Dust Explosions and Solid Epoxy Resins

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Dust Explosions and

Solid Epoxy Resins

Airborne dust created by the handling of many industrial materials
can combine in an air/dust mixture that could result in a violent,

Technical Bulletin
damaging explosion. The dust created from handling solid epoxy
resins is one of these materials. This Technical Bulletin describes
what a dust explosion really is, conditions under which an explosion
might occur, how to prevent such explosions and how all of this
applies to solid epoxy resins.

Dust Explosion Basics Figure 1. Dust Explosion

Dust is defined as small particles in
the atmosphere which can settle due
to their own weight, but which
remain airborne as a dust/air mix for
some time. Although it is generally
accepted that the actual shape of the
particles is less relevant, the particle
sizes are generally in the range of
400-500 µm (35-40 mesh)
Approximately 70% of the powders
handled by industry, including dust
that may be generated from
handling solid epoxy resins, can
form combustible dust. If these
materials are finely dispersed in the
air and ignite, then the flames can
propagate through the dust/air
mixture similarly to what might
occur in gas/air mixtures. The
resultant explosion is normally
spontaneous, very violent and can
cause significant damage, injuries
and environmental problems.

Technical Bulletin

Preventing dust explosions has controlled, combustion cannot deflagrations. Typically, dust
gained increased attention in occur and the motor will not start. explosions are relatively slow
recent years. In the United States, combustion processes. If ignition
Industrial dust explosions can be
for instance, the Chemical Safety occurs in a dust cloud in an open
triggered by many sources,
Board has proposed new area, then little or no overpressure
including static sparks, friction and
regulations to reduce the dangers results and the primary hazard is a
glowing materials.
of combustible dust. fireball.
Before dust can explode:
Meanwhile, the European Community The best way to get data
has already implemented two • The dust must be combustible. concerning a specific type of dust
directives for that same purpose. • The dust must be capable of is to do testing on the actual
Directive 94/9/EC, often referred becoming airborne. substance. Most written technical
to as ATEX-95 (Atmosphères • The dust must have a size resources on dust explosions have
Explosives), defines the safety distribution capable of flame data for the minimum explosive
requirements concerning propagation. concentrations and other
equipment and protective systems • The dust concentration must be properties of common powders.
intended for use in potentially within the explosion limits. What follows is a summary of the
explosive atmospheres. The other • An ignition source must be factors that can determine and
directive, 1999/92/EC (ATEX present. affect the likelihood of a dust
137), outlines the minimum • The atmosphere must contain explosion.
requirements for the protection sufficient oxygen to support and
and safety of workers at risk from sustain combustion. Factors Affecting Ignition
explosive atmospheres. Sensitivity and Explosion
A dust explosion can happen only Violence
A dust explosion can happen when if ALL of these requirements are
Although particle size/specific
a flame propagates through met at the same time. Eliminating
surface area is the main factor in
combustible particles that have just one of these requirements
determining the likelihood of a
dispersed in the air and formed a would make a dust explosion very
dust explosion, other factors will
flammable dust cloud. Whether an unlikely.
also have an influence. They
explosion happens or not depends include:
What is a Dust Explosion
on the supply of oxygen to the fire
Explosions are defined as sudden • The dust’s chemical composition
and the concentration of the fuel.
reactions involving a rapid physical and moisture content.
If the concentration of the oxygen
or chemical oxidation reaction, or • Pressure and temperature.
or the fuel is too high or low, then
decay generating an increase in • Particle shape and size
an explosion is very unlikely to
temperature or pressure, or both distribution.
occur. In the combustion engine,
simultaneously. When the flame • Concentration distribution in the
such as the one in your car, three
speed is greater than the speed of dust cloud.
combustion components (fuel, air/
sound, we call it a detonation. • Turbulence in the dust cloud.
oxygen and the ignition spark)
Otherwise, the explosion is known • Flame front disturbance by
work together in a controlled way
as a deflagration. Detonations are mechanisms other than
to produce an explosion inside the
much more destructive than turbulence.
enclosed cylinder. For the
explosion to take place, the ratio • Radiant heat transfer from the
of fuel to air must be correct. If the flame (dependent on chemistry).
fuel tank is empty, the air source is
blocked or if the ignition does not
work, then any one of these
components is considered

