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Technological University of the Philippines

College of Industrial Education

Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

ac Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran-

GuevarraCourse: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 19, 2019
Insight No.4

Philosophy of Teaching of Learning

`Philosophy of Teaching of learning aims to think logically, ability to analyze

and solve problems, assess proposed solution and also to write and speak clearly, attending
to details. Students learn about questions, How to ask good questions and distinguish the
worthwhile from the worthless questions. How to divide, prioritize, and simplify questions;
moreover, students are affected by learning about questions such as; studying questions
liberates them from prejudice, it helps them to think independently, thus, promoting
autonomy, self-government and individuation and lastly it broadens our perspective on life.
The study of philosophy benefits students intellectually, spiritually, and morally because
they are obtaining such as learning about the origins of those ideas and concepts that are
our common intellectual vocabulary, a part from that is the learn that there is remarkable
intellectual and spiritual connection between themselves and people from different times
and places. And of course they see firsthand common and rich humanity.

A teacher has a higher responsibility as compared to other professionals as

students look upon the teacher as an embodiment of perfection. Education has become a
business today. This has changed the outlook of the students as well as the parents and it
has further resulted in deterioration of respect for teachers and all those who are part and
parcel of education system. The present paper is an attempt to state the importance of value
education and how personal teaching philosophy promotes value education in the present
education system so that the future generations will nourish high ideals to contribute in the
development of the society.
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019
Insight No. 5

Morality and Values

Morality and Values guide us in ethical decision-making behavior that is why

I learned in morality that defining about right and wrong. Nowadays people tend to
crave for more even though it is wrong, for instance in school there are other students
who are willing to do such things such as cheating!, in order to go higher position in
honors even though it is not an ethical or rational way. I think if we all possess this
morality, because there is no competing, there are no dirty games and no conflict at all
but it is too good to be true. However, in Values there are four hierarchies, which
compose of Values of holy, pleasure, vital and spiritual. The values pertain about the
individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. Meaning to say in
value of holy you are relying to an absolute object for instance; Millions of Christians
have faith that god is alive and he is watching us from above. For Pleasure it tackles
about the agreeable against disagreeable for instance; I learned that by voting majority
for the next president will win the competition and I learned that nowadays the students
are knowledgeable when it comes to their critical thinking. For example, the students are
well enough to know their rights of freedom when it comes to their needs in school. For
Vital it pertains about ourselves or and individual and well-being, for instance; the other
students are prone to depression that is why they tend to find their purpose in life
however if they overcome these difficulties they find themselves in and fit to the
community where in they have purpose and goal to graduate in college. Lastly the
Spiritual pertain about love and hating this is commonly happening in real world where
love is exist and also the hate.
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019
Insight No. 6

Teaching as Vocation, Mission and Profession

I learned that this topic Vocations are suitable for a certain professional job
pertaining about the teachers’ dedication to his/her job. The things that they love to do with
the help of commitment to their work especially when a teacher is committed they tend to
do their job well. Concern for instance; teachers should be aware and concern to his/her
students because teachers and students should build strong foundation of relationship in
order to share each other bond. Self-less, I know that many teachers tend to sacrifice
themselves in order to help the students’ needs that is why I understand the teachers hard
work just to give the needs of a student. For me I always gives my best in order to return
the favor to my professor so that they hardship will not be wasted.

I also learned that this topic would build respectful relationships for all
students, create communities of learners, support and encourage successful learning,
acknowledge and respond to differences, utilize knowledge of human development and
lastly, help the students become human. Which is very important to us, soon to be teacher I
will highly priority my students needs because the teachers are the supporter for their
dreams that they want to be.

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019

Insight No. 7

Owning a Philosophy of Education

I believe that a teacher is morally obligated to enter the classroom with only
the highest of expectations for each one of her students. Thus, the teacher maximizes the
positive benefits that naturally come along with any self-fulfilling prophecy. With
dedication, perseverance, and hard work, her students will rise to the occasion.Teaching
is a process of learning from your students, colleagues, parents, and the community.
This is a lifelong process where you learn new strategies, new ideas, and new
philosophies. Over time, my educational philosophy may change, and that is okay. That
just means that I have grown and learned new things.

That is why when I become a Teacher I aim to bring an open mind, a positive
attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day. I believe that I owe it to my
students, as well as the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my
job in the hope that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in the children as
well.Every classroom has its own unique community; my role as soon to be teacher will
be to assist each child in developing their own potential and learning styles. I will
present a curriculum that will incorporate each different learning style, as well as make
the content relevant to the students' lives. I will incorporate hands-on learning,
cooperative learning, projects, themes, and individual work that engage and activate
students learning.

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019

Insight No. 8

National Competency Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS)

The seven domains of NCBTS or National Competency Based Teacher Standards guide
us to be what we have to be, not just to teach, but apparently to educate.Teachers should be role
models. That is the underlying theme of the first domain, which is social regard for learning.
Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate. We teachers are the most
influential people to the eyes of our pupils so we must act as positive role models, as worthy of
emulation. The influence of a good teacher can never be erase.

Since we act as model teachers, it is a given fact that we provide them a good learning
environment. As teachers it is our prime duty to make conducive, non- threatening and
connective (connects with learners and teachers) environment.As model teachers, we should
always consider intelligible ideas. Make use of our time for what is substantial for our learners
to acquire knowledge, learning and values. Learning is not just about the acquisition of ABC’s
and 123’s or the alphanumerics. It is more than that. When your child, your learner gets home
and able to kiss his/her parents or able to do the “manopo” gesture, and able to say “I love you”
and “thank you” to them which are not observed nowadays by children especially in the
hinterland areas, if your child do such things, then that is learning. Learning is the realization of
things taught. Learning is realized and lived.

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019

Insight No. 10

The Global Teacher-Educational System from Different Countries

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019
Insight No. 1

Philosophies of Teaching of Learning

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

Name: George Vincent P. Alayon Prof: Dr. Sylvia Beltran- Guevarra

Course: BTVTED-ComPro-1D Date: November 22, 2019
Insight No. 1

Philosophies of Teaching of Learning

Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2
Technological University of the Philippines
College of Industrial Education
Professional Education Department
Professional Education 2

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