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Name_____________________________________ Period______ Date____________________________

Tea Tasting
Do you drink tea?
If so, what kind(s)?
Do you drink it cold,
hot, or both?

Name of Today’s Tea:

Steeping Time:

Evaluate the Dry Leaves

What is the color of the dry tea leaves?
What is the shape of the dry tea leaves?
What is the size of the dry tea leaves?
What does the smell (aroma) of the tea
leaves make you think of? (Examples are: It
reminds me of being outside at the park or It makes me
think of my Grandmother’s kitchen or It smells like flowers.)

Evaluate the Wet Leaves

What is the color of the wet tea leaves?
What is the shape of the wet tea leaves?
What is the size of the wet tea leaves?
What does the smell (aroma) of the tea
leaves make you think of or remember? (For
example, It reminds me of being outside at the park or of
my Grandmother’s kitchen)
What does the liquid make you think of or
remember? (For example, It reminds me of being
outside at the park or of my Grandmother’s kitchen)

Carefully sip the liquid, hold it in your mouth and breathe through your nose while you taste the tea.

Evaluate the Taste

What does it taste like? Pick at least 1 of
these words to use in your sentence:
Flowers Fruity Herbs Nuts Salty Warm
Sweet Spicy Earthy Dairy Woody Cool

What does the taste make you think of or

remember? (For example, It reminds me of being
outside at the park or of my Grandmother’s kitchen)
Name_____________________________________ Period______ Date____________________________
Tea Tasting

Directions: Pick one memory the tea today in class reminded you of. Describe the memory in a Type
3 paper.

 There must be at least 3 paragraphs that include an introduction and conclusion
paragraph. (45 points)
 There must be a clear description of a single memory with at least 3 details of that
memory. (40 points)
 Make sure all sentences have proper punctuation. (15 points)

Remember paragraphs are at least 5 lines long and every line should be a minimum of 5 words.

















Name_____________________________________ Period______ Date____________________________
Tea Tasting

























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