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STAAD or (STAAD.Pro) is a structural analysis and design software application originally

developed by Research Engineers International in 1997. In late 2005, Research Engineers
International was bought by Bentley Systems.
STAAD.Pro is one of the most widely used structural analysis and design software products
worldwide. It supports over 90 international steel, concrete, timber & aluminium design codes.
It can make use of various forms of analysis from the traditional static analysis to more recent
analysis methods like p-delta analysis, geometric non-linear analysis, Pushover analysis (Static-
Non Linear Analysis) or a buckling analysis. It can also make use of various forms of dynamic
analysis methods from time history analysis to response spectrum analysis. The response
spectrum analysis feature is supported for both user defined spectra as well as a number of
international code specified spectra.
Additionally, STAAD.Pro is interoperable with applications such as RAM Connection,
AutoPIPE, SACS and many more engineering design and analysis applications to further
improve collaboration between the different disciplines involved in a project. STAAD can be
used for analysis and design of all types of structural projects from plants, buildings, and bridges
to towers, tunnels, metro stations, water/wastewater treatment plants and more.
Steps to do in Staad pro.:-
1. Model the real structure using tools provided in the software.
2. Assign the section properties to the elements.
3. Assign the supports .
4. Assign loads to the structures.
5. Put the model on the analysis.
6. Design Elements
We will be going through the all steps.
How to start with staad pro.
1. Click on the staad pro icon on the desktop and you will get the interface like

2. Go on new project and choose space in the box. Name the file and set location then next
3. On the Next page you will be getting a new dialog box select the "Add beam" option and click

4. Now you will get interface of the staad pro modelling page

Now you are ready to use the staad pro.

2 Types of Structures
A STRUCTURE can be defined as an assemblage of elements. STAAD is capable of
analyzing and designing structures consisting of both frame, plate/shell and solid
elements. Almost any type of structure can be analyzed by STAAD.

A3D framed structure with loads applied in any plane. This structure type is
the most general.

This structure type is bound by a global X-Y coordinate system with loads
in the same plane.
This structure type consists of truss members which can have only axial
member forces and no bending in the members.

A 2D or 3D structure having no horizontal (global X or Z) movement of the
structure [FX, FZ, and MY are restrained at every joint]. The floor framing
(in global X-Z plane) of a building is an ideal example of a this type of structure.
Columns can also be modeled with the floor in a FLOOR structure as
long as the structure has no horizontal loading. If there is any horizontal
load, it must be analyzed as a SPACE structure.

You are allowed to input data and request output in almost all commonly used
engineering unit systems including MKS1, SI2, and FPS3. In the input file, the user
may change units as many times as required. Mixing and matching between
length and force units from different unit systems is also allowed.
The input unit for angles (or rotations) is degrees. However, in JOINT
DISPLACEMENT output, the rotations are provided in radians.
For all output, the units are clearly specified by the program.

4 Analysis and design of multistorey building by using


Stages in structural design: The process of structural design involves the following stages:
Structural planning, Computation of loads, Method of analysis, Member design and Detailing,
drawing and preparation of schedules.

(C+G+5) Residential and Commercial building.
1.5(Live Load +Dead Load).
Analysis of RCC framed structure.
Shear Force and Bending Moment calculations.
Design of Slab, Beam, Column, Footing.
Beam = 230 * 300mm.
Column = 230 * 300mm.
Slab = 150mm.

Test for safe bearing capacity of soil.

generating structural framing plan
Creating model in STAAD PRO
Application of loads on the member
Analysis of the structure
Design the structure (manual design).


The modeling analysis is done in the STAAD PRO,

Fig 1. 3D modeling in STAAD PRO

Fig 2. Beam number

Fig 3. 3D rendering
Fig 4. Bending moment diagram

Fig 5. Shear force diagram

Fig 6. Axial force diagram

Design of RCC elements The RCC are slab, beam, column, footing.

Design of slab Slabs are most widely used structural elements forming floor and roof of
building. Slab support mainly transverse load and transfer them to supports by bending actions
more or one directions. On the basis of spanning direction: It is two type one way slabs and two
way slab.

One way slab: When the slab is supported on two opposite side parallel edges, it spans only in
the directions perpendicular to the supporting edges. It bends in one directions and main steel is
provided in the directions of the span. Such a slab is known as one- way slab.
Fig 7. One way slab reinforcement

Two way slab: When the is supported on four edges and the load distribution is also on four
edges of the panel. The reinforcement is provided on both the sides. Such slab is known as two
way slab.

Fig 7. Two way slab reinforcement

Design of beam There are three types of reinforced concrete beams 1 Single reinforced beams 2
Double reinforced beams .

1. Single reinforced beams: In singly reinforced simply supported beams steel bars are
placed near the bottom of the beam where they are effective in resisting in the tensile
bending stress.
2. Double reinforced beams: It is reinforced under compression tension regions. The
necessities of steel of compression region arise due to two reasons. When depth of beam
is restricted. The strength availability singly reinforced beam is in adequate.

