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The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims is registered as the umbrella body of all
Muslims organizations Societies, Mosque Committees and groups in Kenya. It was
formed in 1973 following a general conference held at Quran house, Mfangano Street
in Nairobi. Its focus has been supporting its constituent local partners in order to excel
here today through informed decisions and effective participation in at all levels and
in all structures.

A particular focus has been placed on building the capacity of its member
organizations to respond to the emerging challenges and associated nuances and also
to provide a viable platform for Muslim citizens in Kenya not only to voice their
issues and concerns, but provide space for the pursuit of viable solutions to the myriad
problems that have faced Muslims since independence. SUPKEM has also been
directly implementing a variety of programs tailored at addressing challenges unique
to different regions and localities in Kenya. Responding to emergences and perennial
famine and related disasters particularly in the North Eastern, Upper Eastern and
northern Kenya, has been a persistent feature of its work.

The work of SUPKEM has had significant impact on issues of concern through varied
approaches key amongst them being devolution as central plank of democracy and
development. In its determination to leverage the socio-economic and political status of
the poor and the marginalized, SUPKEM has adopted a process of organizational and
context assessment and scenarios appraisal on a periodic basis. This periodic
assessment has enabled SUPKEM to be contextual, relevant and led to integration of the
needs and aspirations of its reference communities in its organizational and programme

SUPKEM commands authoritative experience in stakeholder engagements including
sustained partnerships, community mobilization and sensitization and structured
community dialogues, which has no doubt contributed to social transformation and
participatory development. It its quest to implement Sustainable Development Goals,
SUPKEM intends to activate and involve its grassroots networks and membership and
will work within the purview of transformative paradigm upon which SDGs are anchored
so as to cultivate a culture of sustainable human development within the Muslim
Community. This programmatic approach will no doubt entail the following namely;

• Leave no-one behind: a shift from reducing to ending extreme poverty within the
Muslim Community, including amongst the most marginalized (disabled people;
ethnic minorities, women and girls; remote communities);

• Put sustainable development at the core of focus and priority of Muslims:

integrating efforts to tackle climate change and environmental degradation within
the existing community goals.

• Transform community economies for enterprise development, jobs creation and

inclusive growth while harnessing existing potential for innovation and

• Promoting participation and entrenching partnerships. It recognizes that no

single community, country and no single government can achieve the agenda on its

SUPKEM believes that given the current constitutional dispensation and reform trend
in Kenya, issues like poverty, marginalization and the rights of minorities will be
tackled through a combined effort both micro and macro interventions, with the
macro focusing on national policy and legislative practice change, while the micro on
direct investment in citizen participation and in deliberate inclusion and
empowerment of minorities and marginalized groups in order to locate Supreme
Council at a strategic position to respond to the transition from MDG’s to SDG’s, it
has conducted its midyear planning and developed the following strategic objectives,
key activities and outputs that reflect and faithfully respond to the seventeen
sustainable development goals;


Strategic Objectives:

1) Conscietization of reference communities on the transition on the MDG’s – SDG’s
dispensation for awareness creation
2) Initiate programs aimed at sustainably improving the economic well being of distinct
target groups among the Muslim Community

3) Develop Comprehensive strategy and establish atleast ten (10) Centres of Excellence
to systematically improve services in Muslim community owned health infrastructures
4) Mobilize to realign educational access for Muslim communities through; increase by
30% in education access within Muslim hardship remote/urban disadvantaged areas
5) Develop early warning system to support peace and conflict Resolution in Muslim
community areas
6) Effect SUPKEM’s Internal organization development (OD) to position it as a
selfsustainable key player in Kenya’s development




(see following pages)

Strategic Objective Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs of

1.0 Program concepts 1.1 Develop and Economic

Initiate 3 (three) including objective implement advocacy Empowerment
Programs aimed at baseline data, sound program and Program
sustainably improving rationale for target sensitization/capacity
the economic well ground identification, building tools on Income generation
being of distinct target planned intervention economic engagement evidence from target
groups among the methodology and group
Muslim Community estimated budget plus 1.2 Implement
its funding economic Advocacy Program
Empowerment and tools
Enhance capacity and Program in identified
skills in economic target groups with Title Deeds attained
management among potential for catalyzing
identified target self sustaining impact Securities obtained to
groups. on the entire Muslim properties
Livelihood related
Increase in number of 1.3 Advocate for activity records among
Muslims target groups Muslim settlement target groups
engaged in trade and areas land rights to
other own income include capacity
sources building

