Grammar Exercises For IELTS

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Grammar Exercise #1: Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1) This workshop ............. (take place) in the Art Gallery every Wednesday from 10am-12pm.

2) The whole team ............. (perform) well at the moment. I believe they will win.

3) In the UK students ............. (enter) law undergraduate degree programmes immediately after high

4) Natural gas spot prices ............. (fall) as a result of relatively warm weather in much of the U.S.

5) Green plants ............. (consume) carbon dioxide and ............. (release) oxygen under the influence of


6) What ............. (you/do)? I ............. (try) to write an essay.

7) Please be quiet! I ............. (want) to watch the game.

8) The company ............. (operate) a wide range of cultural sightseeing every year.

9) My parents ............. (sail) around western Italy this summer, and probably won't be back until late

10) Paula is busy right now. She ............. (talk) on the phone with her dad.

Grammar Exercise #2: Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple?

Look at the chart and fill in the gaps with the past simple or present perfect simple of the verbs in
brackets to make true sentences.
1) The chart shows the percentage of American students who ............. (use) illicit drugs since 2000.

2) The proportion of female students who have ever used illicit drugs ............. (increase) by more than
50% since 2000.

3) In 2010, the percentage of American male students reported to be using drugs ............. (rise) to 50%.

4) From the graph we can see that illicit drug use among American female students ............. (rise) each

5) The percentage of male students who used illicit drugs ............. (be) greater than the percentage of
female students from 2000 to 2010.

6) However, American female students ............. (overtake) male students in drug usage since 2010.

7) The overall drug-use rate among American students ............. (grow) each year and the most
significant rise ............. (occure) between 2000 and 2005.

Grammar Exercise #3: Past Simple

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Life in the 21st century has indeed become fast-paced and frantic compared to that of 50 years ago,
when the pace of life was slower.

What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of living a slower paced life?
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer

Read the following sample answer. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a verb from the box

be enjoy mean travel worry

feel suffer take spend have

The pace of life in today’s society is much faster than in the past, because of changes in people’s habits
and in the world of work. In the past, there were both advantages and disadvantages to living a slower
There .................... a number of benefits of people's lifestyle in the past. Firstly, people
probably .................... less from stress because they were not often in a hurry. Secondly,
they .................... more time with friends and family, especially at mealtimes and on traditional holidays.
People .................... less about being the best in their job or about earning a lot of money. They
probably .................... happier.
However, in my view, the slower pace of life also .................... several important disadvantages.
People .................... much less, either for work or holidays, so their lives were more limited. Basic tasks
such as carrying objects, cleaning and washing .................... up a lot of their time. As a result,
they .................... their free time less than people today. The slower pace of life also .................... that it
was more difficult for people to change or improve their situation by studying of finding a better job.
All in all, I believe that the disadvantages of the slower pace of life in the past were greater than the
advantages. People had more free time but they were not always able to benefit from it because they
had less control over their lives, both at home and at work.

Grammar Exercise #4
Read the following essay. Complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word from the box below.

which at where if nevertheless

though the that my nonetheless
by than in when to
however there yet although still

It is rare for there to be an equal number of male and female students on a university course.
Traditionally, in Britain .................... least, physics students are mainly male. .................... contrast,
students studying modern languages such as French tend to be female. This raises two important
questions: is this because of discrimination, and what, if anything, should be done about it?

In .................... mind, most universities do not discriminate in terms of gender. On .................... contrary,

they are keen to increase the number of women on physics courses, and increase the number of men
on French courses. The reason why there are more women on certain courses is that more women
apply. It may well also be true that, with certain courses, .................... equal number of male and female
students apply, the female applicants, for example, have better qualifications .................... the male
applicants, and are so given more places.
It is essential that universities are allowed to choose the best-qualified students for each
subject. .................... they are forced to accept students because of their gender rather than ability, then
the high standards of the university will decline. For this reason, I am opposed to
rules .................... control how many male and female students they accept. ...................., that does not
mean there is not a problem. In my opinion, the solution is to encourage children at a young age to
take an interest in a wide range of subjects.

In conclusion, .................... is no doubt that some university courses have more male or female
students. While this is not ideal, the solution is not to force universities to accept an equal number of
students. Universities should always choose the best students for each course, whatever their gender.

