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Japanese ranks as one of the world’s most important languages with over 126 million speakers.

Of these, the vast

majority, about 124 million, reside within Japan and the island group of Okinawa. Another two million or so live in the
United States, Canada and Australia, areas where Japanese have immigrated or moved temporarily for business

purposes. Millions of additional near-native or otherwise fluent speakers of Japanese reside within Korea, China, or

other parts of Asia. Many of these people acquired Japanese during Japan’s military operations both before and after

World War II. There has been a great surge of interest in the study of Japanese as a second language throughout the
past 30 years, due to the Western world’s fascination with Japanese culture, as well as to Japan’s status as a world
economic power

Histroy in japan :

The origin of Japanese is in considerable dispute among scholars. Evidence has been offered for a number of
sources: Ural-Altaic, Polynesian, and Chinese among others. Of these, Japanese is most widely believed to be
connected to the Ural-Altaic family, which includes Turkish, Mongolian, Manchu, and Korean within its domain.

Locale Language Name

ja_JP Japanese
ja_JP.deckanji Japanese (DEC Kanji)
ja_JP.eucJP Japanese (EUC)
ja_JP.sdeckanji Japanese (Super DEC Kanji)
ja_JP.SJIS Japanese (Shift JIS)

The Japanese language is spoken mainly in Japan but also in some Japanese emigrant
communities around the world. It is an agglutinative language and the sound inventory of
Japanese is relatively small but has a lexically distinct pitch-accent system. Early Japanese is
known largely on the basis of its state in the 8th century, when the three major works of Old
Japanese were compiled. The earliest attestation of the Japanese language is in a Chinese
document from 252 A.D.

Japanese is written with a combination of three scripts: hiragana, derived from the Chinese
cursive script, katakana, derived as a shorthand from Chinese characters, and kanji, imported
from China. The Latin alphabet, rōmaji, is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for
company names and logos, advertising, and when inputting Japanese into a computer. The
Hindu-Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers, but traditional Sino-Japanese numerals
are also common.

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