopher does not limit himself to a particular object of inquiry.
3. Vedas is considered a 2,500 years’ Hindu text.
4. Metaphysics is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being to know what is real.
5. Samsara is a doctrine that adhere to the belief that our soul into other creature.
6. Aum is a Buddhism philosophical symbol. (Hindu)
7. Knowledge-base is not partial philosophy.
8. Philosophy originally meant “love of wisdom”, and in broader sense, wisdom is still the goal of philosophy.
9. Doing philosophy will not obtain a broad perspective in life
10. Without becoming holistic in various dimension of being human, student will only learn partial philosophy.
11. The reason Philosophy is not one dimensional or partial is because philosopher does not limit himself to a particular object of inquiry.
12. In the principle of sufficient reason without the virtue of emptying, students will learn philosophy in holistic way.(with)
13. Metaphysics is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being to know what is real.
14. Abundance is less of an effort of the heart than mind alone (Aguilar 2010)(more)
15. Abundance means evolving to a higher being, therefore, is our choice to adopt an abundant disposition.
16. In Principle of Sufficient reason in attaining wisdom, there is NO need for emptying
17. The two composition of man in embodied spirit are Body and soul.
18. In philosophy the opposite of realism is idealism
19. In Hinduism they use eight-fold path for transcendence
20. Socrates, who was considered the wisest man during his time, said: “The more we know, the more we realize how little we know.”

Test II Analyze the statement if it is Truth or Opinion , WRITE THE ANSWER AFTER THE QUESTION.
21. Mr. Jordan Toregosa is a senior high school teacher
22. I have two hands
23. You are the apple of my eyes
24. Philippines is an Asian nation.
25. I feel in love with you
26. No man is an island man cannot live alone
27. Humans have one head
28. I think next time you will win.
29. My vibration tells me you are a good leader
30. I can feel the gravity when I jump.

Test III (Multiple choice) Read the statement carefully and ENCIRCLE letter of correct answer.
1. Aesthetics is the study of
a. philosophy. c. the meaning of beauty
b. justifications of life as worthwhile. d. metaphysical ideas.

2. A philosophical argument is
a. a game type activity played by people with too much time on their hands.
b. debate between people presenting reasoned ideas to reach the truth about something.
c. a debate in which one side tries to prove they are right.
d. an impractical way of solving problems in our fast–paced modern world.

3. Plato believed that truth could be derived through

a. the senses. c. reason using the senses for its information.
b. sophistry. d. reason.

4. Buddhism advocates
a. the virtue of the truth. c. the eight noble truths.
b. four noble truths. d. a golden mean pathway to truth.

5. Reincarnation is the belief that

a. death only comes to those who are morally weak. c. people die and then are reborn in a new form.
b. everyone is alive all of the time. d. death and life are the same.

6. Buddhists, Confucianists, and Taoists are similar in their belief that the good life involves
a. living alone in contemplation and peace. c. searching for inner peace and harmony.
b. searching for the correct way to the Eightfold Path of Truth. d. moral relativism.

7. A fallacy is
a. when an argument loses its purpose and goes in the wrong direction.
b. a fault or flaw in an argument.
c. the logical outcome of a wrong argument.
d. a philosophical position that has been proven wrong.
8. In embodied spirit view Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas both believe the kinds of souls except
a. vegetative soul b. sensitive soul c. form soul d. rational soul

9. Which one is among the dimensions of human being in acquiring wisdom?

a) biology b) moral. c) time d) freedom

10. Which is NOT among the branches of philosophy?

a) Ethics b) Aesthetics c) Logistic d) Logic
11. Epistemology can be defined as
a. the philosophy of the empiricists. c. the theory of knowledge.
b. the study of information. d. having knowledge.

12. On a scale of reliability, belief falls somewhere between

a. opinion and sensory experience. c. knowledge and sensory experience.
b. understanding and opinion. d. knowledge and opinion.

13. A feeding program conducted by Senior high, the budget is tight which of the following demonstrates prudence and
frugality in food handling?
a. Using aluminum foil c. Using banana leaf and bark
b. Styrofoam food container d. Tupper ware food utensils

14. On your way home heavy rain took place, how would your response with prudence and frugality?
a. Buy big umbrella c. Purchase rain coat
b. looks around for shelter and practical provision d. call for help and ask for assistance from rescue 911

15. Our rice fields soil analyses result reveal that it lacks potassium and nitrogen, which option shows care for environment and
sustainable development?
a. buys commercial complete fertilizer c. use commercial foliar fertilizer spray.
b. use vermi cast from vermin culture d. use urea commercial fertilizer

16. Aesthetics is the philosophy of the

a. art of beauty. c. meaning of beauty in art.
b. the meaning, perception, and purpose of art. d. the beauty of art and its effect on the viewer.

Test IV. Explain the following terms on column “A” by matching the most appropriate definition or meaning on column “B”, WRITE OR

1. Holism A. going beyond what is limited by our body

B. skill and good judgment in the use of resources

2. Fallacy
C. means simplicity and humility
3. Transcendence
D. a study or method of treatment that is concerned with wholes or with
4. Emptying complete systems
5. Prudence E. the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

6. Freedom F. an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference

Test V Draw the symbol that nearly represents the following;(2 pts each)

1. Christianity

2. Hinduism the AUM

3. Synthesis (Black’s consciousness of freedom)

4. Yang yen

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