Technical Bulletin

The Fuel Fuel Concentration percent less than the lower

No explosion will take place For a dust cloud explosion to explosion limit is often considered
without combustible fuel. occur, the dust concentration must safe.
Generally, dust explosions arise be within certain limits. This is The optimum dust concentration
from the simple chemistry of analogous with the concept of yields the highest pressure or rate
combustion: upper and lower flammability of pressure rise. The KSt value
limits for mixtures of gas (or (bar•m/sec) is a classifying
Fuel + Oxygen yields Oxides + Heat
vapors) and air. In general, the parameter that describes the
Sometimes, metal dusts can also lowest concentration of dust that volatility of the combustion. It
react exothermically with N2 or can cause a dust explosion is equals the value for the maximum
CO2, but this is only in very around 30-60 g/m3 and the speed of pressure build-up during
special cases. As such, only maximum is 2-4 kg/m3 (See Table 1). the explosion of a dust/air mix in a
materials with unstable oxides can These limits are dependent on the container measuring 1 m3. The KSt
be involved in dust explosions. particular material in question and value is the basis for calculating
The following chemical compound on the particle size distribution. pressure discharge surfaces and
types are unable to produce dust The most severe cases are usually forms the basis for categorization
explosions: when the dust concentration is of dust clouds into three hazard
• Silicates slightly above the ideal classes, listed in Table 2. These
• Sulphates stoichiometric concentration. The St-classes give an indication of the
• Nitrates upper concentration limit is relative hazard and deflagration
• Carbonates dictated by the minimum amount vent sizing requirements. Dust St
• Phosphates of oxygen needed for explosion hazard classes are generally not
and the lower limit by the used for vent sizing design, and
The risk of dust explosions is very minimum quantity of particles
low in industries such as cement have been replaced by KSt values
needed to sustain combustion. (equation approach). However, the
manufacturing, sand quarrying When considering the safety of the
and limestone excavation. St-classes are still used for
workplace, the lower explosion qualitative descriptions.
Materials that can cause dust limit is the more important value.
explosions include: A fuel concentration of at least 20
• Natural organic materials (grain,
linen, sugar, etc.) Table 1. Typical Critical Parameters for a Dust Explosion
• Synthetic organic materials
(plastics including epoxy resins, Particle Size <0.05 mm
organic pigments, pesticides, Dust Concentration 40 - 4000 g/m3
Moisture Content <11%
• Coal and peat
• Metals (aluminum, zinc, iron, Oxygen >12%
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) >10 mJ - 100 mJ
The severity of the resulting
Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT) 410 - 600˚C
explosions is related to the
calorific value of the materials.
Table 2. Explosion Classes
Dust Explosion Class(bar•m•s-1) KSt Value Pmax (bar)
St1 >0 to 200 10
St2 >200 to 300 10
St3 >300 12

Technical Bulletin

Primary and Secondary then cause the vessel to rupture if it Surface Area
Explosions has insufficient pressure release No matter how combustible the
The concentrations needed for a devices/venting or if the design dust may be, a dust explosion will
dust explosion are rarely seen pressure is too low. generally not take place if the
outside of process vessels. The Secondary explosions are caused particle size is too large. Although
most severe dust explosions start when a dust film is disturbed by there is a clear dependence on the
within a piece of equipment, such the primary explosion and forms a size and surface area of dust
as: mills, mixers, screens, dryers, second dust cloud, which then is particles, it does not vary linearly
cyclones, hoppers, filters, bucket ignited by the primary explosion. with how explosive the powder
elevators, silos, aspiration ducts, The problem is that small amounts may be. Often, dust (e.g. coal dust)
and pneumatic transit systems. of dust film occupy very little will become more and more
Explosions in these vessels are space, but once disturbed can explosive down to a certain size
known as primary explosions. It is easily form dangerous clouds. A limit at which it will then plateau.
important to note that one of the 1 mm layer of dust of 500 kg/m3 Note that the particle size is/can
main differences between a dust can give rise to a 5 m deep cloud of often be reduced via attrition or
explosion and a flammable gas 100 g/m3 dust. There can be a large size reduction during handling and
hazard is that gas/vapor explosions series of explosions triggered in processing. The reduction of the
rarely happen inside vessels this manner, leading to devastating average particle size increases the
because of the lack of air. Dust, results. The amount of dust explosion hazard of the dust. A
however, is generally suspended in deposits must be minimized to the useful indication of the particle
air within the process equipment, greatest possible extent by routine size is also the specific surface
which can allow dust explosion housekeeping. area, which allows us to see
conditions to form unless the
exactly how much surface area
vessels are operated in pure
there is per unit of mass. For
nitrogen atmospheres. This can
example, a cube of edge x will
have a specific surface area S that
is equal to:
S = 6x2 (area)/x3 (volume) = 6/x.

