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Government Intervention Policy Model

In Increasing National Logistics Transportation

Zony Yulfadli
Achmad Wicaksono
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Brawijaya University
Brawijaya University
Malang, Indonesia
Malang, Indonesia
Ludfi Djakfar
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Muhammad Zainul Arifin
Brawijaya University
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Malang, Indonesia
Brawijaya University
Malang, Indonesia
Abstract— Logistics transportation on Java, especially on existing conditions, it is necessary to do some things that are
the North Coast (Pantura) Line of Java, is still dominated by strategic. These things are: (1) accelerating the construction
the use of truck-based land transportation modes. The effect of of Trans Java toll road, (2) widening and improving the
of this has been burdening the facilitiy and capacity of roads on national road geometric Central Line and Southern Line, (3)
the North Coast of Java, and causing traffic problems,
unbalanced cargo, and the inefficiency of the freight
widening and improving geometric way as well as the
transportation itself from the production center to the goods addition of a connecting line cross, (4) revitalizing rail road
owner in Java. Likewise, the difficulty of implementing of 1,067 mm width be 1,450 mm along with the train’s
railroad transport to (and from) the port, including the weak facility that is capable of transporting larger loads safely, (5)
implementation of dry ports in Indonesia, have impacts on the constructing infrastructure and services in the terminal
length of the process of freight transportation and eventually integrated mode, especially between the road and the mode
give consequences of the increasingly high value of the national of the rail mode, as well as between the road and the mode
logistics cost. This research specifically discusses the of the port, and (6) escalating concerns of the local
formulation of public policy in terms of transportation in the
government and their polices to control the malfunctioning
form of logistics transportation. Origin-Destination Matrix
Analysis, Performance, and Existing Conditions of Goods national roads of local socio-economic activities on the
Transport, using Regression models, GIS, and MDS, as well as space benefits of national roads.
GA to get the best optimization of the model and to compare Therefore, this research will be discussed specifically the
models with existing policies. Optimization is then carried out formulation of public policy in terms of transportation in the
on the North Coast (Pantura) Line and making the initial form of logistic transport. Origin-Destination Matrix
concept of diversion of the route from the North Coast Analysis, Performance, and Conditions of Existing Freight
(Pantura) to the railways and the sea. Transport pattern, using Regression models, GIS, and MDS,
as well as Genetic Algorithm to get the best optimization of
Keywords—Intervention Policy, Logistics Transportation model patterns and do model comparison with existing
Performance policies. The gained policies are expected to balance the use
of logistic transport modes both overland (road and train) and
I. INTRODUCTION sea. The occurance of the balance is expected to provide
improvement in economic terms and also minimize the
Transportation is an important area of activity in the life
occurrence of infrastructure damages.
of Indonesian, especially for the industrial sector to create a
distribution system effectively and efficiently. The
expensive cost of logistics is caused by the deficiency in the II. LITERATURE REVIEW
selection of the type of modes of transportation that affect
A. Public Policy Strategy
the productivity of the company, the investment climate and
the trade facilities of a country [23]. According to the World Public policy is a series of actions proposed by a person,
Bank, Logistics Performance Index or Indonesia's logistics group or government in a particular environment, with
performance ranks 63 in 2016 and ranks 46 in 2018. existing threats and opportunities, where the proposed
Although the increasing logistics costs accounted for 24% of policy is intended to capitalize on the potential and
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. This is much overcome the obstacles in order to achieve a certain goal
higher than neighboring countries such as Malaysia and [9].
Thailand. This number is influenced by freight distribution The making of public policy must go through clear and
at the northern coast line of Java as one of the main traffic concrete stages, as examples: drafting agenda, formulating
corridors of the national economy with a total economic activities, adopting/legitimacy policy, implementing policy,
value reached Rp 1.963 trillion, accounted for 26.5% of total and evaluating policy [59]. After a policy is formulated with
a clear purpose, immediately do the implementation and the
execution is controlled by an evaluation system that is
These conditions make imbalances passenger load structured and systematic [20].
so that the production of each transport mode of
transportation in the island of Java also lame which is
B. Freight Transportation
dominated by trucks. This results in a smooth flow of traffic
is disrupted and road damage occurs faster due to the excess Transportation is an activity of transporting or carrying
capacity. [40]. In addition, the mobilization of the truck goods and/or passengers from one place to another [49].