Fig 8. Beam reinforcement

COLUMN A column may be defined as an element used primary to support axial compressive
loads and with a height of a least three times its lateral dimension. The strength of column
depends upon the strength of materials, shape and size of cross section, length and degree of
proportional and dedicational restrains at its ends.

FOOTING Foundations are structural elements that transfer loads from the building or
individual column to the earth .If these loads are to be properly transmitted, foundations must be
designed to prevent excessive settlement or rotation, to minimize differential settlement and to
provide adequate safety against sliding and overturning.

Fig 9. Column and footing reinforcement

Transmission line tower
The advancement in electrical engineering shows need for supporting heavy conductors which
led to existence of towers. Towers are tall structures, their height being much more than their
lateral dimensions. These are space frames built with steel sections having generally an
independent foundation under each leg. The height of tower is fixed by the user and the
structural designer has the task of designing the general configuration, member and the joint
A high voltage transmission line structure is a complex structure in that its design is
characterized by the special requirements to be met from both electrical and structural points of
view, the former decides the general shape of the tower in respect of its height and the length of
its cross arms that carry electrical conductors. Hence, it has given rise to the relative tall
structures such as towers. The purpose of transmission line towers is to support conductors
carrying electrical power and one or two ground wires at suitable distance. In this study, a 132kV
Transmission line tower is modeled using STADD Pro 2006. The towers are designed for wind
zones V with constant base width.



Tower with fixed supports


Property of Tower


Vertical loads
Security EW Broken
Security Conductor broken
Safety Normal

Basics of sap2000
1. INTRODUCTION TO SAP2000 is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for
the analysis and design of engineering working on transportation, industrial, public works,
sports, and other facilities. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple
geometry to complex, may be modeled, analyzed, designed, and optimized using a practical
and intuitive object-based modeling environment that simplifies and streamlines the
engineering process. SAP2000 is object based, meaning that the models are created using
members that represent the physical reality. A beam with multiple members framing into it is
created as a single object, just as it exists in the real world, and the meshing needed to ensure
that connectivity exists with the other members is handled internally by the program. Results
for analysis and design are reported for the overall object, and not for each sub-element that
makes up the object, providing information that is both easier to interpret and more
consistent with the physical structure. Integrated modeling templates, code-based loading
assignments, advanced analysis options, design-optimization procedures, and customizable
output reports all coordinate across a powerful platform to make SAP2000 especially useful
for practicing professionals. It has proven to be the most integrated, productive and practical
general purpose structural program. Now we can harness the power of SAP2000 for all of our
analysis and design tasks, including small day-to-day problems.

2. Some Special Features

1. Templates SAP2000 has a wide selection of templates for quickly starting a new model.
SAP2000 includes parametric templates for the following types of structures: Simple Beams,
3D Trusses, 3D Frames, Storage Vessels, Staircases, Dam Structures, and Pipes.

2. Grid Systems Grids can be defined as Cartesian or cylindrical in SAP2000. There is no

limit to the number of grid systems in model and they can be rotated in any direction or
placed at any origin within the model.

3. Plans and Elevations Plan and elevation views are automatically generated at every grid
line to allow for quick navigation of the model. Users can create their own elevation sections
by using Developed Elevation features.

4. Interactive Database Editing Interactive database editing allows users to edit model data
in a table view which simplifies the task of making changes to the model. Tables are easily
exportable and importable from Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.

5. Messing Tools Engineers have many options when it comes to mesh generation in
SAP2000. Simply select area object and then select the rules for the automatic mesh
generator to use.

6. Structural Components
a) Joints: SAP2000 automatically creates joints at structural object intersections or internal
joints when meshing structural objects. Joint coordinates and information may be displayed
on screen in the model window or in tabular format.

b) Frames: The frame element uses a general, three dimensional, beam- column formulation
which includes the effects of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear
deformations. SAP2000 has a built-in library of standard concrete, steel and composite
section properties of International Standard sections.

c) Cables: The cable element is a highly nonlinear element used to model the catenary
behavior of slender cables under their own self-weight. Tension- stiffing and large deflection
nonlinearity are inherently included in the formulation. There are more components like
tendons, shells, solids, links, hinges and springs.
Mini SAP 2000 Tutorial for an Example Beam

This is a mini‐tutorial prepared for the structural analysis of a sample beam using SAP2000.
Please note that the order of steps below is not important, however one should be careful in
completing all of them before the analysis. You might need to use other options in other versions
or for other problems; this is only one sample use of the software for a beam analysis. SAP
2000 has a very strong tutorial itself, which you can Access from the Help menu and you are
encouraged to read it whenever you have questions.

1) Define Model Geometry

a) Defining the New Model: The first step when you start SAP2000 is to start a New
Model under the File menu.

b) Basic Units: If you are starting a new model, choose the Initialize Model from
Defaults with Units you want to use (Fig1). The units used to start a model become the
basic units for that model. All material constants and dimensions such as modulus of
elasticity, length, area, moment of inertia… should be defined compatible with the basic
units. It is possible, however, to use the Units drop‐down list on the status bar located at
the lower right of the window to change the units at any time.

