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Date: January 24, 2017 Time: 8:45-9:45

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8 (Biology)

I. OBJECTIVES: The Learners should be able to:

LC: explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; (8LT-IVa-13)
a. identify the organs that make up the digestive system;
b. describe the process of digestion in human digestive system;
c. present an analysis of the mechanical digestion; and
d. appreciate the importance of mechanical digestion.


a. Topic: Digestive System (Organs of the digestive system.)
b. Reference: a. Grade 8 Learner’s Material by DepEd, First Edition,
pg. 291-298
b. Types of Animal Digestive Systems – Central CUSD4. Retrieve
on January 20, 2017 from www.cusd4/vimage/shared....
c. . Materials: Images, board and chalk


A. Preliminary Activities

a. Review

Class, before we start our new lesson, let’s have a

review first about your last topic with ma’am Pajimola. Ma’am our last topic was about the periodic
What was your last topic? table.
Very good! What do the periodic tables of elements
Ma’am the periodic table contains the
different kinds of elements with their
Very good! symbols, atomic mass and their groups

B. Developmental Activities
a. Motivation

Class, what have you eaten during your lunch?

Ma’am meat and rice!
Ma’am vegetable and rice
Okay! After you put your food inside your mouth, what
are you going to do?
Ma’am I will chew the food and swallow it.
Yes. What do you think will happen to your food after
swallowing it?
Ma’am it will be digested in the stomach.
Correct. So, based on your answers, what is our topic
for today? Ma’am digestive system

Very good!
b. Discussion

Class, what is the reason why we have to eat? Ma’am we have to eat because our body needs
the nutrients from the food for us to have energy
to do work.

Very good! How can we get energy? Ma’am we can get energy from the food after
digesting it, then the nutrients will be absorbed
inside our body.

Yes! Can we immediately absorb nutrients from the Ma’am we have to breakdown down our food
food? through digestion in order for our body to absorb
the nutrients.
Correct! Today, we will be dealing with the organs that
Digestion starts from the mouth when we take-in
help us get nutrients from food. I have here an
illustration of the human digestive system. I will group and chew the food. Then when the food is
you into six, and then discuss the process of digestion swallowed, it will go down to the esophagus.
with your group based on this illustration. Then choose And the half-digested food will move down to
one of your group mates to explain your answers in the stomach where it mixes with gastric juice and
front. I’ll give you 10 minutes to answer. acids. Digestion ends in the small intestine where
nutrients are absorbed in the villi and the waste
that remains after digestion will go to the large
intestine where water is also reabsorb. The waste
and water that was not reabsorbed are
temporarily stored in the rectum. And eventually
excreted out of the body through the anus.
Very good! By the way, the food that was digested in
the mouth is called bolus. And digestion that takes
place in the mouth is called mechanical digestion.

b. Application

For your activity, you will have a simple experiment.

Stay with your group. I have here two cups of hot
water, then on one cup I will put a crushed candy and
on the other cup, I will put a whole candy. Observe
how long it takes for the whole candy and the crushed
candy to dissolve. Use a timer. After that, you answer
these questions on a piece of paper, then read and
explain it in front.

1. How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces 1. It is easier to dissolve the candy if it is
affect its dissolution? crushed.
2. What does crushing the candy represents in the 2. Crushing the candy represent the chewing of
process of digestion? food by the use of teeth and tongue.
3. How are you going to relate this activity to 3. We have to chew our food properly for easier
mechanical digestion? digestion and faster absorption of nutrients, like
the candy, if it is crushed, it’s easier to dissolve.
d. Generalization

Okay class, let’s have a recap on what we have

discuss today. What did we discuss?
Yes. What else? Ma’am we discussed the organs that composes
the human digestive system.
What else? Ma’am we also discussed the process of
Very good!
Ma’am we also tackled about mechanical

IV. Assessment
Direction: Label the parts of human digestive system. (5 points)

Read about the functions of each organ that makes up the digestive system

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher


Head, Science Department

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