loads in Java are also served by trains and ships but it will There are four types of transportation such as land
take longer and cost more than using trucks [38]. transportations that use motor vehicle as a facility moving
In previous research, according to Agus Mulyono Taufik on the highway, transportation of railway mode that moves
(2016), production of goods in transportation in units of on the rail, sea transportations that use vessels to transport
million on the important traffic each mode passengers, goods and/or animals in one trip or more than
in Java was 74.7% on the North Coast (Pantura) Line of one port to another port, and air transportation that flies in
Java, 14.1% on the Central Line, 4.7% of traffic on the the atmosphere due to the lifting force of the air reaction,
Southern Line, 1.1% on railways, 5.2% on the cruise line, but not because of the air reaction to the Earth's surface that
and 0.2% on the flight line. Meanwhile, the production of used for flights [33].
passenger transportation in units of million on These four modes of transportation have different cost
the important traffic each mode in Java was 64.8% on North structures depending on the transportation capacity and the
speed of the equipment used, as well as adjustments to the
Coast (Pantura) Line of Java, 21.3% on the Central Line,
prevailing transport flows, including the management of the
6.5% on the Southern Line, 6.5% on railways, 0.3% on the
cruise line, and 0.7% on the flight path. To improve the
company that regulates the course of the use of transport
capacities [3].
C. Freight Transportation Performance (Logistics)
where :
Performance is the level of achievement of a person or
employee in an organization or company that can increase = Euclidean distance
productivity. There are two factors that can affect the
performance of employees, internal factors and external = The deviation of homogeneity relations between
factors. In addition to human resources, performance is also with the dissmilarity of observable objects
influenced by the Supply Chain Management which
involves the production, delivery, storage, distribution, The guideline for the stress interpretation is as
sales, and the entire process involved therein to fulfill the follows.
product’s demand [2].
The measurements of logistics performance should be Tabel 2.1 Stress’ Interpretation
done to know the results of work achievement according to
what level should be achieved in the activities or according Stress Conformity
to the planned. So it is necessary to treat the performance of ≥ 20% Poor
logistics organization as something dynamic and 10% <stress< 20% Fair
5% <stress < 10% Good
continuously questionable. This will be accelerated to
2,5% <stress< 5% Excellent
improve logistics performance [34]. < 2,5% Perfect

D. Freight Transport Optimation Model E. Genetic Algorithm

Optimization is a systematic effort to determine the best Genetic Algorithm as a branch of the Evolution
choice of an existing set of elements [8]. In mathematical Algorithm is an adaptive method commonly used to solve a
contexts, optimization can be expressed as an attempt to find search for value in an optimization case. This algorithm is
the minimum or maximum value of a function, or is the based on the genetic process that exists in the living
process of finding the best value based on the goal function. creature, which is the development of generations in a
• Trade-Off Analysis (TOA) is a process in which natural population, gradually following the principle of the
stakeholders are involved to consider different natural selection process of "who is strong is he who
management strategies and determine the priorities of survives" [14].
the activities. This process requires information to be By imitating this evolutionary theory, Genetic Algorithm
able to answer questions from stakeholders regarding can be used to find solutions to problems in the real world.
the impact of each different activity on the resources Three important aspects for the use of Genetic Algorithms
at issue [5]. are:
1. Definition of fitness function
• Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is a technique used
to search for relationships between data spatially. 2. Definition and implementation of genetic representation
MDS can determine the dimensions at a minimum 3. Defenition and implementation of genetic operation
from a group of scale values in each dimension The variables and parameters used on the genetic
involved in it. MDS classifications are based on the algorithm are :
similarity of the data. If the data is qualitative is called 1. The fitness function that is owned by each individual to
nonmetric MDS, whereas for quantitative data is determine the level of conformity of the individuals with
metric MDS. The way MDS works is by grouping criterias that want to be achieved
objects that are adjacent to its attributes [15]. 2. The individual population involved in each generation
3. The probability of the occurance of crossover in a
The dissimilarity size between the object i and j, (dij),
is a function that meets the following requirements.
4. The probability of the occurance of mutation in each
1) dij ≥ 0, for each i dan j individual
2) dii= 0, for each i 5. The number of generations that will be formed to
determine the duration of application of the genetic
3) dij = dji algorithm
4) dik + djk≥ dij, for each i, j, and k In general, the structure of a genetic algorithm can be the
following steps:
Lack of Fit error is a double interval assessment 1. Raising the initial population
method by looking at stress values. This means that 2. Forming a new generation
the smaller the stress value gives an indication that the 3. Evaluating solutions
smaller the error between distances and the similarity While the genetic operator is used after the evaluation
value of the presented space. Stress can be interpreted process of the first phase forms a new population of current
informally based on the criteria guidelines on the generations. These operators are the selection operator,
relationship between similarity and the end distance. crossover and mutation.