Figure 2. Primary and Secondary Explosions

Dust Cloud Formed Heat from Primary Explosion Ignites Dust Cloud

Blast Wave

Dust Layer

Primary Explosion Secondary Explosion

Technical Bulletin

We, therefore, have a convenient Ignition Ignition Sources

way of quickly estimating the A dust cloud, within its Potential ignition sources include
specific surface area from the flammable concentration limits, items such as:
diameter and basic particle usually will not burn unless • Open flames (welding, cutting,
characteristics. Essentially, the sufficient energy is provided to matches, etc.)
higher the specific surface area, ignite it. The minimum energy of • Hot surfaces (dryers, bearings,
the more danger there is of dust an electrical spark that’s capable heaters, etc.)
being involved in a dust cloud of igniting the explosive dust/air • Heat from mechanical impacts
explosion. An explosion occurs in mix and causing flame propagation • Electrical discharges
three stages: volatile evaporation is the Minimum Ignition Energy • Electrostatic discharges
from the particles, gas phase (MIE) value. The MIE is strongly • Smoldering or burning dust
mixing and gas phase combustion. dependent on particle size (Refer
As the surface area is increased, to Dust Explosions in the Process Explosion Hazard Zones
the evaporation of volatiles is Industries, R. K. Eckhoff). Figure Classification
improved (i.e. the volatiles 3 illustrates this effect. Hazard zones are defined so
evaporate more easily). appropriate explosion protection
The moisture content of dust will measures can be taken. For the
Figure 3. Minimum Ignition Energy affect the ability of a dust cloud to European Community, zone
as a Function of the Particle Size ignite and sustain an explosion. definitions are described in
600 An increase in moisture content Directive 1999/92/EC. Explosion
pushes the MIE value up hazard zones are classified
500 exponentially. The moisture depending on the frequency and
works in several ways. Heating duration of the potentially
400 and evaporating the moisture explosive atmosphere. This
provides an inert heat sink. Once classification provides the scope
MIE (mJ)

300 evaporated, the water vapor of the measures to be taken

mixes with pyrolysis gases and according to Annex II Section A
200 makes them less reactive. This can in the Directive 1999/92/EC in
also increase intermolecular conjunction with Annex I of the
100 cohesion of the dust, effectively Directive 94/9/EC.
creating a larger particle size.
0 40 80 120 160 200
Somewhat different is the
Average particle size (µm) Minimum Ignition Temperature
(MIT), a measure of the sensitivity
of dust to ignition by hot surfaces.
The MIT and MIE are not
fundamental properties, but
depend strongly on the particle
size, moisture content, and test
methods. Some indicative MIT
and MIE values required for a
dust explosion to occur are shown
in Table 1 (page 3).

Technical Bulletin

Zone 20 A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is
present continuously, or for long periods or frequently.
Zone 21 A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is
likely to occur in normal operation occasionally.
Zone 22 A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is
not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period only.
1. Layers, deposits and heaps of combustibles must be considered as any other source that can form an explosive atmosphere.
2. Normal operation means the situation when installations are used within their design parameters.

In the workplace, the explosion molecular weight liquid products reaction. These cured materials
hazard areas are normally to very high molecular weight can, under certain circumstances,
classified as zone 21 and 22. Zone solids. Typically, the epoxy resins form dust from grinding and
20 is restricted to very small and become solids as soon as the drilling.
inaccessible areas in workplaces, molecular weight of 1,100 is The determination of accurate
or the inside of technical reached or exceeded. data for dust, including solid
equipment. Subsequently, the pure solid epoxy resin dust, is generally not
epoxy resin can be a source for easy. As we saw, the MIE and
Epoxy Resin Dust dusts and the associated dangers.
Epoxy resins, in the context of this other factors are strongly
Epoxy resins are thermoset dependant on factors such as the
topic, are reaction products of materials that are typically
bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin. mean particle size, the moisture
transformed to cured finished content, etc.
The resins can range from low materials by means of a chemical
A comprehensive database of
Figure 4. Explosion Hazard Zones combustion and explosion
characteristics of dusts has
been created by the
Institute für Arbeitschutz, an
institute for research and testing
of the German
Zone 20 Zone 21 Zone 22
Berufsgenossenschaften (BG).
Important combustion and
explosion characteristics of more
Silo than 4,000 dust samples, including
several epoxy resin examples, from
virtually all industry sectors have
been determined and are
Flap summarized in a database located
on the web site at: http://www.
html. An extract of the database as
it pertains to epoxy is summarized
Flour Sack in Table 3.