Grammar Exercise #5

English Speaking Tip

Spend time before the test speaking and listening or reading in English rather than in your
own language so you are ‘thinking in English’ when you go into the examination room. Don’t
worry if you make a grammatical mistake – you are being assessed on various things, not just
your grammar.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe a place that you would like to visit.

You should say:

• where the place is?

• why would you like to visit that place?
• what you would do there?

Here is part of a sample answer to the task. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets to make true sentences.

I think the place I would most like ............. (visit) is England. I ............. (learn) English for about seven
years now and I still ............. (be) to an English-speaking country. I think if I ............. (go) somewhere like
England, I'd be able to learn about the culture of another country. I ............. (go) to Europe once with my
family, but that was to Italy. I really enjoyed ............. (see) all the tourist attractions but it's difficult when
you don't speak the local language. My father used ............. (live) in England when he was a student and
he says that if he ............. (do) that, then wouldn't have learned to speak English with a good accent.
One of my ambitions is ............. (study) there like he did, which I am planning to do if I ............. (pass) all
my exams.
Grammar Exercise #6
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie chart below shows the percentages of millionaires in the USA, by main profession.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Read the following model answer. There are eight mistakes in the use of articles. Find and correct the

Model answer

The pie chart shows the main careers of millionaires in the United States in percentages. We can see
that a majority of millionaires are businesspeople, while other jobs such as in the entertainment
or the politics only represent small proportion of the total. However, it could be said that millionaires
are mostly people in the business and entertainment industries.
In the USA, people who work in a business account for just under two thirds of
millionaires. Next largest group of millionaires on the chart is people who work in film and television.
They account for 15% of the total. This group is closely followed by people who work in music. This
sector accounts for the tenth of all millionaires in the USA.
The smaller groups all make up fewer than ten per cent of millionaires when combined. These people
are sportspeople, politicians and people in other careers. The smallest group is an ‘other’ group with
two per cent.

Grammar Exercise #7

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Due to the success of convenience food and ready-made meals, we are failing to pass on adequate
culinary skills to the next generation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Write at least 250 words.

Read the following essay. Choose the best adjective, A, B or C, to fill spaces 1-10 in the answer. Where
more than one adjective is possible, choose the less common one. Use a dictionary to check meaning if

1) A) slaving B) stressful C) unrelaxing

2) A) advanced B) multiplied C) increased
3) A) complicated B) difficult C) problematic
4) A) sympathetic B) intelligible C) understandable
5) A) nutritious B) supportive C) good
6) A) bad B) harmful C) deadly
7) A) alone B) single C) independent
8) A) basic B) top C) main
9) A) improbable B) disorderly C) unconventional
10) A) pure B) fresh C) new

In today’s (1) .................... world, where both parents are usually working full time,

the (2) .................... dependence on ready-made meals should come as no surprise. Even people without
children show little desire to cook a (3) .................... meal after working all day, which is
entirely (4) ..................... If they are earning and can afford to buy convenience food or go out to
restaurants, why shouldn’t they? At the same time, it cannot be denied that because of this, we are
losing the ability to cook (5) .................... meals at home.
The fact is that ready-made meals are not usually that good for us. They contain high levels of salt and
sugar, not to mention (6) .................... preservatives and artificial colorants. A diet that is exclusively
made up of such food is bound to be unhealthy.
Moreover, it is extremely important for children to learn how to cook, so that they will be
fully (7) .................... when they grow up. Given that schools have no time to devote to cooking on the
curriculum, the only place where children can learn (8) .................... culinary skills is in the home.
Speaking personally, I have always enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, by cooking
slightly (9) .................... meals. Whatever recipe I decide on, I only use (10) .................... seasonal
ingredients. Both my mother and father cook at home, and I have learned a lot of useful tips from
them. If I have children of my own, I shall make sure that they learn how to cook as soon as they are old
enough to enjoy the experience.
In conclusion, although some use of convenience food is natural, no one should rely on it exclusively at
the expense of home-cooked food. Not only is this unhealthy but it is also threatening important skills
with extinction.

