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Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Please write a statement of purpose (SOP). The SOP must include the following:

- What are your career goals, ambitions and aspirations? How JLR fulfills them?
- More specifically, what are your near term (0 - 3 years) and mid-term (3 - 6 years) career goals?
- How can you demonstrate your passion about automotive industry and JLR in particular? (e.g.,
any projects, internship, research paper or anything else)
- What impact will you bring to JLR? In other words, why should JLR hire you?
- Anything else you would like us to know about you?

Your response should follow the following guideline (strict):

1. Page layout: A4 size page with 1” margin - left, right, top, bottom
2. Ariel font, font size 11
3. Word limit (strict): No more than 500 words

You must submit the SOP well in advance of the interview.

HINTS: It may be a smart move to explain, how a career in JLR (any of the 3 profiles, software,
power-electronics, mechanical) aligns with your career goals and aspirations.

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