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Dynamics of bone graft healing around implants

Narayan Venkataraman, Sumidha Bansal1, Pankaj Bansal2, Sarita Narayan3
Department of Oral Pathology, Oxford Dental College, 3Department of Periodontics, Rajiv Gandhi Dental College, Banglore, Karnataka, 1Departments of
Periodontics and 2Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Sciences and Research, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Bone is a highly dynamic tissue undergoing constant adaptation to the mechanical and metabolic
demands of the body by bone regeneration and repair. In order to facilitate or promote bone healing, bone
grafting materials have been placed into bony defects. The advantages of using bone grafts are space
maintenance, inhibiting collapse of defect and acting (at least) as osteoconductive scaffold (though they
can be osteoinductive or osteogenic also). After their successful use around teeth afflicted by periodontal
disease, in ridge augmentations, and in socket preservations, we now look forward to their use around
implants during the osseointegration phase.
A few questions arise pertaining to the use of bone grafts along with implants are whether these are
successful in approximation with implant. Do they accelerate bone regeneration? Are all defects ultimately Access this article online
regenerated with new viable bone? Is the bone graft completely resorbed or integrated in new bone? Does Website:
the implant surface characteristic positively affect osseointegration when used with a bone graft? What DOI: 10.4103/2231-0754.172930
type of graft and implant surface can be used that will have a positive effect on the healing type and time? Quick Response Code:
Finally, what are the dynamics of bone graft healing around an implant? This review discusses the cellular
and molecular mechanisms of bone graft healing in general and in vicinity of another foreign, avascular
body, namely the implant surface, and further, the role of bone grafts in osseointegration and/or clinical
success of the implants.

Key words: Bone graft healing, endosseous dental implants, immediate implant placement,
osseointegration, sinus lift

INTRODUCTION The understanding of science of bone grafting is continuously

developing with the principles of cellular and molecular
High success rates of dental rehabilitation with endosseous biology being incorporated in osseous healing. With the
implants have prompted its use in more challenging clinical increased demand of use of bone grafting in implantology,
situations, the most common being insufficient bone volume a review of biologic events of healing of various bone grafts
at recipient sites. These days implants are regularly being around implant surface seems essential.
accommodated in treatment plans, to be further placed in
extraction sockets as a part of immediate implant placement, The first documented xenograft was done by Job van Mee’kren
or in areas requiring sinus lift to increase the local bone stock. in 1600.[2] Allografting was introduced by Sir William MacEwen
Similarly, the loading schedule of implants is increasingly
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
getting shortened to weeks, days or even hours.[1] These
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
changes have been possible though evolution of knowledge License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
in different fields such as surgical procedures related to work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
implants, implant surface and design characteristics, and
the concepts and mechanisms of periimplant bone healing. For reprints contact:

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Sumidha Bansal, Cite this article as: Venkataraman N, Bansal S, Bansal P, Narayan S.
363, Sector 19, Faridabad, Haryana, India. Dynamics of bone graft healing around implants. J Int Clin Dent Res Organ

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Narayan, et al.: Healing of bone grafts around implants

