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Basic Rights of all FP Clients

1. Information – Clients have the right to accurate, appropriate, understandable, and clear
information related to reproductive health and sexuality, and to health overall. Informational
materials for clients need to be available in all parts of the health care facility.

2. Access to service – Clients have the right to services that are affordable, are available at
convenient times and places, are fully accessible with no physical barriers, and have no
inappropriate eligibility requirements or social barriers, including discrimination based on sex,
age, martial status, fertility, nationality or ethnicity, social class, religion, and sexual orientation.

3. Informed Choice – Is the right of individuals or couples to make a voluntary, well-considered

decision that is based on options, information, and understanding. It is the responsibility of the
service provider to confirm that a client has made an informed choice or to help the client reach
an informed choice.

4. Safe services – Clients have the right to safe services, which require skilled providers,
attention to infection prevention, and appropriate and effective medical practices. Safe services
also mean proper use of service-delivery guidelines, quality assurance mechanism within the
facility, counseling, and instructions for client, and recognition and management of
complications related to medical practice.

5. Privacy – Clients have the right to a private environment during services and counseling. This
means that a facility must have an area where clients cannot be seen or heard during counseling,
physical examinations, and clinical procedures, as well as privacy concerning handling of
clients’ medical records and other personal information.

6. Confidentiality – Clients have the right to be assured that personal information shall not be
disclosed. This includes maintaining secrecy about the client’s history, results of examinations
and counseling, and in keeping client’s records.

7. Dignity – Clients have the right to be treated with courtesy, respect, and consideration. The
service provider gives utmost attention to the client’s need.
8. Comfort – Clients have the right to be at ease and relaxed while in a health facility for
services. Service providers need to ensure that clients are as comfortable as possible during the

9. Express Opinion – Clients have the right to express their views on the services being offered.
Clients should be encouraged to express their views freely, even when their views differ from
those of the service providers.

10. Continuity of Care – All clients have the right to continuity of services, supplies, referrals,
and follow-up necessary to maintain their health. Clients have the right to receive services and
supplies for as long as they need it. This can either be through the service provider or by referral.

Withdrawal (coitus interruptus)

A tradional FP method wherein man withdraws his penis from his partner's vagina, and
ejaculates outside the vagina, keeping semen away from her external genitalia.
Tries to keep sperm out of the woman's body, preventing fertilization.
EFFECTIVITY: 73% as commonly used
Nursing considerations:
-One of the least effective methods, because proper timing of withdrawal is often difficult to
determine, leading to the risk of ejaculating while inside the vagina.
-Withdrawal or coitus interrupts is not a modern method of family planning. Withdrawal is not
that effective and may make sexual union less satisfactory for the couple.

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