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Submitted by:

M.Burhan Akram


Submitted to:

Ma,am Rabia Iram

Presentation on Pride and Prejudice

CH# 19&20

M.A English

Department of English Language and Literature

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen
Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hampshire, England, on December 16, 1775. She was
the seventh child and second daughter of Cassandra and George Austen

Major works:

Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma
(1815), and Persuasion and Northanger Abbey (both 1817).

Pride and Prejudice is a comedy of manners, comparable to Shakespeare's

comedies in the delight it takes in conversation and wordplay.

Pride and Prejudice (19&20)

Main Character 19&20 Mrs. Bennet

shallow, talkative,

Mr. Bennet
Father of five cousin
Daughter, Mr. Collins
Master of pompous, foolish,
longbourn , obsequious
Elizabeth Bannet
Main character
Sensibel , strong
20 year old

Charlotte Locus
Jane bennet Lizzy’s friend,
Kind hearted, kind, practical
22 year old,
Summary 19
Mr. Collins now embarks on his mission to find a wife. He asks Mrs. Bennet for permission to
speak to Elizabeth in private. Mrs. Bennet immediately leaves the room and compels Elizabeth to
remain with Mr. Collins. Collins later than makes her a proposal of marriage giving his reasons.
Collins Says,

" My reasons for marrying are

 First, it a right thing for every clergyman in easy

circumstances (like Myself) to set the example of
matrimony in his parish,
 secondly, that I'm convinced, it will add very greatly to
my happiness,
 thirdly, it is the particular advice and recommendation
of the very noble lady."

Moreover he details his income and stresses his future wife's association with lady Catherine .
Elizabeth politely turns him down and says
 "I am very Sensible of the honour of your proposals,
But it is impossible for me to do,"
Collins persist not believing that she is sincere in her refusal and responds that woman will typically
reject an offer two or three times. He repeats his offer.

According to Professor Bradley Greenburg
 "Collins idea that a proposal is a checklist of reasons,
for the match is laughable and completely at odds with
Elizabeth's values."
affection has no place in this proposal. Mr. Collins makes a valid point based on Entailment law and
situation of her family. Elizabeth isn't likely to get a better offer. even so Elizabeth believes too
strongly in love to agree to marry a man whom she doesn't even like.

Summary 20
Mrs. Bennet is extremely upset at the news of thwarted marriage proposal. In her mind a
match with Mrs. Collins would have been in securing her family future at Longbourn. She runs to Mr.
Bennet and demands that he convince his daughter to accept. Mr. Bennet Calmly calls in Elizabeth
and relishing the moment. Mr. Bennet tells Elizabeth,
 "An unhappy Alternative is before you, Elizabeth. From
this day you must be stranger to one of your parents.
Your mother will never see you again if you do not
marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you
Outraged Mrs. Bennet tries to find support from anyone else. Jane who keeps out of it and then
charlotte locus who has just arrived to visit. but it's too late. Mr. Collins soon explains to Mrs. Bennet
that though he has not insulted he has changed his mind about wanting to marry Elizabeth.

Mrs. Bennet does not consider that Elizabeth can refuse the proposal. so her refusal, for Mrs.
bennet, is a tragedy and her reaction is overwrought. Even in modern age, in typical societies
nobody can consider that a girl can refuse a proposal by her will. while criticizing Elizabeth Mrs.
Bennet Says,
 "I'm sure I do not know who is to maintain you when
your father is dead. I shall not be able to keep you.
 Mr. Bennet Supports his daughter, Infact this bit of
support may be one of his most responsible acts in the

Jane Austen delivers a message in this portion

 affection is more important than any other
materialistic things and facilities.
 the Support of someone in our life keeps us alive.

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