Figure 1

c) Type of Structure: Choosing a template that closely resembles the structure to be

analyzed and designed can greatly speed the overall modeling process in most cases. Pick
a Structure template from the Select Template option (choose beam for our case,Fig2).
Please note that there are many other options available according to the type of structure
you wish to analyze.

Figure 2

d) Defining Dimensions & Grid Generation: When you select beam, a new window
will appear asking the dimensions required to draw the shape of the beam to be analyzed.
To edit grids manually tick Use Custom
Grid Spacing and Locate Origin box and hit Edit Grid button (Fig3).

Figure 3

Set ordinates on X Grid Data as x1=0, x2=10, x3=18 and set ordinates on Z Grid Data as
z1=0, z2=10 (Fig4). Hit

OK after you define ordinates. Do not forget to remove click near the Restraints box to
the lower left of beam window(Fig3). Otherwise Sap2000 assigns support conditions
Figure 4

In order to add extra elements to the structure, click Draw menu and choose the type of
element you wish to add. Choose Draw Frame/Cable/Tendon and draw the cable which
is connected to the beam.

e) Support Conditions: To add or change the supports conditions, click on the grid
point where the support is and choose Joint under the Assign menu, and select
Restraints (Fig 5).

Figure 5

f) End Releases: Cable BD is attached to the beam such that there is no moment
transfer between the beam and the cable. In order to model this behavior, select cable BD,
follow Assign > Frame > Releases/Partial Fixity and Release Moment 33 at start and
end joints (Fig 6).

Figure 6
2) Define Material Properties & Frame Sections

a) Material Properties: To assign material properties of the beam and the cable,
choose Materials under the Define menu. A window will appear where you can either
choose among the default materials or you can define your own material by clicking Add
New Material. When new material window appears, you can enter properties. (Please
note that if you do not want the self‐weight of the structure to be considered, enter weight
per unit volume as 0.0)
Hint: If flexural rigidity (EI) and axial rigidity (AE) of sections are given take E=1 for
simplicity (Fig7).

Figure 7

b) Frame Sections: To define the cross‐sectional properties of structural elements,

click on Define>Section Properties > Frame Sections. The Frame Properties window
will appear. If you do not want to use standard sections, hit Add New Property button.
Add Frame Section Property window will appear, from the Frame Section Property
Type drop‐down menu, choose Other and hit the General Button (Fig 8). (Please note
that one can as well assign a Rectangular frame section and enter the width and depth as
well, if the section is rectangular and dimensions are known.)
Figure 8

For cable: enter area as 4*104 so that EA=40000kN (E has been assigned as 1). Assign
rest of the coefficients as zero to ensure that cable resists to axial deformation only.

For beam: assign a large value to area such as 10e7 in order to provide axial rigidity,
EA=∞. Enter moment of inertia about major axis “3” as 5*104 so that EI=50000kN*m2
(E has been assigned as 1). Assign rest of the coefficients as zero to ensure that beam
resists to axial and flexural deformations only.

Do not forget to assign a Section Name and the Material Property you defined in
previous step to your frame section. (Figure 9)

Figure 9
3) Assign Frame Sections & Structural Loads

a) Assigning Frame Sections: In the previous step, you defined two new frame
section (cable and beam) where you added the material property you had defined before.
Now, you should select the frame members which you wish to assign the frame section
properties you defined. In order to assign frame section to a selected member follow:
Assign > Frame > Frame Sections.

b) Defining Structural Loads: To define distributed loads on the elements, click the
member where there is a distributed load, and then follow: Assign > Frame Loads >
Distributed. (Similarly, to define joint forces on the structure, click on the joint where
there is a force and select the joint loads from the assign menu.)

4) Analyze

a) Analysis Options: Under the Analyze menu choose Set Analysis Options. Since
we are working in the XZ plane, click on the Plane Frame button in the Fast DOFs
section. As you realized upper section, Available
DOFs has been modified according to our choice. Afterwards press OK.

b) Run Analysis: Under the Analyze menu choose Run Analysis. For the case name
Modal click Run/Do not Run Case to prevent modal analysis (modal analysis is not
required). Press Run Now (Fig 10). You will be asked a file name where the results of
the analysis will be saved. (Opening a new folder to save all the output files is
recommended.) After you see Analysis done window, click OK.

Figure 10

5) Analysis Results
a) Deformed Shape: The default initial output of SAP2000 is the deformed shape of the
structure. If you right click on B on this deformed shape, you can see the magnitudes of
the deformations at the joint (Fig11).

Figure 11

b) Member Forces and Support Reactions: To see the values of the support reactions, or
moment, shear and axial force diagrams choose Show Forces/Stresses from the Display
menu. Choose Joints or Frames/Cables from the menu. You can see the values of the
forces and diagrams you wish to see.

You can also see analysis results in tabular form. Choose Show Tables under Display
menu and select type of result you are interested. You can also export sap2000 analysis
results to excel: Display > Show Tables > tick boxes near interested results > click
OK > File > Export Current Table > To Excel.

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