Colegio Parroquial Pio XII-English Test - 5th Year Lengua Extranjera Inglés Student's Name: Date

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Colegio Parroquial Pio XII- English test- 5th year  Lengua Extranjera Inglés 

Student’s name:  Date:  

1 Write the correct weather words.

1 ______________
2 ______________
3 ______________
4 ______________
5 ______________

2 Write affirmative or negative sentences with will. Use short forms where possible.

1 they / have / an amazing time in Scotland

2 she / come / to my party
3 the sun / rise / at 6.14 a.m. tomorrow
4 I / not go out / tonight
5 the weather / not be / good at the weekend

3 Write questions with will. Then write affirmative(+) or negative (-) short answers.
1 you / phone me when you get home?
2 it / be hot in London in April?
3 you / have time to go shopping today?
4 Ricky / pass his exams?
5 we / miss the film?

4 Complete the sentences with will or be going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 They ___________________ (arrive) at the airport at 9 p.m. tomorrow.
2 I think the New York Panthers ___________________ (win) the game.
3 I ___________________ (make) a sandwich. Do you want one?
4 Look at those clouds. It ___________________ (rain) soon.
5 In 2030, people ___________________ (fly) to school on the Moon.

5 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If we ___________ (not / protect) tigers, they ___________ (become) extinct.
2 They ___________ (fail) their exams if they ___________ (not / study).
3 If I ___________ (be) late, I ___________ (call) you.
4 If you ___________ (look) in the kitchen, you ___________ (find) some crisps.
5 You ___________ (miss) the bus if you ___________ (get up) late.
6 I ___________ (lend) you my mobile phone if you ___________ (need) to call your mum.
7 If I ___________ (go) to Japan this summer, I ___________ (visit) Mount Fuji.
8 Mark ___________ (buy) a scooter if his uncle ___________ (give) him the money for his
9 If it ___________ (not / be) sunny at the weekend, I ___________ (not / go) to the beach.
10 Lily ___________ (not / play) in the school orchestra if she ___________ (not / do) her violin

6 Listen and complete the dialogues.

Ben:​ I’m hungry.

You:​ I__________ you a sandwich.

Ben:​ That’s kind of you but we____________ any bread.

You:​ OK. I________ you a pizza.

Ben:​ Oh yes, please. Thanks, Tina.

You:​ Is there any ________?

Ben:​ Yeah, ____________ cheese in the fridge.

You:​ Good. And I_________ some tomatoes.

Ben:​ I’ll help you ________ want.

You:​ OK. Thanks.

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