Grammar Exercise #8
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You stayed with a family in another country while you were studying.
Write a letter to the family. In your letter:
•thank the family for your stay.
•say what you enjoyed about your stay.
•ask the family to stay with you in the future.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Here is a model answer. Look at the words or phrases in capitals. Choose the most appropriate word or

Dear Luca and Alexandra,

I’m WRITING / WRITTING to thank you for the lovely time I had STAYED / STAYING in your gorgeous
house in Patras while I was STUDING / STUDYING Greek LAST / THE LAST Winter.
As you know, I’d BEEN NEVER / NEVER BEEN to Greece when I arrived IN / TO Athens, and I was thrilled
to FIND / FINDING so many wonderful PEOPLE / PERSONS and amazing archaeological sites. I really had
no idea about Greece’s HERITAGE RICH / RICH HERITAGE. Almost all the stereotypes we HAD / HAVE in
London of Greece WAS / WERE soon proven wrong. I met many people WHO’S / WHOSE worldview is
pretty much the same as my own. I’ve CERTAINLY TOLD / TOLD CERTAINLY everyone back home about
the FASCINATED / FASCINATING and generous community of Patras.
My most memorable experience was CELEBRATE / CELEBRATING the Patras Carnival with you - that
incredible Saturday evening PARADE / PERADE and those bonfires, as well as the live music in
four LANGUAGE / LANGUAGES. I’m so GRATEFUL / GREATFUL you shared those things with me.
Please ACCEPT / EXCEPT a small token of my gratitude, enclosed, and REMEMBER / REMIND, if you’re
ever in London, I’d be delighted TO PUT YOU UP / TO PUT UP YOU and show you around.
Your friend,

Grammar Exercise #9
Complete the letter using words from the box below. There are some extra words which you won’t

hear meet agree conclusion hearing

however attention make next because
since limit past also is
when know receive stop run
where would      

Dear Professor David,

I have been living in International House now for the .................... eight months and feel very much at
home as it is very comfortable and reasonably priced. ...................., I would like to draw
your .................... to the following problems.
First of all, the computer room in the basement has been closed for the last three weeks .................... of
a shortage of technical staff. .................... it not be possible to pay computer-science students
to .................... the hall's computer room on a rota basis?
Secondly, noise levels from student parties have increased recently. I think it would be a good idea
to .................... parties to Friday or Saturday nights and from 8.00 to 12.30 in term time. I am sure you
will .................... that it is very hard to study .................... someone is having an all-night party in the
middle of the week!
I look forward to .................... from you in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Cates

Grammar Exercise #10

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic.
Air pollution in cities is growing at an alarming rate. What measures could be taken to address this
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples.
Write at least 250 words.

Here is a model answer. Look at the words or phrases in capitals. Choose the most appropriate word or
Air pollution can DEFINE / BE DEFINED as the addition of something harmful to the air at a faster rate
than it can ABSORB / BE ABSORBED. Everyone should be concerned about air pollution. It AFFECTS / IS
AFFECTED us all, and as it CONTINUES / IS CONTINUED to worsen, so the environmental impact
One of the major causes of air pollution in cities is car use. Cars USE / ARE USED for even the shortest
of journeys, and all efforts by governments to encourage people TO USE / TO BE USED public transport
seem to be failing. Industry is another major cause of pollution in our cities, but fortunately, new
industrial sites ARE BUILDING / ARE BEING BUILT away from large urban centres.
It SAYS / IS SAID that there are too many contributing factors for us TO DECIDE / TO BE DECIDED exactly
which one is the main problem, but I believe that one of the most serious problems that needs TO
TACKLE / TACKLING is the use of the car. In some cities laws HAVE PASSED / HAVE BEEN
PASSED concerning car use. Athens, for example, only ALLOWS / IS ALLOWED a certain number of cars
into the city centre each day. In my opinion, this is a good idea. With this kind of law people have no
choice and FORCE / ARE FORCED to use buses and trains. This ensures governments KNOW / IS
KNOWN that public transport WILL USE / WILL BE USED, and can therefore justify the investment and
expense of ensuring the system works properly.
Another thing governments could do is to force people to HAVE THEIR CARS CHECKED / CHECK THEIR
CARS for carbon emissions and fine people with cars that produce high levels of harmful gases.

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