Accessibility to 1.4 Facilitate the

collateral for consultation logistics
improving economic and other operations
projects by identified for the attainment of
target groups Title Deeds for
Muslim urban and
Improvement in rural residences(in
household level Majengo, Kibera Meru
livelihood generation , Nyeri,
profiles for identified Mwea, Kakamega,
target groups Kendu Bay, Lamu and
Attainment of
permanent property
deeds among target
groups in Muslim
urban and rural
Strategic Objective Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs of

2.0 donor community and
Develop other health programs
strategy and establish 2.3 Work with IDB
atleast 10 centres of Medical alumni
Excellence to secretariat to explore
systematically improve partnership/collaborati
services in Muslim on possibilities
community owned
health infrastructures Update records
Increase number of available and level
SUPKEM facilitated of service
facilities receiving provision
support from the improved
Government of
Kenya(GoK) and other Medical supplies
partners available

Increase in number of Records of patients

target people able to attended to from the
access health services facilities
Update records
available and Joint
improvement in level SUPKEM/IDB
of service provision alumni calendar of
Number of centers of
excellence established Model and
/ improved modeled on performance
SUPKEM Health records of the
Services Infrastructure centers of
strategy. Excellence

2.1 Update database of

Muslim owned health

2.2 Partner with

available Government,

Strategic Objective Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs of Achievement

3.0 Mobilize to Reduction in teacher program as a means of 3.7 Carry out relevant
realign shortage in Muslim easing school access career counseling in
educational hardship remote and and increase student schools.
access for urban disadvantaged registration.
Muslim areas. Schools constructed or
communities 3.2 Sensitize parents to improved to be more
through; Change in ratio of enroll their children in accessible and
I.R.E redistribution schools attractive
Increase by 30% between Muslim
in education hardship urban and 3.3 Create relevant Records of school
access within rural remote/other awareness among feeding/parent/scholar
Muslim hardship economically versatile Muslim scholars sensitization and other
remote/urban areas access/registration
disadvantaged 3.4 Engage Kenya enhancement programs
areas Increase of Change among Institute of Education
school attendance Muslims target groups (KIE) to provide Sensitization
in Muslim in value associated to expertise in writing the campaigns held IRE
hardship remote I.R.E as teaching IRE curriculum curricula developed
subjects in learning
and urban
Institutions 3.5 Involve ministry of Minutes of the MoE
areas. Education (MoE) and and other meetings
Improvement in career other stakeholders to held and progress
options knowledge mobilize coordinated achieved
Change in teacher
among students in effort
/student ratio
Muslim hardship County fund
Increase in pool of remote and urban 3.6 Lobby for lobbying/advocacy
trained Islamic disadvantaged areas. incentives/improveme plans
teachers in Islamic nt of living conditions
3.1 Build boarding for the teachers from Career counseling
Religious Education
schools and encourage the county fund programs and materials
school feeding implemented

Strategic Objective Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs

of Achievement

4.0 SUPKEM Peace and 4.1 Build networks SUPKEM Peace and
Develop early warning conflict Resolution plan with relevant Conflict Resolution
system to support of action institutions, bodies Plan of Action
peace and conflict and committees at
Resolution in Muslim Tracking records of various levels Network and other
community areas peace and conflict stakeholders
issues – root facts, 4.2 Systematically share collaborations
efforts, lessons etc quality assured security records
information with the
Networks active in other stakeholders Minutes of meetings
flashpoint areas Rapid Response
4.3 Develop Rapid Team
Regular, structured Response Team in
meetings and action SUPKEM Secretariat records in
plans of networks support of rapid
4.4 Establish an active Response Team and
Information sharing, and fully equipped other peace/conflict
preparedness and rapid secretariat to resolution efforts
response mechanisms coordinate peace and
effectively in place conflict resolving team Digest and
Rapid response team in 4.5 Facilitate linkages records on
place of citizens in need of peace/conflict
justice- particularly the incidents root facts,
Citizen facilitation poor and the efforts, lessons and
justice referral marginalized to the required forward
processes in place with relevant referral action
SUPKEM systems.
Records of effects of
SUPKEM support to
citizens in search of

