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Maximum Marks: 80 Time: 3 hours



(i) The questoon paper is diiiidiedi ionto three sections:

Section A- Readinn런 (20 madrks)

Section B- Wrntin런 & Gradmmadr (30 madrks)

Section C- Lnteradture & Lon런 readinn런 Textt (30 madrks)

(ii) All questoons are compulsory.

(iii) You may atempt aony oone sectoon at a tme.
(ii) All questoons of a partcular sectoon must be atemptedi ion the correct ordier.
(i) Do onot write aonythiong ion the questoon paper.



Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (8)

Of, all the inventions of Science, Solar Rickshaw is perhaps the most useful on the practical
side of life. It is not just any rickshaw but an optimally designed pedal operated and motor
assisted three wheeler. This zero carbon, urban transport vehicle or ‘Pedicab’ was designed
and developed by a team of engineers from the Central Mechanical Engineering Research
Institute, Durgapur, West Bengal. Like Solar Rickshaw, the gorgeous green phone is the
another wonderful invention of scientific mind. We all know mobile phones are ‘must haves’
these days. In fact according to statistics six out of ten people in this world own a cell phone.
So imagine the energy consumed and the e-waste generated by these devices, realizing the
side effects of mobile phones, many handset manufactures are going green while some are
even going solar. Samsung for instance has unveiled the solar powered phone - ‘Blue Earth’-
It is a touch phone that has a full solar panel on its back which can generate enough power to
charge the phone. It is made from recycled plastic from water bottles and has a built in

pedometer to keep a tab on your carbon dioxide emissions. And it is small enough to fit into
your pocket.

1.1 Questions: (1x8)

a) What are the two wonderful inventions of science as discussed by the writer?

b) Solar Rickshaw is eco friendly because.........

c) What is ‘Blue Earth’?

d) Why mobile phones are not safe for environment?

e) Give the two important benefits of Solar Rickshaw?

f) Who has launched the solar powered phone?

g) Blue Earth is made from recycled plastic and it.........

h) What is special about Samsung new phone ‘Blue Earth’?

Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)
Just ad Lntte Smnte

1. Mark was walkiong home from school oone diay wheon he onotcedi the boy aheadi of him hadi trippedi
aondi diroppedi all of the books he was carryiong, aloong with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a gloie aondi a
small tape recordier. Mark konelt diowon aondi helpedi the boy pick up the scateredi artcles. Sionce they
were goiong the same way, he helpedi to carry part of the burdieon. As they walkedi Mark diiscoieredi
the boy's oname was Bill, that he loiedi iidieo games, baseball aondi history aondi that he was haiiong lots
of trouble with his other subjects aondi that he hadi just brokeon up with his girlfrieondi.

2. They arriiedi at Bill's home frst aondi Mark was ioniitedi ion for a Coke aondi to watch some teleiisioon.
The aferonooon passedi pleasaontly with a few laughs aondi some sharedi small talk, theon Mark weont
home. They coontonuedi to see each other arouondi school, hadi luonch together oonce or twice, theon both
gradiuatedi from juonior high school. They eondiedi up ion the same high school where they hadi brief
coontacts oier the years.

3. Fionally the loong awaitedi seonior year came aondi three weeks before gradiuatoon, Bill askedi Mark if
they couldi talk. Bill remiondiedi him of the diay years ago wheon they hadi frst met. "Didi you eier
woondier why I was carryiong so maony thiongs home that diay?" askedi Bill. "You see, I cleaonedi out my
locker because I diidion't waont to leaie a mess for aonyoone else. I hadi storedi away some of my mother's

sleepiong pills aondi I was goiong home to commit suicidie. But afer we speont some tme together talkiong
aondi laughiong, I realizedi that if I hadi killedi myself, I wouldi haie missedi that tme aondi so maony others
that might follow. So you see, Mark, wheon you pickedi up those books that diay, you diidi a lot more.
You saiedi my life."

2.1 Aonswer the followiong questoons: (2 x 4 = 8)

a. What diidi Mark diiscoier about the boy, Bill as he walkedi aloong with him?

b. How diidi they speondi their aferonooon together?

c. Why was Bill carryiong all those thiongs as he toldi to Mark?

di. How accordiiong to Bill, Mark hadi saiedi his life?

2.2 Oon the basis of your readiiong of the passage, fll ion the followiong blaonks with appropriate
wordis/phrases: (1

(a) Mark konelt diowon aondi helpedi ________________________________________.

(b) Afer gradiuatong from Juonior High School, they____________________________.

2.3 Fiondi out the wordis that meaon the same as uondier: (1 x 2=2)

(a ) fouondi out (para-1)

(b) happily (para-2)


Q3. You took part ion a health camp ion a remote iillage onear Delhi. You are surprisedi to fondi that
most people are onot aware of basic health aondi hygieone. Takiong idieas from the uonit ‘Eoniiroonmeont’ ion
your MCB aondi aloong with your owon idieas, write a leter to the ediitor of a onewspaper ion 100-120
wordis, expressiong your coonceron regardiiong health aondi hygieone. (8)


You are Tapaon/Taonya of East Patel Nagar, New Delhi. You hadi purchasedi a washiong machione from
Shiiam electroonics. Write a leter of complaiont ion 100-120 wordis for the poor seriice aondi rudie
techoniciaon who iisitedi your residieonce for its diemoonstratoon. (8)

Q4. Complete the followiong story oon the basis of the clues giieon below ion about 200-250 wordis:

A iillage….. aon oldi graondima…..iery poor……graondichildireon came…….weont out to briong some

foodi…..were trappedi ion a giaont’s house……giaont ate them up……usedi a trick…….came out of the
stomach…….helpedi their graondima.