in 1879.[3] The physiological properties of osteogenesis, support for the sinus membrane to prevent its collapse and
osteoconduction, and osteoinduction possessed by bone hence maintain space, and may at the same time promote
grafts is one of the most important factors that affect the bone formation.[10]
dynamics of bone graft healing. While osteogenesis is the
ability of graft to produce new bone owing to the presence According to Schmitz and Hollinger,[11] a critical-size defect
of viable osteoprogenitor/osteogenic precursor cells, does not heal spontaneously without placement of the
osteoinduction is the ability of the graft to induce stem cells graft during the healing period. Thus bone augmentation
to differentiate into mature bone cells owing to the presence is recommended in the gaps wider than 2 mm left between
of bone growth factors. Osteoconduction is just a physical the socket wall and the coronal neck of the implant during
property that enables a graft to serve as a scaffold and allow immediate implant placement. All grafts have their unique
the ingrowth of neovasculature and infiltration of osteogenic properties owing to which they are usable in different
precursor cells into the graft site.[4] conditions. Autogenous grafts, although the gold standard
in reconstructive surgery, have the disadvantages of donor
Several local factors that influence graft incorporation site morbidity and limited available bone volume. Dense,
positively are good vascular supply at graft site, large surface crystalline hydroxyapatite (HA) is used in the denture
area, mechanical stability and loading, growth factors, and support region to maintain contour and volume and not in
electrical stimulation; while radiation, bone disease, infection, socket preservation as it is almost thrice as hard as bone
mechanical instability, and denervation affect it negatively.[5] and nonresorbable. While β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) is
A major factor when considering a bone graft material is the considered useful in a contained type defect owing to the
aim of the surgeon regarding repair or regeneration. Repair favorable substitution rate in a standardized bone defect,
is the replacement of a part with something that is physically its usefulness in onlay grafting and as volume expander
but not biologically or physiologically similar to the original around autogenous onlay blocks is questionable due to
structure, and regeneration is natural renewal of a structure, the same reason. Anorganic bovine bone (ABB) shows
produced by growth and differentiation of new cells and osseous integration in mature bone but without evidence
intercellular substances to form new tissues or parts in all of substitution of graft particles, thus showing partial
ways identical to what was lost.[6] nonresorbability.[12] Hence the choice of graft material is
based on its application and macromolecular and biochemical
Concept of osseointegration profile.
Endosseous wound healing comprises of stages of hematoma
formation, clot resolution, and osteogenic cell migration, Structure and biochemical properties of different
which lead to the formation of new bone. The osseous healing grafts
phase consists of: Autografts
1. Osteoconduction that relies on recruitment and migration These contain properties of osteoinductivity [due to bone
of osteogenic cells to implant surface. morphogenetic protein (BMP)], osteoconductivity (bone
2. de novo bone formation. mineral and collagen), and osteogenicity (osteoblastic
3. Bone remodeling. cells, preosteoblastic precursor cells). Insufficient amount,
morbidity, and cost are the drawbacks. Autografts can be of
Osseointegration was defined by Brånemark[7] as a direct
three types: bone marrow, cancellous, and cortical.[5]
structural and functional connection between ordered living
bone and the surface of a load-carrying implant. Osborn and Allografts
Newesley[8] proposed the concept of contact or distance These are the graft materials harvested from different
osteogenesis. While the former involves de novo bone formation individuals of the same species and require processing in
directly on the implant surface, the latter is formation of new order to lessen antigenicity and disease transfer. They are
bone on the surfaces of existing periimplant bone. Immediately osteoconductive and osteoinductive. Immunogenicity is
after implantation serum proteins adhere, and during the first decreased when grafts are deep-frozen and even more when
three days mesenchymal cells attach and proliferate. Osteoid freeze-dried.[5]
formation and matrix calcification occur by 6 days and 14 days
respectively. Remodeling starts by 3 weeks.[9] Xenografts
These are obtained from the bone of individuals of other
Rationale of using bone graft with implants species, their composition and biomechanical properties
Bone grafts are used along with implants in procedures such being almost similar to bone. Two illustrations of xenografts
as sinus lift, immediate implant placement in extraction used in dentistry are i) coral-derived bone substitutes
sockets, and ridge augmentation. Bone grafts serve as having geometry similar to that of human cancellous

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Narayan, et al.: Healing of bone grafts around implants