Conveyor Belt

Technical Bulletin

Table 3. Explosion Characteristics of Epoxy Products

Dust Minimum Ignition
Particle Size;
Material Explosion Energy (=MIE) or
Median [µm]
Class Emin in [mJ]
Amine adduct with epoxy resin 15 <10
Coating powder, based on epoxy resin 30 St1 <10
Epoxy-polyester, grinding dust <52 St1
Epoxy resin and 2-methylimidazole (reaction product) <32 St2
Epoxy resin, glass fiber reinforced/copper/aluminum <38 St1
Glass fiber reinforced plastic (40% glass fibers, 40% epoxy resin), <60 St1
grinding dust
Grinding dust, clutch linings (epoxy resins, glass fibers, latex) 13 St1 100/103
Hardener, epoxy resin, 82% calcium carbonate, 15 St1 >104
18% 2-phenylimidazoline
Hardener, epoxy resin, 98% diuron <10 St1
Hardener, epoxy resin, 98% fenuron(N,N-dimethyl-N’-phenylurea) <10 St2
Hardener, epoxy resin, 98% toluenediisocyanatesurane <10 St2
Hardener, epoxy resin, 99% 1H-imidazole, 1% silica 16 St2
Hardener, epoxy resin, 99% 2-phenylimidazoline, 1% silica <27 St2
Hardener, epoxy resin, 99% 2-phenylimidazoline, 1% silicon dioxide 27 (St2) <10
Hardener, epoxy resin, phenolic resin amine adduct, 3% phenol 25 St2 <10
Knifing filler, based on epoxy resin 19 St1
Knifing filler, based on epoxy resin 24 St1
Moulding compound (26% epoxy resin, 64% quartz flour, <63 St1
10% glass fibers )
Polyester structural powder (approx. 60% polyester/epoxy resin mix) 24 St1 <10
Powder paint, thermosetting (based on epoxy/polyester resin) <37 St2
Printed circuit board manufacture (epoxy resin, copper, aluminum), <45 St1
drill shavings
Printed circuit board manufacture (epoxy resin, copper, aluminum), <63 St1
drill shavings
Printed circuit board manufacture (epoxy resin, copper, aluminum), <63 St1
drill shavings
Resin, carbon fiber epoxy <13 St1
Resin, epoxy 13 St1
Resin, epoxy <28 (St2)
Resin, epoxy <49 (St2)
Resin, epoxy <63 St1
Resin, epoxy (glass fiber reinforced with flame retardant) 22 St1 >104
Resin, epoxy, pigmented with hardener <63 (St2)
Resin, epoxy, sawdust <25 St1
Resin, epoxy, with acid hardener <40 (St2)
Resin, epoxy, with adhesive properties <33 (St2)
Resin, epoxy, with inorganic fillers <63 St1

Technical Bulletin

Table 4. Characteristics of a Powder Coating Based on Epoxy Resin

Characteristics Value
Particle size<125 µm (% by weight) 100
Particle size<63 µm (% by weight) 91 100 100
Particle size<32 µm (% by weight) 50 51 51
Particle size<20 µm (% by weight) 16 16
Median Value [µm] 32 30 30
Lower Ex-Limit [g/m3] 15
Max. Ex-Overpressure (bar) 7,6
KSt Value (bar m/s) 136
Explosibility St1
Minimum Ignition Energy (mJ) <10 <10 o.I.
Ignition Temperature BAM (˚C) 520
Combustibility BZ 3

Each entry in the database is The user must always be aware Additional MIE data have been
covered with additional that the tabulated values only reported for neat solid epoxy resin
parameters that can be extracted. serve as a guideline for the design in the range of 15 – 60 mJ at
An example is shown in Table 4. of preventive and protective moisture contents of up to 0.7%
measures. The data illustrates the by weight. As we have seen, the
The tables above specify limits of
problem involved with MIE is extremely dependent on
applicability of the combustion
combustible dusts – very different the surface area (i.e. particle size)
and explosion characteristics.
values can occur for what appear as well as moisture content.
These limits are based on the
to be the same dusts. This
broad variability of several
highlights the need to test the
properties (e.g. composition,
specific dust whenever it is unclear
particle size distribution, surface
if important influencing factors
structure, moisture content) on
(such as composition, fineness and
one hand, and the dependence of
moisture content) to determine if it
the numerical value of the
coincides with the existing
characteristics on the test methods
on the other.

