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Table of Contents
About the Author

Title Page

Introduction i

Objectives ii

Feeding Cues/Hunger Cues 1

Common Infant Feeding/Hunger Cues 2

Early Cues 2

Active Cues 2
“Russel S. Baylon is a senior student of the College of
Nursing and Midwifery in Mabini Colleges Late Cues 3
Incorporated. He is a class officer, the PIO of the BSN
IV-Pure S.Y. 2019-2020. As a student it is our role to Why babies cry 5
inspire and help others to reach their optimum level of
health. His curiosity and passion to nursing practice Newborn Feeding Reflexes 7
brought him to formulate this study about infant
feeding cues. Benefits of Breastfeeding 9
This study focuses on infant 0-6 months old and
mothers regarding with proper of breastfeeding. The Comfortable Feeding Positions 11
researcher will conduct a study entitled Self-Directed
Learning Module on Feeding Cues of Infants 0-6 References iii
Months: Basis for Competency Enhancement.”
About the Author iv

Introduction References

A newborn seems hungry and needs to be Hunger Cues. Retrieved from

fed! Did the mother knows about where the infant
is ready for feeding? If yes, that could be better but

if not, we got a problem to be solve right away. full-how-tell-birth-6-months,
Being a student nurse means you are also part of
parenting hacks, tips, and tricks, breastfeeding tips,
a health care team that provides care. Caring is the
post-partum tips
most important factor to those in medical field, so
we must act as is and do our job to maintain the
healthy infant-mother relationship.
This module is intended to educate the teething.html

students were have an interest caring the babies

and will help the students to enhance their 10/benefits-of-breastfeeding.html
knowledge about infant feeding cues. This module
is also designed to help the students to teach and
educate the mothers about the proper
breastfeeding and determination of different types
of feeding cues, and also will benefit both mothers
and infant to reach their optimum level of healthy
life. the-fontanelle

i iii

Learn how to be a breastfeeding pro with this

easy positions! The objectives of this module provides as follows:

 The students will be properly instruct the

mothers on appropriate objectives, purpose
The mother can easily use and timing of infant feeding cues.
pillow to support the arm
during early breastfeeding.  to provide information and education to the
students about different stages of infant
feeding cues

 The students will be able to describe different

types of infant feeding reflexes
A great position for
mothers who had cesarean
birth and with a forceful  The students understand the benefits of
letdown. breastfeeding and different types of
comfortable feeding positions

Healthy, term babies

are born knowing how  To consider good practice in communication
to latch in this position. between student nurses and the mothers

A great position for getting

rest or when safety bed
sharing with the baby. 11 ii
Feeding Cues/Hunger Cues
Babies should be fed when they indicate hunger.
Crying is a late indicator of hunger – breastfeeding is
much easier for both mother and baby if the student
will able to teach the mothers about picking up on
baby’s earlier hunger cues.

Feeding cues are signs a baby shows when they

are hungry. An infant shows several cues in readiness
for breastfeeding. Turning into baby’s cues will makes
feeding more successful and satisfying for both baby
and the mother.

How do I know if the infant is hungry?

 Crying - a hunger cry is usually short, low-

pitched, and rises and falls.

 Waking up and acting restless - wake up and

move around in the crib.

 Sucking on his fist, smacking his lips

 Rooting – a natural reflex will be to turn toward

the breast and make sucking motions.

 Opening his mouth while feeding - Translation:

"More, please!"

 Smiling during feeding - babies older than 4

months will show their interest in continuing to
eat by looking at you and smiling as they feed.

 Sunken Fontanel - when you touch fontanel, it

should feel firm with a slight inward curved.

Benefits of Breastfeeding This is a sign of being dehydrated. Dehydration
occurs when the baby is not feeding well or losing
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural acts for
fluid through vomiting or diarrhoea.
the mother-infant relationship and it has benefits.
World Health Organization recommended Common infant feeding cues include:
breastfeeding exclusively for six months and up to 2
years old.  Early, active and late cues
Here is an acronym on the benefits of breast Early Cues - detection of early cues is essentially
feeding. to successful breastfeeding.