bone interconnected macropores (200-600 µm) and ii) bone. The most important difference between cortical and
demineralized bovine bone grafts, biocompatible and cancellous grafts is in the rate of vascularization and degree of
osteoconductive. There are two types of demineralization: osteoinduction, which is less in the former due to the dense
a. High temperatures and architecture and lower number of endosteal cells.
b. Chemical extraction of calcium and other minerals.[13]
For osseointegration of the graft to proceed successfully,
Alloplastic materials the host tissue must have sufficient vascularity to diffuse
Calcium phosphates nutrients to the cells before revascularization occurs and bud
These are synthetic osteoconductive materials with composition new capillaries into the graft to create a more permanent
similar to bone. They are HA (calcium/phosphate: 1.67) and vascular network. Osteogenesis is activated by surgical
β-TCP: (calcium/phosphate: 1.5). Due to this biochemical trauma, which releases a large quantity of cytokines with
difference in the composition, β-TCP resorbs faster and is osteogenic effects, such as BMP-2, platelet-derived growth
generally replaced by natural bone in a 3-24 month period factor (PDGF), tumor growth factor-β (TGF-β), and vascular
depending on the type of bone. HA resorption is slow/very slow endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This repair reaction with
(years, decades). Calcium phosphates are available as porous the formation of woven bone originates from the bone
blocks or granules. The molecular mechanism of action in vivo walls subjected to trauma, which stimulates the osteoblastic
is not yet defined. Regulation of bioactivity is based only on the precursors, due to exposure of the bone matrix, and also acts
HA/TCP ratio. The mechanism of resorption involves chemical as a solid wall for attachment of the osteoblasts. Placement of
dissolution and osteoclastic resorption.[14] the graft with autogenous endosteal osteoblasts embedded
within creates a biochemical environment at the recipient
Bioactive glasses site that is hypoxic (O2 tension of 3-10 mmHg), acidotic (pH
Bioactive glasses are a group of synthetic silica-based 4.0-6.0), and rich in lactate. Osteoblasts survive the first
bioactive materials with unique bone-bonding properties 3-5 days after transplant to the host site because of their
first discovered by Hench.[15] They are composed of calcium surface positioning and ability to absorb nutrients from
and phosphates along with sodium and silicon salts that recipient sites. The platelets trapped in the clot degranulate
promote bone mineralization. They are available as granules within hours and release the PDGF depending on the oxygen
or sintered porous blocks, fibers, and woven structures; gradient of the graft incorporated, with mitogenesis of
they are osteopromotive and form chemical bonding with osteocompetent cells and angiogenesis of the capillaries
ongrowing new bone. They induce high local bone turnover. at the recipient site. By 3 days, budding capillaries are seen
Bioactive glasses have different rates of bioactivity and outside the surface of the graft, which penetrate the graft
resorption rates, which can be regulated by modifying the and form a vascular network by 10-14 days. PDGF is then
chemical composition. The most rapid bonding is achieved replaced by macrophage-derived growth factor (MDGF) and
with bioactive glasses containing 45-52% in weight of SiO2 other mesenchymal tissue stimulators from the TGF-β family.
(silicon dioxide). They are found to be superior to calcium
During the initial week of graft placement only minimal
phosphates owing to the relatively quick rate of reaction with
osteoid deposition is noted, but after established vascular
host cells, ability to bond to collagen found in connective
network formation, due to abundant oxygen and nutrient
tissue, and ability to bond to hard and soft tissue. The
availability, acceleration in bone healing is noticeably seen.
mechanism of resorption is through chemical dissolution.
Consolidation of the graft during the first 3-4 weeks by
They are also known to inhibit bacterial growth in vitro,
the chemical and cellular phase activity of bone healing
depending on chemical composition.[14]
enables formation of a scaffold framework for initiation
Hard tissue replacement (HTR) polymer of the osteoconductive phase of healing. This phase of
It is a microporous composite with calcium hydroxide graft bone healing with cellular regeneration is referred to as
surface. It is slow-resorbing, healing by osteoconduction.[16] phase-I bone regeneration, where disorganized woven bone
similar to fracture callus is formed. The addition of certain
Cellular and molecular events after bone grafting growth factors to the material, such as PDGF, recombinant
Autograft human BMP (rhBMP), TGF-β, and insulin growth factor (IGF),
An autograft is very osteogenic, easily revascularized, and increases the speed and quantity of bone regeneration.
rapidly incorporated. It lacks mechanical strength, but Phase-I bone undergoes resorption and remodeling until its
this is balanced by early production of new bone. Active eventually replacement by less cellular, more mineralized and
bone formation and resorption occurs by 4 weeks of graft structurally organized phase-II bone forms. Phase-II bone is
placement. In the secondary phase, osteoblasts lay down initiated by osteoclasts that arrive at the graft site through
seams of the osteoid that surrounds the core of dead the newly developed vascular network. This bone forms as in