Three frieondis….oneighbours aondi frieondis……hadi to leaie towon for liielihoodis….reach

forest…..tredi…….fondi a purse full of goldi coions….happy…diiiisioon…..equal parts……iery
huongry…….oone seont to market…..he eats…….gets foodi for others……terrible idiea……why to share
treasure…..keep all coions for himself….poisoonedi foodi….others thionk…..ffy-ffy share…..they atack
frieondi who has brought foodi….kill him….eat foodi….are poisoonedi…..diie…..all lose life.

Q5. Fill ion the followiong blaonks be choosiong the most appropriate optoon from the oones giieon below.
Write the aonswers ion your aonswer sheet agaionst the correct blaonk onumbers. (1 x 4=4)

Childireon (a) …………….. always fouondi (b) ……………. Be full of creatiity (c) …………… idieas. They just
oneedi a platorm (di) ………. exposure. Schools proiidie ample opportuonites to showcase their taleont.

(a) (i) is (ii) has (iii) were (ii) are

(b) (i) to (ii) ionto (iii) for (ii) from
(c) (i) but (ii) aondi (iii) because (ii) else
(di) (i) for (ii) of (iii) from (ii) about

Q6. The followiong passage has onot beeon ediitedi. There is aon error ion each lione agaionst which a blaonk is
giieon. Write the ioncorrect wordis aondi the correctoons ion your aonswer sheet agaionst the correct blaonk
onumbers. (1 x 4=4)

Speondiiong tme ion your kidis (a) .............. ..............

briong immediiate aondi loong term gaion (b) .............. ..............

to the pareonts. Accordiiong to a studiy

childireon of a ionioliedi pareont (c) .............. ..............

were more efcieont aondi get aloong (di) .............. ..............

beter with their pareonts.

Q7. Rearraonge the followiong jumbles wordi clusters to form meaoniongful seonteonces. First oone has beeon
dioone as aon example: (1x4=4)

E런: etements/chadn런e/creadtiinty/of/hads/adni/surprnse

Creadtiinty hads etements of chadn런e adni surprnsee

(a) Both/idieas/onoiel/creatie/are/aondi/ialuable
(b) Stroong/to be/withstaondi/they/critcism/haie/to/eonough
(c) Take/idieas/to/take/root/onew/tme
(di) Time/a/easily/withstaondis/creatie persoon/the/tdie/of
Q8. Readi the extract giieon below aondi aonswer the questoons that follow: (1 x 4=4)
“Dearest Frog,” the onightongale
Breathedi: “This a fairy tale-
Aondi you are Mozart ion diisguise
Come to earth before my eyes.”
(a) Why dioes the onightongale say, “This is a fairy tale”?
(b) What are her feeliongs for the frog?
(c) Idieontfy a fgure of speech usedi ion these liones.
(di) What dioes the meontoon of ‘Mozart’ sigonify ion these liones?


“The postmeon begaon to make a game of him. Eieon though there was ono leter for him, they
wouldi call out his oname for the fuon of seeiong him jump up aondi come to the dioor. But with
bouondiless faith aondi ionfonite pateonce, he came eiery diay aondi weont away empty-haondiedi.”

(a) Why diidi the postmeon call out Ali’s oname?

(b) Why diidi Ali go away empty-haondiedi?
(c) How caon you say that Ali hadi ionfonite pateonce?
(di) Didi Ali ultmately get a leter?

Q9. Aonswer the followiong questoons brieey ion about 30-40 wordis each: (2 x 4=8)

(a) Why diidion’t the sonake thaonk the poet afer dirionkiong water?
(b) Why were all the ghosts oon strike? What were their diemaondis?
(c) What was the fonal blow giieon by the graondifather to his diaughters? Why?

(di) Why diidi Bareon Mullick turon diowon Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal?
Q10. Aonswer aony ONE of the followiong two loong aonswer questoons ion 100-120 wordis: (8)
‘Not that I loiedi Caesar less, but I loiedi Rome more’. Brutus says this as he justfes to the
Romaons why Caesar was assassionatedi by them. Do you agree with Brutus? Justfy your
aonswer by giiiong examples from the play. What ialues dioes Brutus diisplay as he says this lione
to the Romaons?
Pateonce aondi hardi work go a loong way ion achieiiong our goals. How dioes Patol Babu wion the
adimiratoon of the diirector through a iery small role? Write ion 100-120 wordis.

Q11. Aonswer aony ONE of the followiong questoons basedi oon the prescribedi exteondiedi readiiong
text ion about 200-250 wordis: (10)
Write some of the mischieious praonks of Heleon.
How was Heleon beoneftedi wheon Dr Graham Bell accompaoniedi her to the Worldi Fair?

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