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Reyes, Ronald Allan L.



1. CORN This crop is used to produce many  Is that it has a higher level  Is that changes to the
different ingredients used in of hardiness. structure of the plant occur
processed foods and drinks,  It can be resilient in difficult in a way that would not
including high-fructose corn syrup growing conditions, such necessarily occur through
and corn starch. But the bulk of the as drought, or be able to natural development.
GM corn grown around the world is withstand an infestation of  Scientists have been able
used to feed livestock. weeds or pests to still to infuse animal DNA,
produce a good yield. pesticides, herbicides, and
 That allows croplands to other items into the plant
become more consistent in structure and that offers the
what they can produce. potential of future health
 It could be a contributing
factor to antibiotic-
2. SOYBEANS The second largest U.S. crop after  More Supply of Protein.  Fertility Issues and Infant
corn, GM soy is used primarily in  Lower Costs. Mortality.
animal feed and in soybean oil—  Many Uses.  Changes in the Liver.
which is widely used for processed  Allergenic.
foods and in restaurant chains. In
fact, soybean oil accounts for 61%
of Americans' vegetable-oil
consumption. It's also often used to
make an emulsifier called soy
lecithin, which is present in a lot of
processed foods, including dark
chocolate bars and candy.
3. COTTON Much of GM cotton is turned into  Bt cotton can substantially  High cost of Bt cotton seeds
cottonseed oil, which is used for reduce the number of as compared to non Bt
frying in restaurants and in pesticide sprayings, which cotton seeds.
packaged foods like potato chips, reduces worker and  Effectiveness up to 120
oily spreads like margarine, even environmental exposure to days, after that the toxin
things like cans of smoked oysters. chemical insecticides and producing efficiency of the
Some parts of the plant are also reduces energy use. Bt gene drastically
used in animal feed, and what's left reduces.Ineffective against
over can be used to create food sucking pests like jassids,
fillers such as cellulose. aphids, whitefly etc.
4. POTATOES A new kid on the block, the  Less pesticide better for  Harmful health risks
very recently approved GM crop is farmers health  Cause health problems for
resistant to bruising and may  Reduces soil erosion animal eating the product
produce less of a cancer-causing  Better quality potatoes  Gene transfer may occur
chemical, called acrylamide, when between organisms
exposed to high heat. It has not yet
seen adoption in the food supply,
but is expected to be.
5. PAPAYA Bred to withstand ringspot virus,  Crop resistance  Unknown health hazards
which can destroy papaya plants,  Increased security for  Pollen of the GM strains
these genetically engineered papaya members may fertilize neighboring
'Rainbow Papayas' were first  New variant of the papaya organic strains of the
commercially produced in the late crop papaya plant therefore
1990s. Much of the yield is grown rendering them non-organic
in Hawaii.
6. SQUASH Zucchini and yellow summer  Keeps squash healthy  Can cause allergic
squash have been commercially  Improves colour, reactions and the mutagen
available in the U.S. since the mid- appearance, texture, is to blame.
to late-'90s, though GM squash quality and flavor.  No economic value
accounts for just 25,000 acres of  Strong concentration of  High nutrional uptake.
farmland, by some estimates. vitamins like Bb,
manganese and
7. CANOLA GM canola is used to make oil for  Potential reductions of  The accelerated evolutions
cooking, as well as margarine. It's chemical fertilizers and of resistant pest population
also used to produce emulsifiers pesticide  The majority of seeds sales
that are used in packaged foods.  GM crops require less for the worlds major crops
By some estimates, 90% of canola energy investment in are controlled by a few seed
grown in the U.S. and Canada is farming, thereby reducing companies.
GM. the carbon footprint.  Patent protected GM seeds
 Higher crop yields could have created financial and
offset greenhouse gas social challenges for many
emissions at skills similar farmers
to win and solar energy
8. ALFALFA In a controversial decision in 2011,  Seed giant Monsanto  Organic farmers and
the FDA approved the commercial developed an alfalfa seed consumers argue that the
use of GM alfalfa that contains a that’s resistant to the genetically modified plant
gene making it resistant to weedkiller Roundup, which will cross-pollinate with the
herbicide. The crop is used mainly means alfalfa farmers can non-genetically modified
as hay for cattle. use the chemical on the counterpart, effectively
plant, which saves time, "contaminating" the organic
labor and money on crop.
weeding.  Only about 1 percent of the
 The genetically-modified country's total alfalfa crop is
alfalfa seed also allows organic, the risk is high that
farmers to grow more there will be cross-
plants per acre, which pollination.
helps keep food prices low  the organic alfalfa contains
even a trace of genetically-
modified material, it can’t
be labeled as organic
9. APPLES Another newly approved crop, this  stay fresh for much longer  the ability to choose the
apple from a Canadian biotech than an ordinary apple gene to manipulate they are
company does not brown even would. unaware of the proper
after it's been sliced. It recently  The modified apple will not placement of the gene into
received FDA approval. The brown or rot nearly as the DNA.
agency said it is safe to eat, which quickly as a regular apple  incapable of determining
means they may appear on would. the long term affects of
supermarket shelves.  bagged apples will no genetically modified food
longer need to be washed  cannot be sure if these
in antioxidants which will changes are healthy for the
help to restore their natural human body.
10. SUGARBEETS More than half the granulated  tolerance to crops  could cause a sugar
sugar in the United States comes  adaptation to climate and shortage
from GM sugar beets, which have location factors  disappointing crop yields
been in production since 2008.  spend less money and doubt over the
Though their use was temporarily producing more foods environment benefits of
halted due to safety reduce tillings
concerns, production resumed in  Creates BT resistance
2011. bugs.

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