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Narayan, et al.: Healing of bone grafts around implants

response to demands placed by the jaw and graft working in lining of their pores. At 12 weeks, the bony filling of pores
function. This bone develops into mature Haversian systems and interspaces becomes much denser. Half of the newly
and lamellar bone that can withstand normal shear forces formed bone still consists of woven bone, reinforced by
from the jaw and impact compressive forces that are typical parallel-fibered and lamellar bone. The overall remodeling
of dentures and implant-supported prostheses.[16] activity, however, is low. At 24 weeks, the composite of
coralline filler and bony regenerate seems the same except
for the maturity of the bone structure. Enhanced remodeling
Cancellous allograft is a poor promoter of bone healing
replaces much of woven bone with lamellar bone but is
compared to autograft. Allografts are incorporated faster
restricted to the bone compartment, not extending into the
than their cortical counterparts. They act as a scaffold onto
adjacent coralline material [Figure 2a and b].
which host bone is laid. They are never completely resorbed
and thus remain entrapped in the host bone.[5] ABB
Defects grafted with ABB show newly formed bone, although
Bone formation starts from the defect walls and progresses
smaller and less mature than with autograft, at 4 weeks in
toward the center. Along the interface, spots of apparent
minipigs.[12] The stark difference when compared to other grafts is
mineral deposition arise between the mineralized woven bone
its stability and resistance to resorption. At 8 weeks, too, it shows
and the demineralized matrix [demineralized freeze-dried
osseous integration that creates a dense, hard tissue network,
bone allografts (DFDBA)], which are spherical and cylindrical
which provides biological support to loaded dental implants that
precipitates having diameters 3-5 pm at around 4 weeks, as
is comparable to or even in excess of native bone.[18]
seen in an animal study on minipigs.[17] Recalcification of DFDBA
is restricted to areas where new mineralizing bone matrix is Alloplast
deposited on their surface. Sites where the particle surface Calcium phosphate-based graft materials
faces the marrow tissue stay nonmineralized. At 12 weeks, bone Several calcium phosphate parameters can affect cellular
formation spreads over the whole defect area, but it still includes activity: dissolution, composition, topography, surface
a considerable amount of the grafted material and represents energy. After colonization of the substrate by monocytes/
a composite of partially recalcified DFDBA, woven bone, and macrophages that are recruited during the inflammatory
most superficially, lamellar bone deposits. Remodeling starts reaction following surgery, osteoclasts are responsible for
and osteoclastic resorption extends along bony surfaces as well bone resorption. They degrade calcium phosphate ceramics
as on recalcified DFDBA particles [Figure 1a and b]. in a similar way to bone mineral: osteoclasts attach firmly
to the substrate-sealing zone. In the center of this sealing
zone, they secrete H+ leading to a local pH = 4-5. In vivo,
Coral-derived HA
osteoclasts participate partially in the degradation of calcium
According to the study on minipigs mentioned above,[17] at
phosphate ceramics into the minerals available for the bone
4 weeks the rather compact coral-derived HA granules are
regeneration by providing the space required for bone
evenly dispersed in the defect sites and are invaded by dense
formation.[19] Defects grafted with β-TCP in minipigs showed
fibrous tissue and bony trabeculae. Thin layers of woven
newly formed bone throughout the defects at 4 weeks,
bone cover the outer surface of the granules as well as the
but the amount and maturity was less than that seen with
autograft. Graft particles had almost disappeared, also, and
were substituted by bone. At 8 weeks complete trabecular
bone filling is seen, with β-TCP almost resorbed by dissolution
rather than cellular resorption.[12]

a b
Figure 1: (a) histologic sections of grafted bone 9 months after grafting with
alloplast graft material. graft particles (GP) are surrounded by vital newly formed
bone (NB) and bone marrow (BM). lining osteoblasts (OB) are clearly observed at
a b
the interface (hematoxylin and eosin stain; original magnification, 40×) (b) image
processing of the biopsy in identifies new bone (red), graft particles (blue), and Figure 2: image showing μCT in which the substitute material HA (grey) is
connective tissue (yellow)[37] completely surrounded by bone (green)[36]

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Narayan, et al.: Healing of bone grafts around implants

