Tugas Bahaqsa Inggris

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Nama : sri astuti

Nim : 181610013

Lesson Plan

Theme : Things In The Kitchen

Level : grade B

Time Allocation :1 x 45 minute

Key Langouge : plate, spoon, cup, frok,pan, bowl,pan,glass,knife,gas stove,

General aim : so bthat the children can identify and function of things is
the kitchen.itcanset thingsto cook and eat

Indicator :

1. students can mention objects in the kitchen

2. students can explain and identify the function of the kitchen

3. students are able to distinguish objects for cooking and eat in english

* Pre-activity

1. teacher mentioned things in t he kitchen while singing in english

a. ok, class. let's sing about it in the kitchen in english. do you know singing

b. yes mis. Do not know!

a. ok, follow miss.

2. discuss the difference between things cooking and eating

a. okay class. we will discuss the difference between cooking things and eat


3. discuss about the grouping of things in the kitchen

* main-activity

1.teacher can explain thing in the kitchen by showing picture in english

a. ok, class. we will explain the objects that have a blackboard

b.yes,miss. it is very easy .

2.The teacher invites children to group images of objects to cook according to

concepts understood by children.

a. ok,calss . our children will group groups of things for cook

b. yes,miss.

a. ok,very good.

3. The teacher will explain the function of things in the kitchen in English

a. ok.class. we will explain one by one the function of things in the kitchen


* Prost-activity

1. Asking feelings during the day

a. how do you feel today kids

b. yes, very happy mis.

e discussed earlier?

b. yes. discuss things in the kitchen for cooking and eat

a. yes,very clever.

3. Give assignments to children to do at home

a. ok, class. We’re will give you homework to ask parents who often use kitchen items

b.oke ,miss.

4. Inform activities for tomorrow

a. ok, class. kids tomorrow we will learn the things that are in the room

b. yes miss. in the room many things.

a. anyone know its usefulness, tomorrow we explain?

b. yes,miss.

2. Discuss what activities we do today

a. ok, class. anyone know what w

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