Stress values are defined as follows [21]
III. METHODOLOGY 2011 53,1 77,8 4 41 240
2012 150 220,9 12 115 681
A. Data Source Easy to be
2013 58,7 86,2 5 45 266
The data that used in this research is a primary data rotten
2014 36,5 53,5 3 28 165
obtained through surveys and secondary data from previous
2015 27,9 41,2 2 21 127
studies. Here are the data’s source along with sampling
techniques. From Table 4.1 it is known that hard-to-be-rotten
goods and easy-to-be-rotten goods have the highest averages
Primary data is obtained by doing field surveys with pre-
in 2012. The following table is the characteristics of rail
defined sampling techniques, which is purposive sampling
by calculating each type of vehicle that has been specified in freight transport.
vehicle’s active hours on certain days. Table 4.2 Freight Distribution Characteristics by Year
Secondary data is obtained from data in the Study of The Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Conntainer Transport between The Corridor of Java-
Sumatra, published by the Ministry of Transportation in Freight Ton 3.746 4.910 6.263 8.429 7.690
2015. In addition, data can be taken from several previous Ton-
Ton - Km 1.811 2.178 2.645 3.564 3.458
studies which also discusses sea transportation as a mode of Km
freight transport especially on the North Coast (Pantura) Line Average
of Java. In addition, it takes reference from some reliable Freight Km 483 444 422 423 450
online news as an analysis of the mode of transportation.
From Table 4.2, it is known that from 2011 until 2015,
the highest number of distributed freights are in 2014.
B. Data Analysis Techniques
Therefore, it can be concluded that the closer average freight
The data analysis techniques used in this research are as distance, then more freights are distributed.
follows :
Table 4.3 Freight Distribution by Freight Type and Year
 Origin-Destination Matrix for performances and
existing condition of freight transport pattern. The TRAIN UNIT 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
methods are regression models, GIS, and MDS. Thousand
Crude Oil 338 396 501 580 518
 Optimization analysis by using Genetic Algorithm. Thousand
Fertilizer 0 0 6 0 8
 Alternative transport mode selection analysis by Tonnes
using TOA, and AP. Thousand
Cement 536 690 796 1.393 1.270
C. Analysis Steps Coal 2.418 2.939 3.772 4.646 4.791
The data analysis steps in this research are as follows : Plantation Thousand
67 276 194 215 104
Products Tonnes
 Analyzing Origin-Destination Matrix, performances, Thousand
and existing condition of freight transport pattern. Container 246 403 637 759 699
The methods are regression models, GIS, and MDS. Quartz Thousand
0 10 0 0 0
Sans Tonnes
 Modeling the patterns that are generated by those Thousand
three methods. Rubber 1 0 0 0 2
 Optimizing the model by using Genetic Algorithm Fast Thousand
12 15 51 49 18
Goods Tonnes
 Analyzing alternative transport mode by using TOA Passenger Thousand
and AP. Delivery Tonnes 26 35 37 42 32
 Analyzing policy strategies by using PRA. Thousand
Others 102 146 269 745 248
IV. ANALYSIS From Table 4.3, it can be concluded that of all freight
transported, coal is the most widely transported mining
A. Data Characteristics products and the number of freights transported tends to
Before analyzing MDS, it is necessary to look the increase.
characteristics of the data. The following table is the Tabel 4.4 Rail Freight Tranport by Year
descriptive statistics table.
Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics on Freight Distribution by Year
Km 796 796 796 796 796
Variables Year Mean StDev Min. Median Max. Distance
2011 357 407 45 248 1769 Weight- Thousand 2.984. 3.904 4.989 6.706. 6.116.
