Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

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I- Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to

a. identify the different types of imagery;

b. appreciate the importance of sensory images used in a poem; and

c. perform the activities given about sensory images.

II- Subject Matter : Expressing Appreciation For Sensory Images Used

Focus: Sensory Images

Reference: English Learner’s Material; Pp. 228-229

Materials: laptop, chalk, printed materials/ work-sheets

Values Integration: Appreciation

Time Allotment: one hour

III- Procedures



 Prayer

Everybody stand up for the prayer. In the name of the father and of the son and of
the Holy Spirit…… (Amen)

 Greetings
Good morning, Sir.
Good morning, class.

 Checking of Attendance

Are there any absentees for this morning,

class? None, Sir.

 Review

Do you still remember our previous lesson,

Yes, Sir. Our previous lesson was about Tone and

What is tone?

Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward an

audience, a subjects, or a character.

How about mood?

Mood is the feeling or atmosphere the readers
perceive or feel while reading.

Are you ready for our new lesson this

Yes, we are!


A. Activity

I will present a pictures. What I want you to

do is describe each picture.


Yes, Sir.

The boy touched the cactus and said “ouch”.

The boy is listening to music using headphones.

The boy is smelling the scent of the flower.

The girl is eating orange.

The girl is looking at the object using magnifying


B. Analysis
The images show actions, Sir.
What have you noticed from the five


Can you name the specific parts of the body Eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin, Sir
that are being used on the said actions?

Very good!

What do you think is the connection

Sir, I believe we’ll tackle about the five senses.
between the activity and our new lesson this

Yes, correct! But in literature we called it

sensory imagery.

1.What is sensory imagery?

2.What are the five types of imagery?

3.What is the importance of using sensory

images in a poem or in any form of writing?
These are the three questions that we will
answer, later as we move to our discussion.

C. Abstraction

1. Sensory imagery is an element of the

poem that uses words that appeal to the

2. The five sensory images are: seeing/sight,

sound/hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Sense of sight/seeing plays the largest role in

imagery in literature. It describes what a scene
of character looks like.

Sense of hearing describes specific sounds that

are happening within the story.

Sense of touch deals with the movements or

actions of the objects or people.

Sense of taste pertains to the sense of taste.

Sense of smell describe a particular scent.

Now, what is the importance of using

sensory images in a poem?


Sir, the importance of imagery is that the reader

Are there questions or clarifications? can stimulate their imagination and create clear
pictures in their mind.

D. Application
None so far.

I will divide you into five groups, and every

group should assign numbers to each of the

The game goes like this. I will call every

assigned number from all of the groups and sit in
front. I will be reading a phrase or a statement
and you’ll just identify what sensory images it

Raise your answer as soon you know it, for I

will give two points to the first who can answer
correctly, and 1 point will be for the rest..

1. The spaghetti looks delicious.

2. I feel the heat of the sun into my body.

3. The scent of perfume is very refreshing.

4. The chainsaw cried so loud.

5. Days of heat, night so warm.

6. The announcement of the principal is loud

and clear.
1. Sight
7. I felt the thorn in my foot.
2. Touch
8. She looks so beautiful in white.
3. Smell
9. I saw the man standing on the hill.
4. Hearing
10. The candy is melting in my tongue.
5. Touch

6. Hearing

7. Touch

8. Sight

9. Sight

10. taste
IV- Evaluation

Directions: Read and understand the following lines. Identify what sensory image does each line
belong. Write your answer on a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1) “The wind blew silently.”

a. Sense of hearing√√√√

b. Sense of sight

c. Sense of touch

d. Sense of taste

e. Sense of smell

2) “ I saw the stars in the sky. “

a. Sense of hearing

b. Sense of sight√√√√

c. Sense of touch

d. Sense of taste

e. Sense of smell

3) “ The thunder clapped loudly. “

a.Sense of hearing√√√√

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch

d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell

4) ” My fingers lingered on the familiar leaves. “

a.Sense of hearing

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch√√√√

d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell
5) “ The wolf howled painfully over the loss of his mate. “

a.Sense of hearing√√√√

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch

d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell

6) “ The warm juicy burger felt like heaven on my tongue. “

a.Sense of hearing

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch

d.Sense of taste√√√√

e.Sense of smell

7) “ And a voiceless loud, through its joys and fears.”

a.Sense of hearing√√√√

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch

d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell

8) “ No food on earth, no wine, not even a woman’s kiss is sweeter to me.”

a.Sense of hearing

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch

d.Sense of taste√√√√

e.Sense of smell

9) “ The two hearts beating each to each.”

a.Sense of hearing√√√√

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch
d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell

1o) “ I felt like the flowers were waving hello.”

a.Sense of hearing

b.Sense of sight

c.Sense of touch√√√√

d.Sense of taste

e.Sense of smell

V- Assignments

On a 1/2 cross wise of paper, make at least one sentence for each sensory images (sense of sight,
hearing, taste, smell and touch).

Prepared by: Renante V. Esta

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