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BS Management – I

Upper Left
Now that I am who I am today, it is my family whom I treasure the most. I am practically
living alone and far from any of them now. I have come to realize how lucky I am to have them.
Back then, all I thought that what they do for me is just a mere responsibility. I was wrong all
along. All of they do is out of love. I could not ask for anything more than that. It is the greatest
gift of gifts I could ever receive. I treasure them the most over anything and anyone.
Upper Right
I want to be successful. It is my main goal now. Now that I am in college, where the real
game begins, I strive to give my best effort to succeed. Succeeding to me is an avenue to achieve
the good things in life that I yearn for not only for myself but also especially for my family.
Middle Left
My worst fear is to lose time. Time is so precious and significant to me. If you know me, I
get so pissed if my time is wasted. Because for me, what I do is a process and I allot specific time
periods to accomplish what I need to do. Yet, I procrastinate a lot. It is my worst habit and I am
very upset of myself because I cannot seem to correct it. A lot of important things can be missed
and wasted by not properly managing time. My life and the lives of my family members in general
can be wasted without proper time management and that can be my biggest regret. Someday
and somehow I can learn how defeat this habit and in turn, defeat my fear.
Middle Right
As per experience and based on the collective and unanimous answer of my friends, I am
good at organizing which means that I am an organized person. To be honest, I get flattered when
people commend me for being organized in life (but not in all aspects and not all the time). I guess
they say that because my things are properly placed in specific locations, I do not like clutter, I do
things as a process, I do not like to deviate to my schedule and I do things according to my plan.
Bottom Left
I would like my family to be safe (as represented by the shield), healthy (as represented
by the strong heart) and happy (as represented by the happy face). These three things are my
constant prayers. When I pray, I always think of my family, not me. Since then, I have always
prayed for them to be safe, healthy and happy because if they are, then I am.
Bottom Right
My spirit animal is a lion. One reason is because I am a leo. Another is because I have
the tendency to be furious and I am ‘scary’ externally. I am also strong, not physically, but
mentally. I also am a bit dominant in relationship with others especially in groupings and
friendships. Even when I do not try to be dominant, my presence still speaks.

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