Jarak Tons-Km 588 .703 .147 723 818
2012 367 439 45 242 1897 Thousand 6.179, 8.794 11.82 15.855 13.592
Hard to be 2013 278,1 319,5 35 196 1385 Capacity Tons 27 ,38 2,62 ,14 ,93
2014 269,5 324,7 31 179 1397 Capacity- Thousand
2.433 3.884 5.560 7.426 5.903
Freight Tons
2015 200,6 216,2 26 141 945
From table 4.4 it can be concluded that from 2011 until D. Genetic Algorithm
2015, the biggest transported freight capacity is on 2014 In this research, optimization of road load balance will be
with 7,436 thousand tons. The following table is the carried out at 15 points of traffic jam on the North Coast
characteristics of sea freight transport. from 2011 until 2015. (Pantura) Line. Road load is each vehicle on the road
Table 4.5 Sea Freight Transport by Year accumulated with the weight of each vehicle with PCU
(Passenger Car Unit). Later, researcher will review whether
Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 the burden of the road at each point of traffic jam on the
Freight Ton 3.746 4.910 6.263 8.429 7.690 North Coast (Pantura) Line are not balanced. Then,
researcher will optimize the lane balance where the number
Ton - Km
1.811 2.178 2.645 3.564 3.458 of trucks that transport hard-to-be-rotten goods will be
Average compared with the weight of the goods themselves, because
Freight Km 483 444 422 423 450 the focus on this lane is trucks that load goods, especially
Distance hard-to-be-rotten goods. From the results of this
optimization, it is expected that consideration from existing
As can be seen from Table 4.5, the most transported policies and / or ideas to create new policies, especially those
freight by sea line are in 2014 with 8,429 tonnes and 423 km that have impacts on reducing traffic jam on North Coast
(Pantura) Line. This will further affect the long-term lane
average freight distance.
balance which results in improved economic turnover in
B. MDS Based on the Transported Freight Types and Indonesia. It also has impacts on increasing the duration of
Vehicle on the North Coast (Pantura) Line road resilience on the North Coast (Pantura) Line, as trucks
This research will classify traffic jam data on the North have a huge contribution to it.
Coast (Pantura) Line into several groups based on the type of
vehicle that passes through traffic jam on the North Coast E. Potential Underutilized Railways
(Pantura) Line and the total weight of transported freight Railways can be utilized for freight distribution.
types on North Coast (Pantura) Line. This MDS analysis Railways has an advantage that this line is a freeway.
results in several groups of traffic jam points where each However, the railways itself has not been used optimally
groups have similarities between their members but differs used in the distribution of goods. This is proven in the
from other group members. From the classifying results, a following table.
scenario will be conducted for optimization on the land line
and diversion on the line from Pantura to railways, as well as Table 4.7 Remaining Load Capacities of Railways
the sea line as an alternative.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

C. Regression Analysis Ton 3.746 4.910 6.263 8.429 7.690

The obtained data will be analyzed with multiple linear 1.811 2.178 2.645 3.564 3.458
regression analysis techniques that use computer software, Km 483 444 422 423 450
SPSS.16.0 for Windows. Based on calculations, linear
regression equation models can be made, where Y as the Table 4.7 shows that the remaining capacities railways
dependent variable is the density of vehicles on the North from 2011 to 2014 has increased but decreased in 2015. This
Coast (Pantura) Line, while X1 and X2 as independent shows that there is a shift in the allocation of distribution
variables are easy-to-be-rotten goods and hard-to-be-rotten from the railways to another that could be causing mode
goods. inefficiency. From this, railways have great potential to be
Correlation coefficient (R) of the model will show the utilized in the distribution of good.
relationship between the independent variables and the
dependent variable (Y). While the determination coefficient CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
(R2) shows that the density of the vehicle can be explained
by the independent variables’ coefficient value percentage. A. Conclusion
The coefficient of determination (r2) indicates which
Based on analysis towards identification of the existing
effect is dominant towards the vehicle density and between movement patterns on the North Coast (Pantura) Line with
easy-to-be-rotten goods and hard-to-be-rotten goods. the most dense flows, it can be concluded that freight
However, this research only diverts lines from North Coast transport by trucks has a major impact on traffic jam and
(Pantura) Line to railways and sea line for the hard-to-be- damaged road on the North Coast (Pantura) Line, shown by a
rotten goods because the land route is considered more large correlation between the effect of transporting freight by
efficient for easy-to-be-rotten by considering performance, trucks on this lane towards road density. This can actually be
both in terms of delivery and quality of goods. found a formula to reduce this impact, which is load
The big correlation between the effect of transporting balancing through regulatory considerations for trucks that
goods by trucks in this lane towards the density of vehicles transport hard-to-be-rotten goods and diverting lines from
shows that transporting goods by trucks have a major impact North Coast (Pantura) Line to railways or sea line.
on causing traffic jam and damaged road on the North Coast
(Pantura) Line. B. Recommendation
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