Bioactive glasses Nortan et al.[24] have studied the 3-year clinical outcome
Undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue surrounds the bioactive of implants placed in bioactive glass-grafted sites. They
glass microspheres during the first 2 weeks of primary bone concluded that although a long healing time is required to
response and differentiate into an immature woven-bone achieve even a small amount of new bone incorporation
structure. Histomorphometric analysis has revealed that into the graft histologically, there is still a high rate of
bioactive glass filling induces a constant time-related increase osseointegration that is achieved, resulting in implant
of new bone. Formation of the silicon-rich layer is known to success. It is likely that initial integration comes from native
be a crucial stage in bone bonding as it acts as a template for bone in contact but also that the graft material does not
calcium phosphate precipitation. The calcium phosphate layer prohibit osseointegration and does conduct new bone
then directs new bone formation together with absorbing growth, though quite slowly.
proteins. The extracellular proteins attract macrophages, Polyzois et al.[25] studied the effect of gap width and graft
and mesenchymal stem cells and osteoprogenitor cells with placement on bone healing around implants in dogs and
generation and further crystallization of matrix.[14] The results concluded that wider gaps (≥2.37 mm) around implants
of a study by Mahesh et al.[20] suggest that ridge preservation without bone graft give less favorable histological results at
using a putty calcium phosphosilicate alloplastic (CPS) bone short time intervals (4 months) than do gaps grafted with
substitute demonstrates more timely graft substitution and xenograft (ABB), which showed more bone implant contact
increased bone regeneration when compared to an ABB (BIC) and more bone inside the threads. Choo et al.[26] in
xenograft. Moreover, implant stability seems to be higher their 4-week animal (sheep) study using resorbable barrier
in sockets grafted with CPS, as determined by periotest, membrane, examining the effect of β-TCP with recombinant
compared to nongrafted sites, which suggests enhancement human platelet-derived growth factor BB (rhPDGF-BB)
in bone quality for implant placement[21] [Figure 3a and b]. (300 μg/mL) and β-TCP alone in circumferential critical size
(3.25 mm) defects on bone healing, found out that the
Effects of various bone grafts on osseointegration former enhanced bone regeneration almost twice as much,
The type of bone graft used does not seem to be associated while the latter, although maintaining space and preventing
with success of the procedure as well as implant survival collapse of soft tissue, showed inhibition in bone healing at
according to a systematic review pertaining to the the end of the study. Moreover, it was also suggested that the
determination of any advantage of using autogenous graft rate of resorption of β-TCP was retarded in the presence of
over bone substitutes in sinus floor augmentation. The rhPGDD-BB and that a greater amount of new bone formation,
results of this review are not changed even by considering both from the bottom of the defect as well as the lateral walls
length of the healing period, simultaneous or staged implant (that too in contact with implant surface) was seen when a
placement, sinusitis or graft loss.[22] combination graft was used.

In a human randomized control trial (RCT),[23] comparing Role of implant surface in osseointegration
alloplast (synthetic biphasic calcium phosphate, i.e., BCP) Among the implant-related factors, importance is given to
and xenograft (deproteinized bovine bone, i.e., DBB), material, shape, surface topography, and chemistry.[27]
new bone formation, and bone-to-implant contact around
microimplants with sand-blasted, acid-etched surface was This is achieved by additive (plasma spraying, HA coating,
found to be equivalent between sinuses augmented with magnetron sputter, calcium phosphate coatings, biologic
either material. molecules) and subtractive methods (abrasion through
blasting, grit or sandblasting with aluminous oxides, blasting
and etching with hydrogen sulfate or chloride). Other
treatments are anodizing, cold working, and sintering and
bead compaction. Surface energy, topography, composition,
and roughness are supposed to be important factors
governing bone formation and apposition.

Figure 3: image showing immunohistochemical technique for studying bone Charge affects the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties
healing. immuno-labeled proteins (arrows) such as (osteoprotegerin) OPG; of a surface. A hydrophilic surface is assumed to be more
receptor activator of nuclear factor kB (RANKL); alkaline phosphatase (ALP);
osteopontin (OPN); vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); tartrate-resistant
favorable in the initial stages of osseointegration. Topography
acid phosphatase (TRAP); type 1 collagen (COL I); and osteocalcin (OC)[38] also alters its chemistry. Turned surfaces are found to have

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Narayan, et al.: Healing of bone grafts around implants

more carbon and less titanium than roughened ones and acid for osseointegration show conflicting results in terms of
etching removes most of the carbon contaminant. osseointegration in the presence of a bone graft.