5.0 in SUPKEM Program Planning and organization

Effect SUPKEM’s and Management , development initiative
Internal organization secretariat work Financial 5.2 Formalize clear
development (OD) Management, Fund organization structure
to Raising job/committee/team
position it as a implementation and role descriptions 5.3
selfsustainable key reporting, partnering Appoint the
player in Kenya’s and collaboration, directorates/departme
Structures in place internal and external nts and other team
for accountable sharing & learning leaders; and train
council governance Formal M&E, leaders in their
and leadership at Strategy relevant different
National, secretariat Systems/processes: Development, HR areas
and program levels Policy and procedures
guidelines manual 5.1 Fundraise for
Conducive work launched and guiding technical assistance
environment for staff standard SUPKEM and resources
and others involved Processes eg Activity facilitation in the

Strategic Objective Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs of

5.4 Develop standard 5.6 Harmonize Lead training for finance, human
operational policy national and district materials and event resources,
manuals for Action Plans drawn records. procurement etc
financial, human from the strategic plan
resources and Strict administrative
procurement Relevant Proposals systems in place in
management and funding line with standard
Support/collaboration operational policies
5.5 Put in place agreements
functional systems Each district
and procedures for Organization structure furnished with a copy
finance, and role descriptions of the strategic plan
HR &ICT documents Annual audited
Policies and Accounts
procedures manuals
Strategic Verifiable Key Activities Key Outputs
Objective Indicators of

5.0 (continued) Human resources; 5.7 Build capacity of NEC Forums for engagement
Motivated and and district teams to between the NEC and the
improved staff carry out their roles District officers
capacity efficiently
Staff training & learning
Well maintained 5.8 Recruit competent opportunities fulfilled data
base of easily staff and provide regular
accessible resource opportunities for training
base of non-full time Equipped Secretariat office expertise 5.9 Provide
office equipment and

Core competencies: 5.10 Leverage on Records/Evidence of

District areas of cooperation with the consultative and lobbying
technical, GoK and development meetings with key government
managerial, partners to push Muslims departments and development
leadership and agenda. partners/ Forums for governance expertise
engagement with GoK and
at which SUPKEM is 5.11 Advocate for other development partners
clearly recognized to Members rights to
excel. Verifiable results of Lesson sharing/learning
Improved SUPKEM’s exchanges and other evidence - verifiable results of
lobbying and advocacy of SUPKEM engagement with
improved capacity in education, other stakeholders
SUPKEM’s lobbying health care, economic,
and advocacy social and political Investment in continuous capacity
empowerment building of selected core
5.12 Mainstream gender

in programs and Gender mainstreaming
advocate for women and strategy/adherence to the
children rights constitutional requirement in
appointments and 5.13 Participate on peace recruitments
building forums
SUPKEM visibility and
recognition in Peace-building
initiatives/ Forums for
engagement with GoK and
other development partners.

Strategic Verifiable Indicators Key Activities Key Outputs
Objective of Achievement
6.0 Mainstream Number of People 6.1 Awareness session 2-day consultative meeting for
conservation reached out on the workshops on climate 15 Religious leaders and 30
agriculture in awareness sessions change mitigation teachers held.
the through climate smart
socioeconomic agriculture 1000 brochures with project
life of Muslim description produced &
Communities in distributed

Number of people 6.2 Capacity building 4 TOT sessions on Islamic

trained on smart workshops on setting Farming for 500 community
agriculture up demonstration members and 500 faith based
farms and training of leaders held
Number of toolkits 6.3 Reprinting of 4000 Muslim farming
produced and Islamic farming toolkits Toolkits reprinted (both
distributed for action English and Swahili version)

Number of County 6.4 stakeholders County Government

officers involved in workshops with the influenced to mainstream
the project community Members climate smart agriculture
and Policy Makers policies in the county system
of governance

Number of 6.5 Setting up of the 40 demonstration sites for

demonstration sites demonstration sites for Islamic farming established
established smart agriculture (10 per county)
(Islamic farming)
Number of radio 1000 Public campaigns
shows conducted, 6.6 Advocacy on posters with messages on
posters and brochures climate smart climate change and climate
produced agriculture through smart agriculture printed and
posters and radio distributed, 50 radio shows
Number of people stations conducted on smart
replicating Islamic agriculture
farming approaches
Two public campaigns on
climate smart agriculture
Number of farmers carried out
adopting climate 6.7 Field visits for
smart farming community members 200 community member taken
to learn from the earlier round for field visits for
Feedback received demonstration sites knowledge and experience
and people reached sharing
through the 6.8 website publication
electronic media success stories shared on
SUPKEM Website.

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