Technical Bulletin

Table 5: Technical Safety Parameters of Dusts

Parameter Definition/Description Remarks
Size of Particle Dust particles larger than 400 µm are typically not Transportation and processing of large-particle dust
combustible. Dust particles are combustible when they often cause abrasion, producing finer dusts.
measure less than 400 µm and up to 20 µm
Combustible As with gases, dust is combustible within certain These parameters vary widely across the spectrum.
Dust concentration parameters: Highly combustible dusts can form a flammable
Concentrations lower combustibility limit: approx. 20 - 60 g/m3 air mix with less than 15 g/m3.
upper combustibility limit: approx. 2 - 6 kg/m3 air
Maximum In simple closed containers, flammable dusts can cause In exceptional cases, such as with light metal dusts,
Explosive an explosive pressure between 6 and 10 bar. explosive pressure of up to 20 bar is possible.
KSt-Value This is a classifying parameter that describes the This figure is the basis for calculating pressure
volatility of the combustion. It equals the figure for the discharge surfaces.
maximun speed of pressure build-up during the
explosion of a dust/air mix in a container measuring 1 m3.
Moisture The moisture of a dust is an important factor for
potential ignitions and explosions. Although no exact
parameters exist, it is known that dust containing
higher amounts of moisture require a higher ignition
energy and are less likely to be swirled up.
Minimum The minimum energy of an electrical spark which, Not every spark is capable of causing ignition. The
Ignition under defined conditions, is able to ignite the explosive decisive factor is whether sufficient energy is introduced
Energy Emin dust/air mix. into the dust/air mix to trigger an independent
combustion of the entire mix. A modified Hartmann
tube is used to determine the minimum ignition energy.
Ignition The lowest temperature of a heated wall that ignites The shape of the vessel in which the ignition
Temperature the dust/air mix upon brief contact. temperature is measured has proven to be especially
Ti critical. It may be assumed that ignition on differently
shaped surfaces is, in practice, only possible at much
higher temperatures. In the case of dust from food
products and animal feed, this figure is between 410
and 500 ˚C depending on type.
Smoldering The lowest temperature of a hot surface on which a The smoldering temperature describes the ignition
Temperature Ts 5 mm dust deposit is ignited. characteristics of thin dust layers. If the layer is thicker,
or if the ignition source is completely buried in dust,
the thermal insulation provided by the dust layer
increases, which changes the smoldering temperature
entirely, sometimes lowering it considerably, which
could trigger an exothermal reaction. Experiments
have shown that the smoldering temperature decreases
nearly linearly as the thickness increases. Ts is
sometimes considerably lower than Ti for an airborne
mix of the same dust. The estimated maximum
permissible surface temperature for electrical
equipment may be higher, depending on the dust’s
thermal conductivity. Unnoticed smolder spots can be
present for long periods in thick layers of dust and
can, if the dust is swirled up, become effective
ignition sources.

Technical Bulletin

To Conclude... References: Dust Explosions, P. Field,

The information in this Bulletin Directive 94/9/EC of the “Handbook of Powder
provides you with basic knowledge European Parliament and the Technology,” 1982 Elsevier;
of the causes of dust explosions Council of 23 March 1994. ISBN:0167-3785
and some steps to take to avoid Official Journal L100, 19/4/1994, Industrial Dust Explosions,
them so you may experience a pages 1-29. Cashdollar-Herzberg, 1986.
safer workplace. A proper Directive 99/92/EC of the ASTM 04-958000-31
understanding of correct handling European Parliament and the
procedures and conditions under Dust Explosions and Fires, K.N.
Council of 16 December 1999. Palmer, 1973, ISBN:412 09430 4
which dust explosions may occur Official Journal L023, 28/01/
will contribute to a safer working 2000, pages 57-64. Explosibility Assessment of
environment when handling solid Industrial Powders and Dusts, P.
epoxy resins. “Dust Explosion Protection,” Field, 1983, HMSO; ISBN:
September 2003 (Bartec brochure, 0116713623
A220270E) http://www.reade.com/Safety/
“The Basics of Dust-explosion
Protection,” (Stahl brochure, S- http://www.chemeng.ed.ac.uk/
PB-dustex-00-en-04/2004, ID-Nr. ~emju49/SP2001/webpage/intro/
00 006 84 77 0) intro.html (George Williamson,
Dust Explosions in the Process
Industries, R. K. Eckhoff, 1997,
Butterworth-Heinemann; ISBN:

Technical Bulletin

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Published December 2007 Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Form No. 296-01753-1207X-TD

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