Both iliac bone marrow-grafting and demineralized bone Study methods of bone healing
matrix (DBM) have been shown to enhance biological fixation Histological and histomorphometric analysis
in porous implants. Among different pore sizes, pore size of graft healing
above 80 μm is associated with improved bone ingrowth in Histological analysis gives the qualitative data regarding the
both HA and tricalcium phosphate materials. Bone allograft, bone healing, while histomorphometric analysis focuses on the
bone graft substitutes, and biological coatings have been used quantitative data. Hockers et al.[34] performed a histological and
to induce osseointegration.[28] Calcium phosphate ceramics not histomorphometric analysis of new bone formation in large
only increase implant surface but also favor platelet adhesion bone defects (4 mm apicocronally, 6 mm both mesiodistally
activation and fibrin binding by increasing protein adsorption. and buccolingually) around implants in beagle dogs using
Several growth factors such as BMPs, including BMP-2 and BMP-7 bioresorbable membrane along with xenograft or autograft.
[also known as osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1)], PDGF, insulin-like After 4 months they concluded that both the graft materials
growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and other biologic coatings such as appeared to be integrated equally well in regenerating bone,
collagen and extracellular matrix proteins, including fibronectin with no clinically or statistically significant differences in terms
and vitronectin, have been used to enhance osseointegration. of vertical bone regeneration, new bone-to-implant contact,
area density of bone near the graft, and bone-to-graft contact.
Rough surface implants yield higher survival rates than
No contact was seen between grafts and implant surface,
machined surface implants when placed in grafted sinuses.[29]
and only a minimal part of regenerated bone was in contact
Telleman et al. compared nanotite (dual acid-etched surface
with implant. In another, 8-week-long study by Jensen et al.[12]
modified with nanometer-sized calcium phosphate) and
on minipigs, it was seen that both ABB and β-TCP seem to
osseotite (dual acid-etched surface) implant surfaces in
decelerate bone regeneration as compared to autograft in
humans and demonstrated that endosseous healing in the
the early healing phase, but finally all defects regenerate with
former was superior to that in the latter in native bone,
newly formed bone and developing bone marrow.
suggesting that the more complex nanotopography and/or
CaP deposits may lead to a better osteogenic process but Radiographic
not in the autograft area, which they attributed to slower Technetium-99 scan
remodeling process of graft and the shorter study period 99m
Tc-labeled diphosphonates [technetium-99m-methyl
of 3 months.[30] Menicucci et al. presented similar results in diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-MDP) and technetium-99m-
his 12-month human study with ABB graft, the result being hydroxymethylene diphosphonate ( 99m Tc-HMDP)] and
ascribed to clot detachment from an inflexible implant surface fluorine-18 sodium fluoride ( 18 F-NaF) are essentially
in the grafted area.[31] Moreover, strain signals responsible markers of both bone perfusion and bone turnover. After
for biomineral formation were missing in this area. Schuler intravenous administration, the principal uptake mechanism
et al.[32] described in their 4-week dog study maximum of bone-seeking radiotracers involves adsorption onto or into
bone-to-implant BIC in 1-mm marginal defects (5 mm deep) the crystalline structure of HA. 99mTc-MDP undergoes protein
around AO implants (i.e., porous oxide surface prepared by binding in blood, which increases over time from around 25%
anodic oxidation) with autograft as compared to T implants at injection to about 50% at 4 h after injection. Only unbound
(turned surface) with autograft and even surpassed the tracer will be available for bone uptake. The mechanism of
effect of AO surface alone. The highest point of the first BIC binding of extravascular 99mTc diphosphonates to bone is
was also seen in the AO + autograft group. This shows that due to physicochemical adsorption (chemisorption) to the
the effect of the surface can be enhanced by bone grafting. HA structure of bone tissue.[35]
Histologically the researchers showed the presence of new
formed bone surrounding the nonvital bone graft particles Microcomputed tomography (μCT)
and these (nonvital bone) particles were never found in μCT is a nondestructive radiographic procedure that provides
contact with the implant surface. Apart from histological three-dimensional (3D) radiographs of hard tissues with a
determination of BIC, cytodetachment technology might spatial resolution of up to 6 × 6 × 6 μm2. As μCT has been
represent a new parameter to judge implant surface used successfully to characterize the 3D structure of bone
properties as it calculates the force required to detach with morphometric precision comparable to that of classic
osteoblasts from different implant surfaces.[33] histomorphometry, μCT is also suitable for evaluation of the
remodeling of bone substitute material after healing in the
Thus it may be concluded that surfaces considered superior human jaw.[36]

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technique that combines anatomy, physiology, immunology,
and biochemistry. Developed from the antigen-antibody binding Conflicts of interest
reaction, HC can be considered as a method that visualizes There are no conflicts of interest.
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