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1. Always listen carefully to the teacher and follow instructions.

2. Horseplay and unruly behavior of any kind will not be tolerated at any time
in the workshop.
3. Do not run in the workshop, you could ‘bump’ into another pupil and cause
an accident.
4. Know where the emergency stop buttons are positioned in the workshop. If
you see an accident at the other side of the workshop you can use the
emergency stop button to turn off all electrical power to machines.
5. Always wear an apron / uniform as it will protect your clothes and hold
loose clothing such as ties in place.
6. Always wear good strong shoes.
7. When attempting practical work all tools should be put away.
8. Always be patient, never rush in the workshop.
9. Use hand tools carefully, keeping both hands behind the cutting edge.
10.Report any damage to machines/equipment as this could cause an accident
11.When operating machinery, loose jewellery (neckless, earrings, bracelets,
rings, watches etc.) must be removed or made safe.
12.Long hair must be restrained (either tied back, under a hat or hairnet or
pinned back) at all times
13.Machines must not be left unattended at any time during operation.
14.Machinery is to be operated by only one person at a time.
15.The operator’s attention must not be distracted while the machine is in
16.Do not lean on the machines whether in use or not.
17.After use, all tools must be stored in the correct location or returned to the
18.All arc welding processes must be screened correctly to control any harmful
19.Arc welding masks/shields must be used during all arc welding processes.
20.Machines, equipments and associated areas must be cleaned correctly
after use.
21.When a machine or piece of equipment is operational, never attempt to
touch any of the moving parts. In an emergency, power should be switched
off first.
22.All breakages/damage must be reported immediately.
23.Work areas must be left clean and tidy after use.
24.All waste must be disposed of promptly in an appropriate manner as
directed by the teacher.
25.Any problems encountered with equipment must be reported immediately
to the in charge. Do not walk away from the problem, leaving it to someone

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