B - Best for baby, also best for mommy

 Smacking or licking lips
R - Reduces the risk of disease and incidence of  Opening and closing
allergies mouth
E - economical, no waste  Sucking on lips, tongue,
hands, fingers, toes,
A - Anti bodies to protect baby against
infection toys, or clothing

S – Sterile and pure

Active Cues – if the first set of cues is missed,
T - Temperature is always ideal
which can easily happens when a mother is just
F - Fresh milk never goes off learning, the second set of cues are more
E - Easy to prepare and to digest noticeable.

E - Eradicates feeding difficulties  Rooting around on the chest of whoever is

carrying the baby
D - Develops mother and child bonding
 Trying to position for nursing, either by
I - Immediately available lying back or pulling on your clothes
N - Nutritionally optimal  Fidgeting or
ii squirming around a lot
 Hitting you on the arm or chest repeatedly
G - Gastroenteritis greatly reduced
 Fussing or breathing fast

9 2
Late Cues – by the late stage of hunger, soothe 3. Gag reflex - Gagging when the throat or back of
and calm the baby before attempting to feed. the mouth is stimulated. The reflex helps
prevent choking, as well as helping to moderate
the transition from liquid to solid foods during
 Moving head frantically infancy. Appears in 19 weeks of intrauterine
from side to side life.
 Crying

How do I know if the infant is full?

 Closing lips – Translation: "No more,
thanks." 4. Swallowing reflex - This is a reflex in response
 Turning his/her head away to the bolus entering the pharynx. Once the
 Decreasing or stopping sucking. bolus leaves the oral cavity there is no voluntary
 Spitting out the nipple or falling asleep movement. Appears 28 IU life. Well
when full established 32-34 weeks intrauterine.
 Showing increasing interest in
surroundings rather than eating.
“Premature babies may have a weak or immature
The duration of feeding usually 20 minutes per breast.
sucking ability. According to
Start looking for these hunger cues every 1-2 hours. this reflex doesn't start
The mother can feed 8 to 10 times in 24 hours.
until about the 32nd week of pregnancy and is not
Instruct to start on an alternate breast each time
fully developed until about 36 weeks.”
regardless of which to finish on. If the baby often feeds
for longer than 1 hour, it may mean something is not
right (e.g. mother’s nipple is not attached right).

3 8
Newborn Feeding Reflexes

A. Reflexes - Reflexes are involuntary

movements or actions. Some reflexes occur
only in specific periods of development of an
infant. This reflexes appear intrauterine and
right after birth. The following are some of the
normal reflexes seen in new-born babies:

1. Rooting reflex -
This reflex starts
when the corner of
the baby's mouth is
stroked or touched.
This helps the baby
find the breast start
feeding. This reflex
disappears at 3

2. Sucking reflex -
When the anterior
of the baby's
mouth is touched,
the baby will begin
to suck. This
reflex disappears
at 2 to 5 months.

7 4
Why babies cry?
The infant is fully dependent on the mother
she provide a new-born with the food, warmth and
comfort needed. When the baby cries, it's a way of
communicating those needs and asking the
mother for attention and care.
Here are some reasons why baby may cry:
 Hunger – instruct the mother to offer her
 Fatigue/Needs sleep/Irritated - One of the Hunger Teething
best ways to encourage sleep is to wrap the
baby in a blanket.
 Teething
 Heat or cold – instruct to give a warm bath
 Needs to be held – rock or walk with the
Irritate Colic
 Dirty diaper – change diaper immediately
 Reflux – instruct the mother to take breaks
and make baby burp often during meals and d
feed them while they’re sitting up.
 Colic - rock or walk with your baby, offer a
pacifier. Dirty
Call the paediatrician right away if crying baby: Sleep diaper
 Has been inconsolable for more than two
 Has a temperature of more than 38 degrees
 Has not able to drink or breastfeed Needs to Trapped
 Is not peeing or has bloody poops, or does not be held air
respond to anything
5 6

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